Alabama Babies

Those who have potty trained....

Please tell me how you did it and give me some tips!

 I think K is showing all the readiness signs ad we are going to start soon. Basically, we can't keep a diaper on her (she takes it off constantly) and today she actually took her diaper off, went into the corner and peed on the floor! Then she said "Oh-uh, pee pee!"

Our problem is getting her to actually sit on the training potty. It converts to a step stool and so she doesn't want to sit on it, only stand on it. Plus, she screams and kicks if we try to make her sit on that potty or on the regular toilet with a small seat on it. I'm not sure how to get her to WANT to sit on the potty?

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Re: Those who have potty trained....

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    Make a big deal out of it.  That is how I got DS to start training. I kept talking about how big he was and how everyone important to him used the potty.  Then every time he would go I would celebrate with him. you could also trick her. My sister trained her DD by setting her on her little potty to watch barney.  Bribes work well to. To get DS to go number 2 in the potty i would tell him that if he did he would get his favorite(?) treat.  Good luck and stick with it. It is hard to get started potty training a little one.

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    Hi!  H has been going on the potty for several months but we aren't fully trained yet - mostly because her MMO program isn't really capable of handling it in the 2 year old class just yet.  I plan on fully training her next month but right now she goes with me at least once a day.  I know some are against food rewards but...I give her an M&M or jellybean when she goes and she LOVES it.  We also make a really big deal of it by doing the potty dance and calling daddy or grandma so they can tell her how proud they are of her - cheesy I know but it seems to work!   Good luck!
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