
PIO shots vs. suppositories

I feel like I've posted on here a million times.... Sorry this is my first ivf, so I have lots of questions 

tonight DH hit me in the nerve on the shot... Dropped me straight to the ground. He cried he felt so bad. The progesterone shots just aren't going well for us. Does anyone have experience with the suppositories? Are they as effective?

 Going to call and talk to my nurse Monday but wanted to have some info to base my questions on 

Re: PIO shots vs. suppositories

  • My RE didn't give me an option, pio only. Have you tried laying down during the shot? That is the only way I can handle them. Also, I had my nurse draw lines on me at my appt Friday, because I felt like they were getting more painful. Well, that is because DH was going lower and lower. The drawn lines really help! 


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  • I am on pio and suppositories. I am lucky that DH is pretty damn good at the shots despite his despising needles. Try laying down and using drawn lines like a PP said. Ice your butt for 15 min to numb it.

    Frankly my crotch feels gross when using the suppositories. I feel like have peed my pants.

    Good luck.
    Pursing Domestic Infant Adoption through a local agency. In the meantime, our dog is our baby.  Bumping from Portland, Oregon. 
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  • I was on PIO shots for my last IVF. This IVF we have switched RE's and he does the supplements. We are OOP and I've heard the shots are cheaper and I handled them well. So I'm a little nervous to do the supplements, I'm still stimming. Guess I will have to wait and see too. Hope you find a solution soon.

    Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY!  Aiden was born 08/20/2013.

    IVF #2 is in progress.  ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI.  ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived.  We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14.  1st beta - 111.  2nd beta - 159 didn't double :( 3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic.  Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome?  06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope!  06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally!  06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great :)  EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!

     "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."


    BabyFruit Ticker

      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • My RE says they have a back up plan for those that can't do the shots, so I'm sure yours will have one too! 
    Me: 37, DH: 38: ttc 7 years, dx: unknown
    10/11: after 2 years, saw a RE, FSH 5.4
    11/11: BFP! (surprise after thyroid & normal hsg),
    12/11: missed m/c after 7 week u/s, 1/12: D&C
    6/12 IUI#1-IUI #3: clomid = BFP!, C/P
    IVF #1(10/12) FSH 5.4, AFC: 16 long Lupron, 5R/5M/4F, all 4 made it to 5dt, 1 blast/1-8 cell transferred=BFN
    IVF #2(12/12)AFC 21, MD lupron, 4R/4M/3F, 5dt of 1 blast and 2-8cell. BFN.
    IVF#3(4/13) Natural start antagon protocol, 12R,11F. one PGS normal at day 6 transfer. BFN.
    IVF#4 (11/13) C.CRM (ODW.U normal 8/13 Still no Diagnosis) EPP/antagonist. ER 13R/7M/6F. Only 1 made it to freeze. Abnormal. Looking into options of DE, Fresh vs frozen.
    10/14 new local RE to look into what's next. CD3 FSH 4.7, AMH 0.9. Met with DE agencies and exploring options for feb/march 2015.
    Surprise natural bfp (4 days before donor is signed). Beta #1 at 9dpo: 51.8, 2nd beta: 195 (25 hours doubling) @11dpo. 3rd beta (12/15): 516 (35 hrs doubling) 4th beta(12/17): 895 (58 hours doubling) 5th beta(12/19): 2120. U/S at 5w0d(12/22): one gestational sac with yolk sac. U/S #2 (6w0d)12/29. One little bean measuring 6w0d with HR 124. 3rd u/s(1/4)7w0d: baby measuring 7w2d. HR 134. 3/30: A/S at MFM went great except for low lying placenta. Verifi results are normal! Team Blue! Please send any positive thoughts our way! EDD:8/24/2015
    Baby Will born 8/18. He's perfect.
  • I was on shots and suppositories simultaneously, and I have to say I preferred the shots, which went better than expected for me.  My RE does suppositories for IUI cycles but always adds in PIO for IVF because she has had better results that way.  However, if you are having a hard time with it, it's worth discussing with your RE or nurse.  If they don't have a backup plan for you, they may be able to at least offer you advice to help it go more smoothly.  Hang in there!
    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My tips and tricks for PIO are to lay down, ice the area with a refreezable gel pack mine has Disney princesses on it until my husband flick the area and it not hurt too much 510 min. After injection, have him rub the area for a few minutes. Then, apply a reusable heating pack microwaveable for 20 minutes. Then switch it over to the other side we alternated sides each night for about 10 minutes. I didn't have any lumps and my butt didn't hurt too much. Hope this helps if you have to stay on PIO!
    Dx PCOS 2006 - on Metformin
    Dx Hypothyroid 2009 - on Synthroid
    TTC since 12/2009
    DH - Low Sperm Count

    IVF with ICSI Cycle #1 - October/November- 10/11 Begin Lupron, 10/20 Begin 300iu Gonal-F, Trigger 10/31, ER 11/2, 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 6 fertilized, ET 11/5 - 2 Grade 1 8 cells, 2 frozen blasts (5BA, 3BB), Beta #1 @ 8dp3dt: 7, Beta #2 @ 11dp3dt: 2 :(

    IVF with ICSI Cycle #2 - January - 12/30 Begin Lupron, 1/8 Begin 300iu Gonal-F, ER 1/20, 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 6 fertilized, ET 1/25 - 2 blasts (grades 4BA, 1)

    Everyone Welcome

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  • Speaking as a DH who has had to give the shots before as part of an IUI regimen, so I can completely understand your DH's reaction to hitting the nerve. I had a dentist hit the nerve once, and it burns like crazy for a few seconds. Icing the area, and laying down as everyone suggests are great ideas, but sometimes you just get unlucky with hitting a nerve, at least that is what my dentist told me when I ask him what had happened, and he gives injections every day. If it's a real problem, the only solution is really to have your RE do it I guess, but that's going to cost a lost given how often you'd have to go it. You could also have an at-home nurse come by every day to do it too, which may be cheaper.

    Best of luck and may you never have your nerves hit again :)

    TTC since October 2011. No luck yet :( But am learning lots and happy to share stuff we learn. Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • I had a really bad reaction to the suppositories when I needed them for the iui.  My vision was blurry and I felt like I was possessed.  I was crazy.  I told dh that I could feel the rage pulsating through my body and he should leave before I hurt him.  And I was so crazy that he slept on the couch!  So I am happy to have the shots, I always iced first and it did not hurt.  But I do not think that they ever hit a nerve.  If you dh is scared to do it again (understandable) do you have anyone else who could do it? Like when my dh was oot I had my dad do it. 
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  • Thanks for all the ideas guys. I'm definitely going to try laying down and icing. Hopefully that will help.  It makes it harder to handle to shots especially with all the bad news we've had. We only got 2 eggs to fertilize and both are grade 4  embryos :(
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