Trouble TTC

IUI #1.2 done

Today's count was 900,000 (compared to yesterdays 100,000). ?The dr. still wasn't too happy, but I was much happier than yesterday. ?

Today was much more comfortable than yesterday and I haven't had any cramping at all. ?We made our next appt for 2 weeks from today and are hoping for the best :)?

TTC #1 since 09/10
Me: 32 DH: 34
5/17/11 SA- count 38 mil, low motility, traces of white blood cells (2 weeks antibiotics)
6/16/11 SA- count 23 mil, low motility, referred to urologist
dx varicocele
DH ultrasound
6/27/11 SA- count 101 mil, 36% motility, 5% morphology
IUI #1 50 mg Clomid: Back -2- back: 7/27/11 & 7/28/11 = BFN
IUI #2 100 mg Clomid: Back -2- back: 8/25/11 & 8/26/11= BFN
IVF #1(Ganirelix, Follistim, Menopur) ER 11/16/11,ET 11/21/11= BFP 11/29
P/SAIF Welcome
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Re: IUI #1.2 done

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    All it takes it one! ;) Fingers and toes crossed for you! Good luck! 
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    All it takes it one! ;) Fingers and toes crossed for you! Good luck!?

    This is what I keep telling DH. ?He was pretty upset yesterday.?

    TTC #1 since 09/10
    Me: 32 DH: 34
    5/17/11 SA- count 38 mil, low motility, traces of white blood cells (2 weeks antibiotics)
    6/16/11 SA- count 23 mil, low motility, referred to urologist
    dx varicocele
    DH ultrasound
    6/27/11 SA- count 101 mil, 36% motility, 5% morphology
    IUI #1 50 mg Clomid: Back -2- back: 7/27/11 & 7/28/11 = BFN
    IUI #2 100 mg Clomid: Back -2- back: 8/25/11 & 8/26/11= BFN
    IVF #1(Ganirelix, Follistim, Menopur) ER 11/16/11,ET 11/21/11= BFP 11/29
    P/SAIF Welcome
    Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    Today's count was 900,000 (compared to yesterdays 100,000).  The dr. still wasn't too happy, but I was much happier than yesterday.  

    Today was much more comfortable than yesterday and I haven't had any cramping at all.  We made our next appt for 2 weeks from today and are hoping for the best :) 

    We're somewhat on a similar boat. We had 800,000 but didn't do back to back. GL!

     Mama to Baby K. born @25wks due to pProm/PTL. Forever in Our Hearts. Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    That's great how his numbers improved.  You should be happy with that.  Don't let the Dr discourage you!  Hold out hope!  Keep yourself busy this 2ww.  Hope to hear good news in a couple weeks!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Good luck!!!
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    Good luck!  I hope the 2WW goes quickly for you!
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    Congrats! GL to you! I hope the next two weeks fly by
    4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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