March 2011 Moms

When does your doc induce/start talking induction?

Looks like some of the early March Mommas are ticking time bombs. I know most docs/midwives have a cut-off point. Just curious:

  1. At what week/day does doctor induce?
  2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)?
  3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)?

Re: When does your doc induce/start talking induction?

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    Looks like some of the early March Mommas are ticking time bombs. I know most docs/midwives have a cut-off point. Just curious:

    1. At what week/day does doctor induce?
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)?
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)?

    1. She will induce me at 41w. 

    2. We started talking about it at 37 (just that she wouldn't let me go past 41 weeks, not seriously talking about it.  We'll likely schedule it at my 40w appt. 

    3 That's fine.  I've been done with pregnancy for several weeks now. 

    Baby Boy Born 3.15.11. 8lb 9oz, 21.75in. 6 month stats: 20lb 11oz (92%tile), 30.12in.(100%tile - who knew it went over 99th? Which means 100% of other 6 month olds are shorter than mine!)
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    Mine said she wouldn't even consider it until 41.5 weeks (I'm low risk).  I personally would wait as long as possible, as I'm hoping to go all natural.
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    For patients who are favorable, meaning cervix is thinned and dilated...she offers induction at 39 weeks.  She wouldn't offer it to someone who wasn't favorable.

    If baby doesn't come on his/her own between now and Friday, induction is set for 6AM that day.  It's 1 day before my due date so baby is fully cooked.  I know a lot of people choose to wait until baby comes on his/her own but this is what we decided.  =)


    Good luck!

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    Well I'm hoping to avoid another c/s so I'm obviously not a fan of inductions!  I'm low risk except for diet-controlled GD, so at this point they don't want me going too far over 41w, but we'll take it day by day at that point. 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    We scheduled my induction for 41 weeks, I asked about going longer because I'm really hoping to do it naturally, and she said that they'll go all the way to 42 but they would have me do another NST and ultrasound to make sure baby is still doing well.
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    1) My practice will induce at 39 weeks or after.

    2) Same

    3) I'm getting induced at 39 weeks, 3 days due to financial reasons. It's weird but I'm a teacher and save $1,000 being induced by/during spring break.

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    Looks like some of the early March Mommas are ticking time bombs. I know most docs/midwives have a cut-off point. Just curious:

    1. At what week/day does doctor induce? 41
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)? 40
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)? I would prefer to wait until 41 weeks.  Since our baby is measuring so big, my doctor said that they will do another growth ultrasound next week.  If he is over 10 lbs they will schedule a c-section Tongue Tied
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    1. At what week/day does doctor induce? I'll be induced at 40w5d just because we chose that date (it's a Friday).  
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)? My doc brought it up at my 38 week appt when she saw I was already effaced 80% and dilated some.  
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)? I would love for this guy to come on his own, as i've heard inductions can be more painful.  I'm planning on getting an epi regardless though.  
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    We scheduled an induction today for 41 weeks.  Hopefully he'll decide to come on his own before then!  I was induced with my first (after my water broke and contractions didn't start up on their own) and everything went wonderfully.  I had an epidural and couldn't have asked for a better delivery.  I would never induce before my due date (unless I or the baby was having health issues of course).
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    Mine is 39 weeks for all questions.
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    Jake's not dropping like he should be.  I go back in Friday to have a non stress test.  By then I'll be 40 weeks.  He said we'll discuss induction then.

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    My doctor said he will induce me on the 22nd if she doesn't come by then. There are 4 doctors in my practice and I don't care for one of them so I do NOT want to have her deliver my baby so I hope that when the time comes, she's not the one on call.
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    At what week/day does doctor induce? my dr. will induce at 39 weeks, but I have GD and my blood pressure has been on the rise                                                              What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)? We started discussing at 36 weeks, it was scheduled at my 37 week appt.                         At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)? I'm hoping to go on my own before my scheduled induction, but I trust my dr's decision of 39 weeks.
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    Doc told me they wouldn't even start talking about induction until I hit 41 weeks. I am torn, personally. I want to be induced on my due date so my mom and sister will be at the birth. I really want them there because they flew so far to be with me and family is incredibly important. However, I don't want to push baby to come before she is ready and I don't want to risk the chance of a c-section due to a failed induction. So, basically I am just hoping and praying she comes on action taken!

    EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves


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    Looks like some of the early March Mommas are ticking time bombs. I know most docs/midwives have a cut-off point. Just curious:

    1. At what week/day does doctor induce?  I asked my dr this today...they prefer to induce around 41 weeks, but no later than 41 1/2 weeks
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)?  40 week appt
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)?  I'm hoping to avoid induction, but should LO decide not to make her appearance before next week's appt I'll be scheduling sometime in the week that follows that appt
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    Mine will if I do not go into labor a week after my due date. 

    We talked about it last week, week 35, and it would be scheduled at my visit on my due date

    I'd be comfortable with it once my due date came with no labor.

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    Looks like some of the early March Mommas are ticking time bombs. I know most docs/midwives have a cut-off point. Just curious:

    1. At what week/day does doctor induce? My doctor induces at 41 weeks.
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)? We briefly talked about it at my 39 week appointment, but will actually prepare for it today at my 40 week appointment.
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)? I would not get an induction before 41 weeks unless it was medically necessary.
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    Looks like some of the early March Mommas are ticking time bombs. I know most docs/midwives have a cut-off point. Just curious:

    1. At what week/day does doctor induce?
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)?
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)?

    1.  It depends on the doc and situation.  My doc told me at 39 weeks if baby boy wasn't there by 40 weeks we would have the talk becuase I was already measuring 40 weeks at 39 weeks.  So, today at the 40 week appt. guess what?  We had the talk and I had to get scheduled because I am not progressing whatsoever.

    2.  Please see above.

    3.  We took the half-way point in between 41 weeks for me to see if he would come on his own.  Otherwise I would prob be just waiting for the inevitable.  I am not progressing and my cervix is just too thick.  So, if my Thursday he is not here, I am on the way to get admitted to start induction. 

    "When you pursue your fondest dream, and give this goal your best; The passion that has filled your heart becomes a lifelong test, though others may find fault with this, don't let your passion wane, when you staty true to your beliefs, you have the most to gain." -Encore Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I had a preliminary conversation with my doctor last week when I was a day shy of 39 weeks.  She does not induce until 42 weeks unless there are complications and I've had none so far. 

    I'll have my next appointment tomorrow which is 2 days before my due date.  I'll get an update on my progress, but as of last week I was still only 1cm, very thick and baby hasn't dropped at all.  If I'm still in the same situation then I'll start on biweekly appointments next week and we will not set an induction date until the 2nd appointment as long as I've still not progressed.  I need a favorable cervix to have her even talk induction.  Frustrating, but understandable I guess.

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    1. At what week/day does doctor induce? I have GD and am being treated with Insulin. If ever baby was at risk the OB would have done one.
    2. What week does he/she start talking induction (e.g.scheduling inductions)? We started the talk at 37wks. If my cervix was favourable then he would have scheduled one for me.
    3. At what point would you be comfortable getting an induction (e.g., first opportunity you get, as late as possible, doesn't matter, etc.)? Whenever my OB feels it is necessary I will be comfortable with the induction. I know he wouldn't suggest it if he didn't think it was completely necessary.
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