Canada Babies

Wednesday.. I already hate temping

Soo my temp went from 36.67 yesterday to 36.87 today.. either I'm KU or I'm going to have to start temping vaginally !! Annoying.

Raynes - let us know how your doc appt goes!!


Re: Wednesday.. I already hate temping

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    Where are you in your cycle? My temps did that in my luteal phase.


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    Today is CD28.. 5-6 days til AF is expected
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    That might be why your temp is crazy. Look at my chart. It's jumpy for the last couple days. It looks like its finally dropping now. Suppose to start AF tomorrow so we will see. This is my first cycle of BC patch so I don't know what's in store. I figure with LP lengths I could get AF anywhere from tomorrow till monday. I hope its tomorrow though so I'm not wondering at the wedding.


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    lol yeah, i'm POAS on Saturday cause I also have a wedding to go to so I want to know if I can have some drinks or not! Eventhough it's a bit early
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    If I dont have mine by Saturday I will be too. I shouldn't be because the timing is all off.. but incase MH has super sperm and lasted 5 days Stick out tongue. We are TTA till end of November but were not being overly cautious.


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    Haha I would love it if I was!! But first try, and just basing O off a calendar doesn't make my odds look too good!
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    On the bright side, if you aren't... you can drink this weekend :)  I


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    Haha yep! I won't get too drunk because it's a family wedding, but definitely a couple of drinks..

    I can't believe it's only Wednesday, this week seems to be crawling..

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    Yep and the day it self isn't going much faster. I am bored outta my mind at work. Boss isn't here. I am watching the great sperm race again :P


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    Hahaha at least you're done at Noon!! I still have 6 hours.. well 5 if you don't count lunch!
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    Yah that is true. I am super tired today though.. MH wouldn't leave our friend's house and it was already after midnight. He was drinking of course. My friend offered to drive him home when he was ready but I wouldn't let her because that's just not nice. So he finally came out of the house around 12:20am and we got home 12:30. Well of course he's snoring like a mad man because he was drinking and of course on his back making it worse. So needless to say I didn't fall asleep till probably 2am or later.


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    Ugh that's brutal. It was SO windy here last night it woke me up a few times!
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     I hate when things keep me up. I wish I could sleep through things like MH does. The house could be falling down around him and he would sleep through it haha.


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    MH is the same!! He'd sleep through a tornado lol


    I never thought to ask everyone (eventhough it's early for most of us) but have you guys thought about whether you're going to BF or FF? (Judgment free! Just curious)

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    BF and pump to get my future baby use to the bottle so I'm not stuck being the only one that can feed my child.


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    Yep I hear ya.. I'd like to pump mostly so I can get a supply in my freezer so I can stop BFing earlier and have the baby used to a bottle.
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    Good afternoon!  I'm finally back at work.  I had 2 appointments today, the first with a chiropodist (foot doctor) and it looks like I need orthotics, and the second at my doctor's office.

    The appointment with the nurse practitioner went well.  No one came into the room screaming that I wasn't KU, so I guess that's good.  Apparently I'm pretty low risk, so for now I don't go back in for another 4 weeks, and barring any complications with bleeding or anything, I won't have my first U/S until 18 weeks.  We might get to hear the heart beat at the next appointment though!  I did get sent for blood work (including betas, though I have no idea if I'll find out those results) and that went well, except that she ended up having to draw from both arms because the needle thing broke and my blood was going everywhere when she tried to change vials.  Now I'm hiding in a sweater so one one asks questions!!

    BF vs. FF, my intention is to BF as much as possible and probably pump and bottle feed if we can.  I have no idea really.

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    We might get to hear the heart beat at the next appointment though!  I did get sent for blood work (including betas, though I have no idea if I'll find out those results) and that went well, except that she ended up having to draw from both arms because the needle thing broke and my blood was going everywhere when she tried to change vials.  Now I'm hiding in a sweater so one one asks questions!!

    That's super exciting! and SUPER gross!! lol I hate needles, I would've freaked out!!

    P.S I never asked, what's your EDD??

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    Yeah, it's a good thing I'm fine with blood (I've donated a whole whack of times) or I would have been done for.  It spurted out onto the labels (she had to get more printed) and on the table and stuff.  Fun!!!

    Based on my LMP, my EDD is April 26, 2012, but FF says April 29th based on O day.  I think I'll update my ticker to the LMP one, as that's what my doctor will be going off, and since I won't be having a dating U/S, then it won't be changing for a while!

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    April babies are great, they'll be old enough by Summer that you can be active and enjoy it and hopefully not still sleepless!

    If I'm not KU, I'm having some serious phantom symptoms or I'm PMSing early! LOL I'm getting annoyed and extremely impatient!!

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    Great news Raynes! So glad it went well for you (aside from the blood thing, not cool! I would have passed out for sure lol).

     I can't breast feed Sad When I was 20 I had a breast reduction and I knew going into it that the type of reduction they did would make it impossible to breast feed. At 20 I figured who cares, I didn't want kids (oh hindsight I loath thee!). So it'll be bottles for us. I wish the plastic surgeon had really pushed the issue and asked me more then once to really think about it but what can you do.

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    I didn't know if you had a reduction you couldn't BF? I'm guessing you had serious back pain and stuff.. what size did you go from and what are you now? (if you don't mind me asking...)
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    I didn't know if you had a reduction you couldn't BF? I'm guessing you had serious back pain and stuff.. what size did you go from and what are you now? (if you don't mind me asking...)


    Most  of the time you can still BF but it depends on the type of reduction they do. There's really 2 ways to do a reduction (you can google it, I wont tell the gory details) and 80% of the time the one (easy) way is done. In some cases if the reduction is a large one they go the other route and it's more intense and unfortunately because of HOW they do it, it's physically impossible to BF. The other downside is that I did loose a bit (not all thank god) but a bit if feeling in my nipples. I went from what the plastic surgeon classed as a large H/Small I to a Large C/Small D. I lost 7 pounds on each breast (total of 14 pounds lost). My back pain was so intense before. I was 5'9, weight 150 pounds and had these giant boobs and it was sooooo brutal. Finally when I was 20 my fam Dr said he recommended I have it done and I'm SO thankful I did. Now I've gained alot of weight since then and now they're about a DD but whenever I loose weight (I'm a notorious dieter) they shrink. Another plus was when they did the reduction they did a lift/tuck so I'll have forever perky boobies lol

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    Ohh wow! See I'm surprised I DON'T have back pain because I'm 5'3 and I have F's ! I'm kind of dreading them getting bigger with pregnancy though! lol

    Yours might not be forever perky, lifts don't last forever plus pregnancy changes everything Wink

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    lol Oh I know I can hope though! I am really happy I did it though.
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
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    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    Well that's good! Sucks about BFing but formula these days is SO close to breast milk so it's not a big deal
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    Well the other issue I ran into is the surgeon had said because of my original size, there was a good probability I wouldn't have been able to BF without the surgery because the way the ducts in a woman's breasts run, they might have been stretched too thin. So who knows!
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    I'm so looking forward to finishing having kids so I can have a breast reduction.  I'm a 34FF and they are already more full (and holy poop they're sore).  I always discounted the idea of a reduction before because of the BF'ing issues, so it's interesting to hear that it might still have been ok. 
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    Holy big boob club! LOL I don't think I'd ever get a reduction unless after kids they stay bigger than they are now + I have any back pain.
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    I'm so looking forward to finishing having kids so I can have a breast reduction.  I'm a 34FF and they are already more full (and holy poop they're sore).  I always discounted the idea of a reduction before because of the BF'ing issues, so it's interesting to hear that it might still have been ok. 


    There's the Pedicle Method, which is the one most women have. My girlfriend had it done that way and she's able to BF no problem. I had the FNG Method (Free Nipple Graft). I really wouldn't recommend the FNG method. A lot of surgeons try to push it because it's easier for them but it's not necessary most of the time. I found out after I had mine that I didn't need the FNG. I was really upset. The FNG method is much more painful in terms of recovery. My GR had the Pedicle Method and was back to work 2 days later and never had an issue. I was off for 6 weeks, couldn't move my arms and it took a year for me to heal enough to fully feel myself again. So if you ever look into it, always get a 2nd of 3rd opinion if the surgeon recommends FNG Method to you. I'm happy I had the reduction because it improved things, but I wish I would have gotten a 2nd opinion.

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    That's good information !

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    I just heard on the radio right now that there are Tornado warnings for my city/county as well as Toronto and most of Southern Ontario. You ladies be careful tonight! Batten down the hatches lol
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    Oh yeah, there's tornado watches all over the damn place!! Looks like I'll be spending my evening hiding in the basement!
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    Well, I'm glad I closed the windows and turned on the A/C before I left the house this morning!

    Stay safe everyone!

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    I'm going to my parents house to visit and hide lol. We don't really have a basement. I mean we do, but it's not finished and I'd rather face a Tornado then tackle the creepy crawly nasty ass spiders in our basement lol
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    Oy my windows are all open lol good thing I'm out of here in 20 mins! Yikes, I'm glad I have a finished basement.. hope it's just a "watch" and nothing actually happens! Fingers crossed, be careful guys!
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    Craziest thing ever just happened here at work. My boss' truck was stolen over a year and half ago. They found his truck in pieces at a chop shop but never recovered any of his belongings. Amongst the things stolen was his planner with Landscape designs and sketches he had been working on for our corporate projects. It was a huge loss and cost us HOURS of time to remake them. About 10 minutes ago he walked out to his new truck, in our parking lot to get something and sitting on the passenger seat was his planner with all his paperwork and designs. So someone broke into his new truck and returned all his stuff. Security is checking the camera's now. How insane is that!?!?
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    That is CRAZY!! and after a year and a half?! random!!
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    I know!! It's in good shape so it wasn't left outside anywhere and found. It was stolen in March last year so it wouldn't have survived the weather outside. Someone had it inside. I don't understand breaking into his truck to return it though. Why not just drop it on the front steps of the building or at reception and say you found it. Unless it was the person who stole the truck returning it, then they probably didn't want to get caught on camera. Little do they know we have cameras everywhere outside too.
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
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    Wow I missed a lot this afternoon. I'm only a 32D so I'm not really part of the big boobs club. My poor SIL is like 5'3" with F's.. she's gonna get a reduction but not until she has kids.

    I can't believe the weather lately... first earthquake and now tornado? WTH mother nature... who p!ssed in her cornflakes!!!

    OH and ladies with the Life Brand BBT.. I remember you talking the other day about it not saving the last temp like it says... Well I was playing around with mine and I found out it actually does. If you take your temp, shut it off.. then when you turn it on the next time, you have to hold the button down and it will pull up the last temp. However, it will only do it once. If you turn it off after doing it and trying again, it won't be there anymore. Just thought I would share my discovery. Try it and see if you can replicate my results. I tested my theory twice :)


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