Food Allergy

XP. I didnt know this board existed!

when ds was about 3/4 months old he developed allergies/sensitivity to a lot of what i was eating. I went dairy/soy/wheat/corn free for a long time. when he started eating more and more solids the allergies slowly seemed to go away. His pedi said he would most likely outgrow them by the time he was one which, except for not being able to have cow milk, he did.

Now he is all of a sudden showing signs of sensitivity to a lot of the same food he couldnt have before and some new things as well. red blotches on his face, puking, eczema. I dont know what to feed him anymore. Im  scared that if i give him something he turns out to be allergic to he may have a severe reaction to it and I will have to rush him to the hospital because his airway is closing up and he is swelling all over. I know thats like a worst case scenario and he hasnt had any swelling yet but it just freaks me out that it could happen.

even the goat milk that he was doing so well with is making him puke and get all red.

I read on the dr sears site that a allergy scratch test would not be helpful until he was 5 years old. should i take him to his pedi about this or should i go straight to an allergist and see what they tell me?

yesterday i started logging everything he eats and any kind of reaction that shows up. he is at the age where he only wants to eat what he wants to eat and most of what he wants is causing some kind of reaction. I need alternatives that he will actually eat and i cant think of anything else to try

right now he cant have any kind of dairy, no eggs, no peanuts, no soy, im not sure about wheat as he eats a lot of dairy (cheese) with wheat

any suggestions? Advice?

CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers Anniversary

Re: XP. I didnt know this board existed!

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    Go straight to an allergist.

    I wonder why a scratch test wouldn't work until he's 5?  But i would just go to the allergist for blood work.

    You wrote that he can't have any kind of dairy but then wrote he eats a lot of dairy with wheat..  I'm confused? He can't have it b/c you suspect the allergy but he still does?  Can you buy dayia cheese (soy, dairy free) and make his meals with that? you can make an awesome mac & cheese using dayia cheese.  It melts like the real thing. 

    there are a ton of alternatives. if he likes yogurt, buy "SO DELICIOUS" yogurt which is soy and milk free. 

    i would make the appointment asap and in the mean time, alter your pantry and refrigerator so it's not in the house and he has no options.

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    Go straight to an allergist.

    I wonder why a scratch test wouldn't work until he's 5?  But i would just go to the allergist for blood work.

    You wrote that he can't have any kind of dairy but then wrote he eats a lot of dairy with wheat..  I'm confused? He can't have it b/c you suspect the allergy but he still does?  Can you buy dayia cheese (soy, dairy free) and make his meals with that? you can make an awesome mac & cheese using dayia cheese.  It melts like the real thing. 

    there are a ton of alternatives. if he likes yogurt, buy "SO DELICIOUS" yogurt which is soy and milk free. 

    i would make the appointment asap and in the mean time, alter your pantry and refrigerator so it's not in the house and he has no options.

    yes sorry that wasnt very clear, what i meant was that since he only eats wheat, breads and such, with cheese if i take away the cheese he wont eat the bread so i dont know if there is a wheat allergy because he wont eat it alone

    CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers Anniversary
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