August 2011 Moms

Formula feeders

I obviously didn't do my homework because I feel totally clueless on the rules of feeding my baby.  It makes me want to breakdown and cry.  I breastfed for the first 3 days exclusively and due to my flat nipples, it was difficult each time.  I was completely worried he wasn't getting enough milk.  When we got home from the hospital, he would try to take my breast, but fussed and never completely latched on.  After a half of day I panicked and gave him formula.  Now he is 6 days old and I am having him try to breast feed every time 3 hours but he will only spend a frustrating few minutes on each and I know my milk hasn't come in yet, so I give him formula.  He's pooping and peeing just fine and is content in all other ways.  I guess I'm just frustrated that I "couldn't do" the breastfeeding thing.  

Are any of you in the same boat or strictly formula feeding?  It's amazing how bad people make you feel for not breastfeeding.   

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Re: Formula feeders

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    dont let people make you feel bad. Formula is not poison, even though some people would have you think so. I formula fed DS1 and he is a healthy, happy guy. I think it's good to give breastfeeding a shot, but if it doesn't work, then don't stress. You need to do what works for you. Good luck!
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    I didn't have enough milk supply, despite pumping and trying to feed him every two hours, and now we're strictly formula. I know many formula fed babies that are perfectly healthy, so you shouldn't feel bad. Your LO will still get good nutrition. I know how easy it is to feel bad - I certainly did - but don't beat yourself up about it. My LO eats about 3 ounces every two hours. That seems like a lot, but that's when he tells me he's hungry, so that's what we do! I'd talk to your pediatrician and see what he/she recommends as far as amounts/times go. Good luck!
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    I completely understand how you are feeling. With DD#1, I had flat nipples and we had a bad latch from the very beginning that made me bruised, cracked, and bleeding. I FF her in the hospital while my nipples healed and she never took the breast from there on out once I was healed, she screamed every time I put her to breastfeed. I ended up pumping and supplementing formula until I went back to work, then she was FF until 1 year old.

    With DD#2, she was breastfeeding like a champ in the hospital. Once we got home, that was a different story. Not only was I responsible for her, but also had a 21month old to care for and I just couldn't dedicate the 1.5 hours it was taking to BF LO every 2-3 hours. It was physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. I wasn't happy. LO was not happy and we ended up having to supplement with formula after feedings. It just wasn't worh it for me. I now pump and supplement with formula.

    Everyone has their opinion about what you should be doing for your LO, and most will act like you are raising a future criminal if you don't BF. I remember feeling like a total failure each time but there is absolutely nothing wrong with formula feeding. My DH works for Abbott Nutrition. His job is to market and sell Similac Products. If it were up to him, we would FF from the get go. DD#1 is turning out just fine after being fed formula. FWIW, most of the physicians that I work with do not BF their children, mainly because at my work they only get 6 weeks off work and its not worh it for them to get an established supply and then go back to work shortly after...

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    I am so with you on that one. LO wouldn't latch in the hospital and after testing his glucose I was basically told an IV drip or formula and I started feeding him formula. I spent four hours the first night trying to get him BF. Afterward if I tried he just screamed at me till he got his bottle. I am so tired of people making me feel bad because I am not BFing. I tried for goodness sake, he is happy healthy and poops and pees all the time. I will take him being healthy. :) Maybe next time but I have been trying my best to not let the comments get to me. GL!
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    We're straight FFing this time. BFing was not for me last time. Do what you need to do - FF is a perfectly fine way to feed your baby. GL!
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    I am an August 2010 mom, and ended up here accidently.  I felt compeled to reply, hope you don't mind.  DD was FF from the start, as we decided early on the BF was not right for our family for various reasons.  She was happy and well fed for a year, and transitioned to whole milk a few weeks ago with no problems.  I am an advocate for doing whatever is best for YOUR family.  Don't let anyone make you feel badly for choices you make about your baby.   GL!

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    The only "rules" I follow for feeding is to feed my baby when he is hungry and feed him in the way that is best for him and for me.  So, I don't necessarily stick to a three hour schedule, if he just ate an hour and a half ago but is signaling that he's hungry again then I feed him again (babies hit growth spurts and seemingly will eat all the time).  And, I formula feed because it's best for my children and for me.  I breast fed my first child and never produced enough milk and switched over to all formula around three months.  Never feel guilty for feeding your child in the way you know is best.

    Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

    Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

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