Birth Stories

After 3 losses, we have our beautiful daughter!

Well I didn't really have a "plan" I wasn't one of the moms to be with a notebook of rules for delivery (no offense if you are that mom). I did however want to try to go natural, I wanted skin to skin and to nurse within an hour but knew I would do what I had to do for safety. I didn't take labor classes and thought I will just go with it. I will vision my body as a flower and all that- I don't need a $200 class to tell me haha...

I was 39Weeks and 4 days when I had a prenatal massage at a great salon. It felt amazing and when I got home I just felt giddy. I had been miserable for the last few weeks but that night I felt great. I was rolling around on my balance ball watching tv with my DH and he kept laughing at how giddy I was and questioning how I was feeling-  replied "I don't know but I just feel like something could happen soon". I put my pjs on and went to get a glass of water when WOOOSH! My water broke!! I yelled for my DH and we both starting laughing/hugging/crying and grabbing our luggage! We called the hospital to make sure they wanted me to come in since I wasn't having any contractions or pain and they said yes. Off we went!! It was 10PM. We said a prayer in the parking lot of the hospital and asked for a safe healthy happy baby?

 Once we got checked in and situated they told me they would see if my body would start contractions on it's own but after a few hours they would consider pitocin to get things going. I was only dialated to a 2. I knew I did not want pitocin so we started walking the halls and dancing in the hallway to see if that would get me going... no luck. Now it was 2 AM The nurse told me that they would start with a small dose of pitocin and wow those contractions started right up! They were random at first but quite strong so they messed with the dosage and I could just breathe through the pain. I was dialated to a 4 and it was 4 AM-I was exhausted and so was DH. We endured the next couple hours and I made it to a 6 when I realized I would need the epi to get some rest and to have the energy to push, the contractions were so painful!! I cried, feeling like I failed but DH and the nurse comforted me and once I had the epi I felt so much better. Bravo to you that can do it naturally but there is no way I could have. I actually dozed off for a couple hours and let my dh sleep too. I woke up to find that I was at 9 and it was time to get ready! OH MY GOSH!! I was going to meet my daughter! Now I have watched a million "Baby Story" episodes and thought I would push for a little while and be done-wrong. I pushed for 2.5 hours-my DH there with every push giving me water/chapstick and encouragement! He was awesome and so were those nurses!

Finally the doctor came in(luckily the OB from my practice that I love was on call!!) and he told me I had 20 minutes to get her out or we would need to get a c-section. I was devestated, I had not been through all this to end up with a c section! I wanted to deliver her! He said she was a big baby and there was a chance her shoulders would get stuck and it could cause problems. I cried again and prayed for God to help me. We ended up using the vacuum and I pushed with all that I had- wow that was empowering! I heard my husband say "there she is" and when I saw his face he was crying, I looked down and saw her but she wasn't crying and the doctor grabbed the scissors instead of letting my DH cut the cord. He handed her to the nurse and they took her to the table-still no cries. I couldn't see anything and kept asking if she was ok-they said she had fluid in her lungs and they were getting her cleared up. My dh went over to see her and I finally heard her cry!! It was such a blur but I remember there being so many nurses that all I could see was my daughter and the tubes around her. After what felt like forever they brought her to me and it was the most amazing moment! People tell you about their moment and you see the women on tv ( I always cry at those shows!) but nothing prepares you for that pure joy!!  I had 4th degree tears and they had done an episiotomy so the doctor was pushing the placenta out- OUCH! and working on my stitches-over 30! I was a mess and in a ton of pain. It took 9 weeks for me to recover but as they always say- it was so worth it!! Our daughter was born at 3:28 and weighed 8lbs 14oz and was 20 1/4" long. She is beautiful and healthy- we are so blessed!!!


Things I did not know or would have done differently-

I did not realize how painful the delivery of the placenta would be-be prepared for that.

I thought with an episiotomy you wouldn't tear-wrong.

I thought since my mom had 6lb babies that I would too-oops.

I would have eaten before getting to the hospital- a little food would have really helped with my energy!

I would not have doubted my dh's coaching ability- he was incredible. Don't underestimate your partner-they can really pull through when they need to!

 Be prepared for everyone in the hospital to see all of you-there is no modesty and by the end you won't care one bit!

Cherish the moments and take pictures! Some of my favorite pictures are right after delivery- I look exhausted and a mess but I had just experienced the most amazing moment of my life-*gasp* with no make-up!

 The days following delivery in the hospital will give you time to put on make-up/wash your hair and take plenty of pics with visitors:)

Good luck to all of you mommies to be and congrats to all of you new mommies!!

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