Pregnant after a Loss

pregnant after losing my son

well, im pregnant..horay! i am very excited, although i am as worried as i am happy. in april i had a c-section with my son at 23 weeks. i woke up one morning and was in terrible pain (having contractions). my bf rushed me to the hospital and i was already 5 cm dilated. i was horrified. they gave me 2 shots of steroids to try and prepare his lungs for delivery. 4 days later i was fully dilated and for fear of him slipping down into the birth canal they performed a c-section. he was 1 pound and tiny. seeing him in that incubator with a ventilator helping him breath was gut wrenching. all i wanted to to was hold him, and put him back in my belly. after 10 days he got a bad infection and passed away. i thought id never breath again. it was like dying myself. my bf and i had been trying for sometime to get pregnant and before my son we had a misscarriage at 6 weeks. after my son passed i wasnt sure if i would ever want to be pregnant again, for fear of the same thing happening. my ob was a total idiot. i actually bled all through the pregnancy and would call her every week trying to get her to run tests or figure out what was wrong. after the whole ordeal i went for a check up, i asked her if there was anything that we could do next time, she handed me a pamphlet and said "it happens." i couldnt believe it. i left her office and went right to a fertility Dr. he found that i have a blood clotting dissorder with a mthfr gene mutation. that is what caused pre term labor.  anyway, i am pregnant now, exactly 3 months after my son was born and i am scared to death.  i will have to be on heparin shots all through this pregnancy. has anyone else been though anything like this?


Re: pregnant after losing my son

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    First off, I am so very sorry for your loss. We lost our Emily at 20w2d and know exactly how you felt. The thought of moving forward seemed impossible, but here we are. I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months and I hope you find these ladies to be the source of support and kindness that I have :)

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    I am very sorry for your loss!

    We lost our son, Gabriel, at 22 weeks due to a cord accident.  We went back and forth between trying again and being grateful for the three blessings we already had.  We were told to wait 3 - 6 months before TTC again and we decided in April 2011 that we would try again.   

    Here I am, 7 weeks pregnant!  It is hard and every day I worry.  I found a new, amazing OB/GYN who I adore and she has been great about getting me in for beta level testing and early u/s.  

    Good luck to you!

    DD#1 11/7/04 DS#1 6/24/06 Chemical Pregnancy 6/08 DD#2 1/28/10 after secondary infertility, Clomid, & acupuncture missed m/c 6/2010 at 8 weeks (baby stopped growing @ 5.5) DS born sleeping 1/13/2011 due to cord accident at 22 weeks. DD#3 3/10/2012
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    im sorry for your loss also. i guess being scared you cant escape! im sure the secret is a amazing ob, thats what im currently looking for!
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    I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.  I am also sorry that you had such a crappy OB.  I wish you a happy & healthy 9 months.
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    I'm so sorry for your loss.  We lost our daughter at 22 weeks in September due to preterm labor and incompetant cervix.  It's an emotional journey starting over again but here we are.  This is a great board to post on.  However, I do not have any experience with heparin shots, but I've seen others mention it on the board before.  Best of luck to you!
    ?DD 9/17/10 22wks I carry you in my heart.?
    bfp#2 2/14/11? cerclage placed at 13 weeks
    ?DS 9/29/11 36 wks 3 days 8lb 20 1/4" ?
    bfp#3 12/15/12 CP 12/27/12
    bfp#4 2/25/13
    beta#1 51 beta#2 163 beta#3 1,370
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    I am also sorry for your loss and wish you the best happy & healthy 9!
    Alina Riley 2/22/09- My Baby Bunny :) M/C at 5 weeks 6/30/10 Missed M/C at 10w1d, 10/18/10, D&C 10/19/10 12/25/10 +BFP, Stick baby, Stick! 1/31/11 diagnosed compound heterozygous for MTHFR 2/5/11 subchorianic hematoma found put on one weeks bed rest 3/13/11 ITS A BOY! BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you a H&H 9 months. Congrats!
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    Unfortunately I have almost the exact same story.  Jan 09 I found I was pregnant with out would be 2nd baby.  Around 8 weeks I started to bleed and it continued.... It was found that a part of the sac didn't fully adhere to my ute so it started to collect blood and the blood kept leaking out.  Around 16 w my water broke due to the blood wearing down the bag of water.  At 20 w I started having contractions and it was found that I had an infection so they had to induce me as I would have lost my ute and the baby if the infection spread .  My dear son only lived 4 hrs on the outside.  And being so early there was not much they did or said they could do.

    So I understand where you are coming from with the bleeding and the loss.  When I finally got preg again with DD#2 I had consistant cervix checks and was on 17P shots weekly from 20 w on.  This preg will be the same but the shots will start at 16 wk.   I changed docs as well be cause my doc for my son was just a pain and so cold no feeling for what we were going through.

    GL T&P's that you have a H&H 9 months and your worry gets to convert to the love of a lo. 

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    I'm so very sorry for your loss.  I went into labor and delivered my twins at just over 13 weeks.  Definitely a different situation, but I had also been bleeding throughout the pregnancy.  I have not been diagnosed with a definite clotting disorder yet, but they suspect that I have one.  I am currently on baby aspirin and Lovenox injections daily until 34 weeks, when I will be switched to Heparin.  It's not fun, but it's not awful and is totally worth it.  

    Congratulations on this pregnancy and welcome to the board.  I hope you find lots of comfort and support here.  Wishing you a happy, healthy and uneventful 9 months.  

    TTC #1 since 8/09
    BFP#1 - 9/2/10, EDD 5/14/11, Twins Hannah and Liam lost 11/7/10 @ 13w1d.
    BFP #2 - 2/9/11, EDD 10/13/11, LO lost 2/13/11 @ 5w4d
    BFP #3 - 5/9/11, DS born 1/13/12

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    ~*~My BFP Chart~*~Our Story~*~
    ~*~Labor Buddies with Sweet Turnip - Welcome Baby Girl 2/23/12 & Aluenna - Welcome Ivy 1/6/12~*~
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