April 2011 Moms

HepB vac?

Did your baby have any reaction?

Riley got hers at 9am today and has pretty much been sleeping since. She took 3oz around 10:30 and I woke her up at 2 & 5 and she had about 2 oz each. She's usually 3+ oz every 2.5-3 hours.

I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned with, I'm just curious as to your LOs reaction.

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Re: HepB vac?

  • Did she have a hard time getting her shots?  Maybe she wore herself out enough to sleep that much.  Sleeping is not a side effect of the actual vaccine so I would like maybe just being out and about and the actual getting the shot caused the sleeping.
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  • rrcraz7rrcraz7 member
    She handled it better than I did! She let out a little holler then settled down right away. She just seems off to me I guess.
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  • vilarovilaro member
    No reaction at all - even at the doc's office. I was shocked since she's generally a fussy little chicken.
    TTC #2
    BFP 3/28/16 (EDD 12/9/16) * Chemical pregnancy
    ME: 40 yrs.old
    DH: 41 yrs.old
    DD: 5 yrs.

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