Babies: 9 - 12 Months

One thing

If you had to eat one thing for a week, what would it be?

If you could only carry 1 thing out of your burning house (besides family/pets), what would it be?

If you could only listen to one cd the rest of your life, which CD would you pick?

What is one thing you said you'd never do as a parent, but you've already gone back on?....or what is one thing you said you would do that you've already gone back on?

Re: One thing

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    If you had to eat one thing for a week, what would it be? Potatoes because you can do so many things with them.

    If you could only carry 1 thing out of your burning house (besides family/pets), what would it be? My laptop because it has all of LO's pics on it.

    If you could only listen to one cd the rest of your life, which CD would you pick? Maroon 5's first CD

    What is one thing you said you'd never do as a parent, but you've already gone back on?....or what is one thing you said you would do that you've already gone back on?

    I always said I would read to LO every night. He gets read to at daycare during the day, and during the day at home. But a lot of time at night he is too tired/distracted to be into reading so we skip it.

    I always said I would never use a leash, but LO is already walking and into everything. I think there might be a monkey backpack/leash in our future.

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    Chili. I love chili. I could eat it every day and never be bored.

    My passport. I have had to request a new one more than once. I received a nice note last time telling me that if I lost it again I woul have to wait 5 years for a replacement to be issued.

    Billy Joel's greatest hits. I love him and he has the best songs.

    Oh well the list is so long I have no idea where to even start? I was never going to give him a paci but after an hour of him crying I handed him one. He was 4 hours old. I was never going to co-sleep but we do if he is sick or just needs cuddling. I was never going to let him eat baby cherrios but DH bought him some & Matthew loves them. I feed him food inbetween bites of baby cheetos. And the list can go on & on

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    This is too hard! lol

    I guess I'd take Special K Fruit and Yogurt cereal I'm addicted to it right now.

    My external hard drive, it has all the pictures of Michael on it. Well, almost all of them. I need a new one because it's full.

     I don't listen to CD's.... I couldn't listen to one for the rest of my life lol I'd get bored within 2 hours.

    I never thought I'd smell his butt to determine if it was a poopy diaper or not, but I do all the time. So much easier than looking inside when he's so wiggly.

    Reading. I thought I would read every night, but he's just not interested the majority of the time. He'd rather play.


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    If you had to eat one thing for a week, what would it be?  Sushi.

    If you could only carry 1 thing out of your burning house (besides family/pets), what would it be?  A photo album that my grandma put together for me - it has a bunch of pictures of me and my family in it that I haven't scanned.  For a second I thought our wedding album, but I could always have our photographer make us a new one, plus I have all of the low-res digitally.  I also considered my external hard drive but I have everything uploaded to online to a hosting site, so I feel safe with that.

    If you could only listen to one cd the rest of your life, which CD would you pick?  Dave Matthews Band - Live at Red Rocks

    What is one thing you said you'd never do as a parent, but you've already gone back on?....or what is one thing you said you would do that you've already gone back on?

    I said he wouldn't watch TV until at least 2.  Thankfully we just have it on as background noise, and during the really fussy days those Backyardigans can be quite the meltdown saver.  He never just sits and stares/watches, so I find that encouraging.

    I never thought that we would bedshare, but we did.  He's fully transitioned to the crib now (and has been for quite a while), but I still never thought we would, and am quite surprised it went on as long as it did.

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