Pregnant after 35

Hello 2nd tri! NT numbers back

I am so glad to be crossing the threshold into the second trimester and feel (a little) more at ease.  To everyone who can enjoy pregnancy I envy you, I'm trying as we are likely two and through.

Also just got my initial NT numbers back 1:4400 for DS, and 1:9300 for Trisomy 18. I'll happily take those (testing like a 19 year old! - take that AMA stamp on my chart!).

Re: Hello 2nd tri! NT numbers back

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    Whooo hoooo to the second trimester and the great numbers!!!!  It is true the AMA stamp can stick it where the sun doesn't shine :) 

    One trimester closer to baby Party!!!

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    YEA to second tri and YEA to great NT numbers.  SUCK IT AMA STAMP!!!

    I'm with you on the trying to enjoy the pregnancy.  I think once I can feel LO move I'll be able to enjoy it more. 

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    Hooray! Great numbers. Welcome to the 2T!
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