Stay at Home Moms

Why is wanting it not enough?

Whether you work or SAH, why do we always feel like we have to defend our choices and use negativity to reinforce our decisions?  I think as women we need to become confident enough to say that we are staying home because we want to, or going to work because we want to (or need to). 

Now that the horse has been thoroughly beaten I will leave him to recuperate. 

Re: Why is wanting it not enough?

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    Totally agree with you!

    When I was working as a lawyer everyone said how could you stay home, you'll totally lose partner-track. Which now I'm trying to get back is actually true - shame on the firms and the men who run them!

    Now I am wanting to go back to work I get why don't you stay home with your kid? Don't miss out blah blah blah.

    ?I really think there are personalities who are better off working and those who are better at home, and of course financial constraints can prompt either decision as well. But being asked why we NEED to do X, when actually wanting to is reason enough, annoys the hell out of me.

    When I applied for childcare for DS (he won't start until the New Year) the forms had "reason for child care?" on them. ?That really pissed me off.

    ?BTW I paged you.?




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