August 2011 Moms

due 8/26???

If you are due the 26th, or around there, how are you feeling? How have your appointments been going? Do you have everything ready? Feel ready? 


I'm scheduled for a repeat c/s on the 25th, but am curious if I'll make it to then. I was induced last time at 39 weeks due to pre-e, but haven't had any issues at all this time, so I have no idea what my body has in store.  I feel sort of ready, and just about everything at home is ready or here to get ready. 

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Re: due 8/26???

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    I am due the 28th. I am feeling good so far! While I can't wait to meet my little girl, I do want to her to stay put awhile longer. I have a high risk of preterm labor so I have always just hoped to stay pregnant as long as possible. She is breech (not expected to change due to a uterine abnormality) so my doctor will schedule a c-section if I am still pregnant at 39 weeks (he will check to make sure she is still breech also). We have everything mostly ready. All the baby stuff is done, now it is just little projects we would like to finish up beforehand!

     I hope the rest of this pregnancy goes well for you with no pre-e!

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    I'm due 8/26 too :) I feel ready and am almost done with most of the things I need to do. I packed my bag a few days ago- wishful thinking...and I'm making the meals to freeze today and tomorrow (which I've been dreading!)

    Things seem to be fine, although I am feeling sooo much pressure the past week or so, which I don't remember feeling with DS...which was only 14 months ago lol! I go on Wed for my GBS test and to see if I'm dilated any more, I was 1 cm at my 34 week appt. Good luck to you!

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    I am due the 26th too!  And I feel GREAT!  I just started maternity leave on Friday and that has been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. My job is fairly physical for a pregnant woman especialy at 8 months so I am glad it is over for a while! I am still walking a few miles everyday, maybe a little more now that I am on leave and am not so tired in the evenings much to my dogs' happiness. 

    As for being ready, HELL NO!  Our nursery was torn upsidedown this week due to some construction going on in our crawl space to put fans in our bathrooms. So I need the next 3 1/2 weeks to reorganize Our carseats still need to be inspected because I don't think they are in correctly, toys need to be washed, botttles need sterilization, and hospital bags need packing.  This list actually makes me feel even less prepared!  YIKES! So I am glad I haven't made any progress whatsoever!

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    Due 8/29 but when I went to my 34 wk checkup I had the OB do an internal just to see where I was. I believe I started dropping a day or 2 before the appt. The doc did a really quick internal, like he was afraid that if he tried to do more measurements it might induce contractions. I believe I was dilated about 1.5 - 2cm already. He told me I might not make it to my due date. Also, at night I feel LO move further down into my cervix. I'm just waiting for the night that my water breaks. Basically ready, but then again not. Hoping she makes it to wk 37!
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    I am due the 24th and feeling pretty good. I've started having contractions recently. They feel more intense every day, and my back is KILLING me, but my LO is moving around and doing her thing. Makes me laugh at how funny she is!!!

    My appts have been going alright. My LO is measuring really small, which makes me worried. We go for some u/s tmw (again) to see how she's doing. Makes me really nervous and worried, and then right after we have our regular weekly appt with the o.b. and figure out what's going on then with our baby girl.

    Being a FTM I am pretty sure we have everything set that we need, but not really sure to be honest. We have the bassinet, the crib, diaper changing station, diapers, wipes and clothes, lots and lots of clothes....her nursery is basically all done, just gotta move the dog crate out of it.

    I cannot wait for my little girl to get here!!!!!! It's weird that 40 weeks is almost over. Feels like it's been a long time sometimes, and then at other times it seems like we just had our BFP yesterday.

    Good luck to you these next three weeks!!!!!

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    Due 8/27. We have nothing ready, but it still hasn't kicked me into gear. She has dropped so I feel a lot of pain and pressure on my lower back and in between my legs. Other than that, I feel fine. I hope I go a little early, but I'd like to make it another 2 weeks:)
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    I am due 8/29 and I feel pretty ready... We had a big Pre-Term Labor scare at 28 weeks so I am very happy that I have stayed pregnant this long, though my goal is to make it to 37 weeks...

    Last week at my appointment I was 1.5cm and 80% effaced...  My next appointment is tomorrow so we will have to see where I am at... I have been having a decent amount of contractions today and have started in with some loose BMs which is what happened right before I went into full blown labor with DS...

    I have a few more projects that I would like to get done before her arrival, but if I don't, it isn't the end of the world...

     Good luck to all you ladies!!

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    due the 26th and im ready but everything around me is not ready :)

    the nursery is still in construction mode and all the baby stuff is in a pile waiting to be put away....clothes are washed however and in the dresser so thats a start...gonna work on my hospital bag tonight or tomorrow...bottles are washed up and stored. Have a few more items to pick up at the store but nothing major.

    I feel good, just wish I could sleep longer than 1-2 hour naps at night...this getting up to pee constantly is getting old. Cant wait to stop working but working till the end so  I can have more time off with my LO

    Excited to see her :)

    Had my 36 week appt this past friday and baby is low according to do and im 2 cm dilated. Next appt is this friday as Im starting my weeklys. he also did my cultures this visit so waiting to hear the results of those.

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    I am due 8/25 but have a scheld c/s on 8/15. Feeling ok.... swollen feet w/ pitting so Im concerned about that-- but other than that Im pretty good!!!
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    I'm due 8/31 and have been feeling great.  Usually start to feel crappy around 5-6pm so I've been making it through work ok which is great.  We're just starting the nursery this week and had our shower today so we're hoping to really start our nesting this week.  I'm hoping to make it to the end, I need more time to mentally prep for our LO to arrive


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    I am freaking done.  My back is KILLING me and my pelvis keeps popping, and I am in physical therapy 3x a week.  My scheduled csection is 8/26 (39weeks) so maybe she'll be early. 
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    I am due the 22nd of August and I feel so .....hmmm, like a sloth. It kills to walk a few steps, bend, and get out of bed b/c of Braxton Hicks contractions, shooting horrendous pains in my vagina and my joints feeling like i have terrible arthritis when i wake up 5 times a night to use the restroom......

    I haven't worked since the first week of June so thank goodness I don't have that to contend with. I just don't know how some women can feel good at this stage - I feel very old......and I used to be a very physically active person - biking, walking, tennis, gardening, yard work - - -  I've gained 38 pounds so it's not like I've gained 60 and I was a very normal weight to begin with.....? I just don't know why I seem to be so miserable compared to other women.....well, thankfully I have a doting husband who has totally cared for me!

     I hope all of you do/feel well the next couple of weeks - it's so exciting!

    Oh yes, I feel pretty ready - I have the bare minimum to get us started - we'll continue to buy more when we know if we have a boy or girl! Just need to get a thermometer and probably another NB outfit. 

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    I am due the 25th. I'm feeling fine, lost my mucous plug this weekend and last week I was 1 cm, and have had some crazy hard contractions since then (Thursday they were lasting 2 minutes, 5 minutes apart for 2 hours) so I'm hoping to be at least another cm at my appt Wednesday.

    Sometimes I think I'm ready then other times I'm not. I'm ready to meet him, but I'm not ready to be done with this pregnancy since it's my last time!

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    I'm due 8/25.  I've never had weekly appts...had 32 then 36, and will have 38 and 40 coming up.  But my 36 went fine.  Had an unexpected u/s and got to see our little cutie all squished in there, sucking on his/her hands.  

    Nothing is ready, I have SO MUCH TO DO.  I am for sure needing to get busy.  But, I'm officially on maternity leave now, so as long as baby stays put another two weeks or so, I should start to feel a lot *more* ready.  :) 

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