Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Cervidil experiences?

Hey, all!  Hoping that I'll have the baby naturally, but if I get induced, they'll be starting me on cervidil.  I'd love to hear about your experiences...thanks!

Re: Cervidil experiences?

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    The insertion was painful. It stayed moderately painful the whole time it was in, which resulted in almost no sleep. I only dilated by one more cm after 24 hours. I then started on cytotec, and after the first half of the pill I started having beautiful, timeable contractions. I was so happy and hoping my OB would let me go from there, but he wanted to still do pitocin (evil evil drug. contractions were so so harsh and no breaks in between). I'm sure my OB knows more than I do. I've heard of women starting to have medicine induced contractions for hours, then they just stop.

    If you do wind up with pitocin, it's just IMHO that you should get an epidural. It really is the only way I could relax, and when I did, then bam I went from 3 cm to 6 cm, then fairly quickly to 9 cm (w/in a few hours). I waited until I was 4-5cm, which is the earliest you are *suppose* to get an epidural to reduce the risk of a c-section (b/c an epidural typically slows labor according to the childbirth books).

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    The insertion felt like a vaginal check but it wasn't horrible. The insertion of my IV hurt more. Once it was in I could not feel it and it was just like a tampon string hanging out (had to be careful going to the bathroom).

    When it was inserted it put me into labor right away so I never needed pitocin until I got an epidural because the epi slowed my contractions.

    The removal did not hurt either, just pulled it out like a tampon.

    All in all, I had a positive experience with cervidil and, although I can never be induced again, I would glady go that route.

    I started out at 1cm 50% effaced.

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    Hi, I had to go in the night before at 3:00 pm and after check in etc.  was given the Cervidil.  I didn't feel it nor was it painful.  I was allowed to get up to go to the bathroom but was encouraged to lay still as much as possible.  I was given sleep meds to help me sleep around 9 pm.  At 6 A.M. they started the pitocin (agree evil, evil drug).  The Cervidil did work for me but I didn't become 9 CMM until 4 P.M. the next night.  If you get pitocin you will want an epi!
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    My induction was terrible.  Total time, 48hrs 11 min.  Two 12 hr cervadil insertions which caused terrible back labor and made the vagina very, very tender and sore.  The insertions weren't bad, but the first one the nurse didn't leave a tail out (she wrapped it around the supository like an idiot) and they had to liiterally dig it out of my cervix the next morning.  I also had three prepadil treatments (2-3 hours each).  All of that over 41 hrs got me to 3 cm (i started at a 1) and then they broke my water, hooked me up to pitocin and then I got an epi. 7 hrs later I had my little boy. I was totally fine with getting indiced beforehand but now I definitely say If at all possible, wait for nature to take it's course.  If you can't then best of luck to you, I hope you have a much better experience then I did! :)
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    cervadil insertions which caused terrible back labor and made the vagina very, very tender and sore. 

    with my experience with a sore vagina/cervix I sincerely think it was caused by a rough nurse. I was not happy that I did not get my regular nurse for that shift. I got a nurse that was a little bit older (by the way she acted I think she was sick of her job) and short with me. Just my opinion, but I liken it to getting your dilation checked -- some OBs you can't even feel they are there, and some hurt like hell and you bleed for days :(

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    I didnt feel the insertion at all. like PP said the insertion of my IV hurt more since they couldnt find a good vain. 

    When it was inserted it didnt really do much but thin me out. They inserted it in at 4pm Monday and took it out about 8am Tuesday morning where they then proceeded to start Pitocin.

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    cervadil put me into labor... it was inserted at 7:30 pm....i was only 1.5 and 50% at that time...insertion didn't hurt, just uncomfortable....i began pushing at 3:10 am and DD was born at 5:51 am....overall a great 1st delivery and i was really happy i didn't need the pitocin :-)

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    I started the cervidil at 2cm and ended at 3cm. I agree the insertion just felt like a normal internal, however I felt raw the entire time it was in, sorta like the feeling you get if you leave a tampon in for too long. It never got me contracting, and neither did three hours of walking, so I was placed on pit next. I had planned for a natural waterbirth but my bp + the pit made that an impossibility. By the time I was 4cm (20 hours into my induction) they broke my water and then the pain became unbearable. Tried for two hours to get an epidural but I have an incompetent spine. Anyway, I went from 4cm to complete during the attempts so maybe not getting the epi helped things go speedy. But I agree, fully cranked pitocin warrants an epi, and I'm a firm supporter of drug free :)
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    I went into labor on my own after my water broke, but I wasn't progressing fast enough. I took an oral dose of Cervidil but unfortunately, it didn't do anything for me. The started me on Pitocin after that and my daughter was born 12 hours labor (I was in labor for a total of 24 hours, 20 without pain meds...I tried to go natural too, but I couldn't hold out anymore :(...). Good luck to you!!
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    I had mine inserted at 11pm at 1cm. They planned to give me 4 hours (until 3a) to progress to at least 4cm. If I had not progressed enough the would have given me another dose before starting pitocin at 6a. The cervidil worked so well I was able to get the pitocin at 3a! I was fully dilated and had N at 10:30... an 11.5 hr induced labor from start to finish =]
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    Cervidil insertion wasn't comfortable, but wasn't bad.

    It almost immediately caused me to start cramping. I have a friend who had it just a couple weeks after me and she wasn't instructed to do this, but I had to lay flat for one full hour after getting it put in. Which is harder than it sounds when you're cramping.

    Anyway, it did help my cervix soften a tad, but didn't really do much for me. I had it in for 12 hours, then they started pitocin. The real progress started after they broke my water.

    But I went in 50% effaced and less than 1cm dilated and had a successful induction. I was nervous because a lot of people talk about how an induction so often leads to a c-section. Not the case for me! 

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    The cervidil sent me into having terrible contractions (back labor) after just one hour. The pain was extremely intense, with 4 to 5 contractions on top of each other lasting 5 minutes long, with only 30 second breaks in between. I honestly laid there crying for hours before my mom and husband told them that they had better take it out. So.. not the best experience. It did help me go from 1 cm and 70% effaced to 6cm and 100%.

    After it was removed, the contractions completely stopped (which was a welcomed rest) of about an hour before my water broke naturally and I immediately went back into back labor and severe pain. From what I've heard, I am lucky that I did not need the pitocin. 

    Good luck!

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    I was 3 cm and about 90% effaced when I was induced with cervadil as round one.  They inserted it at 7pm and wasn't really uncomfortable.  Contractions started at midnight and my water broke at 1am.  When I got up to go to the bathroom at 1:30, I lost the mucus plug and the cervadil and was in natural labor from then on.  I went med free (and avoided pitocin) for 15 hours which included 6 hours of pushing and 4 vaccuum attempts before a c-section was necessary due to my baby being transverse breech.
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    went from 1cm to 10cm In 7 hours, I would have it again, I was able to do it without the Epi. Not bad at all. The insert was like a vag. Check nd like others say its like a tampon, I couldnt feel it up there. GL.
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    went from 1cm to 10cm In 7 hours, I would have it again, I was able to do it without the Epi. Not bad at all. The insert was like a vag. Check nd like others say its like a tampon, I couldnt feel it up there. GL.
    also i want to add if this is your first your birth is often like your mothers birth... so find out how hers were and you will have a good chance of knowing how yours will go.
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