December 2010 Moms

solids frustration

I can't find a good rhythm for our solids...Alexander just is not that interested in them.  I tried to feed a half hour to an hour after the bottle, he wouldn't eat.  So, I tried them before the bottle in hopes that maybe he could eat an ounce or two just for the practice.  He wouldn't eat.  I am fast wasting my whole supply of both homemade and store bought food.  I end up throwing most of it out because he just won't eat it, and doesn't seem to care.  He does not like puffs or yogurt bites (he spits them out).  He does not like food off my plate (he spits it out). I'm at a loss at what to do to get this baby to eat.

BTW, this is kind of recent.  He used to show interest in certain foods, opening his mouth for more, etc.  Now he just doesn't do that.  

Any suggestions or anyone going through something similar?

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Re: solids frustration

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    I went through this with DD. Whenever she was working on a major milestone, she could care less about solids. I just upped the ounces she was getting in her bottle and offered her cheerios, puffs or yogurt drops at meal times. That way I didn't have to throw any of the good stuff out when she refused. She ended up getting back on track on her own once she wasn't so concerned with exploring the world. When she started showing interest in the puffs or whatever, I put down some pieces of cheese and canned pear. After a couple of days, we were back in our meal time routine again.

    She did end up doing the complete opposite around 9 months. She would only eat cheerios and drank very little milk or water. I was super stressed out, but she was too worried about figuring out how to walk to care.

    As long as he is acting fine, I wouldn't worry about this at all. He'll get back into eating solids soon!

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    Maybe try letting him hold the spoon? Sometimes while feeding DS, he starts to get either disinterested, or he just starts clamming up. so, take a break, give him the spoon & let him put it in his mouth. then when he gets it in, I make a big deal about it w/ praising. Then I either take the spoon back & continue feeding him, or just let him hold that spoon while I use another.

    Another thing I do is, since he loves drinking out of cups & he also loves to grab his little mug I use to feed him, I just let him drink his food straight out of the mug, lol. Some of the homemade stuff is watery & lends itself to drinking anyway, so usually toward the end of the serving, I give in & let him drink it.


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    Are you eating with him?  I found that Ari was way more interested in solids if we were eating together.  Even more interested if we were eating the same food.  I'm getting a little sick of chicken, rice and broccoli for dinner  but he loves it.

    I got a feeding chart from the doctor's office the other day.  It recommends offering solids before BM or formula.  This encourages them to eat more foods. 

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    Two thoughts:

    One is that neither of my children have liked my home-made baby food. I've thought it tasted fine, but they refuse after a spoonful or two. They eat jars. So I buy jars carefully, but use store bought jars.

    My other thought is that M is MUCH more into finger foods than W was - to the point that she will happily forgo something like applesauce (a big like!) for a cream cheese sandwhich to munch on. Maybe try more of a BLW approach?

    Mum to W (4) and M (nearly 2)
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    G is exactly the same. Exactly! I've given up on solids at this point. I just try and offer him a little every now and then. I figure he'll eat when he's ready. I've wasted too much food and too many tears on the issue.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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    kj07kj07 member
    I was just reading the 7-month chapter in Terry Brazelton's Touchpoints and it sounds like, as one of the PPs mentioned, it's pretty normal for kids to lose interest in solids as they're working on mastering milestones.  His advice is to not worry about it too much since they're still just for practice at this point.  Offer, but don't make it a battle.
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    My LO is losing interest in the bottle!?!?!  Try dishing out your solids into another small dish.  That way you won't waste much.  If you are making food, try adding something yummy like cinnamon or applesauce to whatever you are making.  If you guys are new to solids, add BM or F to the food so it tastes more familiar!?!?!?
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    I'm late to the conversation, but I just wanted to say Jack went through the same thing and I figured out that he really just wanted to try feeding himself.  I got a rice-cooker paddle thing and let him hold the sides while I fed him with it, and then we transitioned back to the spoon. 

    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
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