Trying to Get Pregnant

Random Poll

Look at me, posting non GP related stuff AND still being on this board even thought I'm pregnant...I'm going straight to hell...

Does your DH prefer long or short hair?

Blondes or brunettes?

Butt or boobs?


Does your DH prefer long or short hair? When I have long hair he says its the best and when I have short hair he says its the best too...

Blondes or brunettes? Brunette for sure

Butt or boobs? boobs

Re: Random Poll

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair?  Long (check)

    Blondes or brunettes?  blondes  (whoops - well, I stayed blonde through the wedding)

    Butt or boobs?  Boobs (check)

    TTC#1 Chart
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    IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
    IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09) AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
    beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
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    it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Short

    Blondes or brunettes? Brunette

    Butt or boobs? Boobs

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long

    Blondes or brunettes? Blondes

    Butt or boobs? Boobs

  • Options dare you Shoe.  Look at ALL the rules you are breaking!



    Boobs boobs and more boobs

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long

    Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes like me:)

    Butt or boobs?  BEWBIES!

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair?  Long.

    Blondes or brunettes?  Brunettes.

    Butt or boobs?  Butts.

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    October 2012: Missed Miscarriage, Baby with no heartbeat, stopped growing after 7 wks 
    November 2012: D&C
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    DH doesn't care about hair lenght too much.

    Doesn't really have a fav...

     Boobs...for sure boobs:)

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long.  Which is why I'm "not allowed" to cut it...HA.

    Blondes or brunettes? Brunette.

    Butt or boobs? Butt.  He's grown quite fond of my fairly new boobies though Big Smile

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long.  Which is why I'm "not allowed" to cut it...HA.

    Blondes or brunettes? Brunette.

    Butt or boobs? Butt.  He's grown quite fond of my fairly new boobies though Big Smile

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long (I have Med.)

    Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes

    Butt or boobs? Butts :::sigh, I have boobs - no real booty:::

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair?
    He like long but how ever I have it he likes it

    Blondes or brunettes?
    I've been both, He says blondes are hot but when I change it he says he feels like he has a

    Butt or boobs?
    definatly boobs....He even admits it...He can't leave mine the hell alone!! I can;t wait till I have sore PG boobs and he touches then, so I can backhand him and say it was a reaction cause it hurt!! lol

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long Blondes or brunettes? Brunette Butt or boobs? He's a butt man. I have to make sure I don't go up stairs in front of him in public. Poor guy can't resist.
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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? he really liked my long hair, but was greatly surprised by how much he likes my new bob

    Blondes or brunettes? neither- i'm a redhead!

    Butt or boobs? He literally salivates over my butt.

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Long

    Blondes or brunettes? No preference, I have light brown hair, and it gets pretty blond in the sun

    Butt or boobs? Boobs for sure!
    PCOS Dx 12.08 / BFP! 4.22.10 DS1 born 1.4.11 DS2 born 6.19.13
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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? LONG. Sigh....I just chopped my VERY long hair yesterday and I am regretting it. Not because of him though, I just dont like the cut. Should have just stuck with a trim.

    Blondes or brunettes? Blondes

    Butt or boobs? BUTT for sure.

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? long

    Blondes or brunettes? blondes

    Butt or boobs? butt

    TTC #3 since 9/08, After M/C #3 - R/E appt 7/2011 dx: unexplained infertility BFP 10/25/12 Confirmed m/c at 5 weeks 5 days BFP 8/6/13, beta #1 - 212


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    Mrs Fontes: Lol that is so funny! My dh is the same and he is so sad that my breasts are so darn sore! He said " that is so unfair, they have never been so big and I'm not allowed to touch them!" I swear he asks me everyday if they are still sore, I think its funny!
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    (and I just went from a long blonde, to a shorter light brunette!)

    Butts, for sure. 

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    Long, Blonde and there's no question about, definitely boobies
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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? LONG

    Blondes or brunettes? BRUNETTES

    Butt or boobs? BUTT (::whew:: sighs my A size boobs)

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair?  He likes my hair a little longer.  When we met, my hair was down past my waist.  Now its about half way down my back

    Blondes or brunettes?  Blonde.  Just because its me.

    Butt or boobs?  He's a butt man.  Boobs he's eh ok with (even though mine are HUGE) but he always wants to touch the hiney!

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? I think he likes long, but I like to keep mine above my shoulders. Oh well. Smile

    Blondes or brunettes? red heads!!

    Butt or boobs? He is equally fascinated by both...deep down he is a butt guy though.

                                     **DS 12/17/10** **#2 Due 2/14/15**

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    long or short hair?  definately long...loves to play with it when we cuddle

    blonde or brunette?  brunette

    butt or boobs?  he's a leg guy, which is ironic since I have short legs

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    Though he tells me that he likes me any way - b-b-b-b-b-b-BULLSHIT! He totally prefers me with long dark hair and big ol' knockers when I think I look best with super short blonde hair and no boobs. And  yes, I can magically change the size of my boobs - it's supernatural.

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    Does your DH prefer long or short hair? Short (I'm letting mine grow to donate and he hates it!)

    Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes (which I am)

    Butt or boobs? Boobs (Of which I have very little, haha)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Long Hair


    Butt (boobs are a very close second)

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