D.C. Area Babies

Plane travel with a 4 month old: Please tell me it will be okay

Okay, the day has come!  Tomorrow evening I am flying on a plane, just me and Jules.  Whoa Nelly am I scared.  Please tell me it will be okay.

Re: Plane travel with a 4 month old: Please tell me it will be okay

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    its really not that bad. i flew with a 3 mo old during peak xmas season. most people are really nice. just pray your plane is ontime :)
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    I flew last Thanksgiving with two babies who were two and a half months old at the time.  It wasn't hard at all, (not true when they were 11 months old).  Just give yourself extra time to get through security, it takes a lot longer with a baby.  It will be fine.

    Also, do a diaper change right before you get on the plane.  Changing them on a plane is a pain, which could happen anyway, but at least go into it with a clean diaper.

    Put her in a cute sleeper outfit, so that she is comfortable.  The cuteness is to appeal to the flight attendants.

    Even if you didn't buy a seat, ask when you check in if they are any empty seats and if they are willing to put you next to an empty seat.

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    It's really not hard when they're small like that.  Good luck - you'll be great and so will she!

    (now, when they're wiggly, demanding toddlers.... that's a whole different story...enjoy flying "easy" now while you can!)

    Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.
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    I flew with Alex at 5months.  Do you nurse?  My pedi said to nurse during take-off and landing to relieve the pressure in the baby's ears.  I nursed at take-off and he fell asleep and slept the entire ride.  I essentially nursed him for the whole ride! LOL!  It really isn't hard when they are tiny.  Good luck!
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    you guys are great!  thanks for the tips.  i knew about the BFing thing, but that is a great idea about asking for an extra seat anyway.  i am psyched to go see my sister, but scared of being "that woman with the awful baby!"
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    Don't worry!  You and Jules will be great!  Enjoy your sister.
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