
Oh, My God I am in tears! BFP

I cant believe it I just took a pregnancy test and there are two lines.  I am in tears.  I have been waiting to get AF so that we could move up to IUI #2 and since is already 4 days late I decided to test.


As I posted before I had IUI#1 done on August and I was able to get pregnant but ended up in M/c.  In september I had the RPL testing done and it came back that I have some type of clotting disordered so I was referr to a Hematologist.  I had my first appointment yesterday with the Hematologist and she recomended that I take baby spirins every day and shen said if I had another m/c she will put me on blood thiners.  I got some more blood test done at her office. 


I havent been able to get pregnant on my own since 2004.  The last 2 pregnancies have been with medication and IUI.  I didnt think I was going to be able to get pregnant on my own again even though we were unexplained IF and everything was normal besides the RPL test.  I was just getting annoyed that AF was no here so that we could try again and today I decided without even getting my hopes up that I will test and if it was negative I will get my period any time.  

 I'm going to try not to get my hopes up considering the way my two last pregnancies ended.  Sorry for the long post I just had to share.  The weekend is going to feel eternal until I can call my RE and set an appointment for a beta test.

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