Natural Birth

induction methods

I have been working towards a natural birth my whole pregnancy and that was what I had my heart/mind set on.  

Now that I'm coming up on 42 weeks, I don't think my doctor will let me go much longer without an induction (I have an appointment in the morning and wouldn't be surprised if she just asked me to head to the hospital in the afternoon).  I am still planning on going epi-free, though.

At my last appointment (just over a week ago now), I was 2cm and about 50%.  I've been dripping mucous all week, but still don't think I've lost my mucous plug (haven't noticed anything that I would think would qualify, anyway).  My BH have become more frequent than they were at any other point, but I haven't had what I would classify as a "real" contraction for the last couple of weeks.

So, my question is - what induction methods are possible given my last known status?  I know the obvious pitocin, but I'm wondering if there is anything that could be done prior to pitocin that may help induce.  I've tried the natural methods (except castor oil) and my doctor said that their office doesn't do membrane sweeping.  So I just don't know what else I could ask for.

Suggestions?  Thanks!! 

Boy #1, born 6/5/2011
Boy #2, born 8/27/2014

Currently... Pregnant with mo/di BOY TWINS!  Due September 15.  Latest induction will be 37w.

Re: induction methods

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    Maybe evening primrose oil?

    Accupressure and accupuncture?


    Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
    Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

    ~DS Born! 2009~
    ~DD Born! 2013~
    ~DD due! 2015~

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    Maybe evening primrose oil?

    Accupressure and accupuncture?


    I have been going for acupuncture, specifically to induce - I should've mentioned that.  It has helped the baby drop more, but hasn't done anything for actual labor.  
    Boy #1, born 6/5/2011
    Boy #2, born 8/27/2014

    Currently... Pregnant with mo/di BOY TWINS!  Due September 15.  Latest induction will be 37w.
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    Time. I know, it's what you want to hear. Have you talked to your DR about induction methods on his end? I would recommend a foley induction w/ AROM later and Pit if needed as late as possible but not till 42 wks or longer if you're comfortable.
    Jennifer, wife, CPST, birth Doula, LPN to BSN student, and 3x VBAC mama to AJ (8, Evan (7), Ilana (5),Olivia (2), and 8/24/12!
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    They'll probably just start you on pitocin. Your cervix is already soft and dilating so I don't know that they'd bother doing anything to further ripen it. I was induced and I was very much against having my water broken. I was concerned about starting the 24 hour clock and I preferred to reconsider it if the induction started to stall. Fortunately, my MW agreed with me. My water ended up breaking on its own about 5 hours into the induction.
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    A foley catheter is not a ripener, it can induce mom. What it does is it goes in and falls out when mom is about 4-5cm and often that far along can kick start mom into labor. Sometimes it works, sometimes it goes for a while and then you need Pitocin but the farther you can get w/out the Pit, the more likely things are going to go better.
    Jennifer, wife, CPST, birth Doula, LPN to BSN student, and 3x VBAC mama to AJ (8, Evan (7), Ilana (5),Olivia (2), and 8/24/12!
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