March 2011 Moms

Thought I was going to have a Feb. baby...

On Saturday night I stayed up all night because of really bad period-like cramps.  Then all day yesterday, in addition to the bad cramps and back ache, I had a ton of contractions (by the end of the night they were pretty regular) that wouldn't go away.  I thought for sure when I went to bed last night I would at least lose my mucus plug or get bloody show or something.  NOTHING.  Contractions stopped.  I have some cramping today but not even one contraction this morning.  Anyone else have a similar situation?  I know I have 2 weeks or more left, but I'm very ready for this baby to be out.

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Re: Thought I was going to have a Feb. baby...

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    I've had period like cramps off and on for over a week.  Last night, I had contractions every 2 minutes that lasted for 40 seconds each for just shy of an hour.   And then they stopped.  I've walked, I've eaten spicy food, there's been sexy time, I've done chores, I've hung out on my stability ball... 


    Sigh.  He just doesn't want to come out! 


    I'm just about to head to the mall to walk around for a bit, and then I'll hang out on the treadmill again to see if I can kick start things again.  I've walked 6 miles since Friday, it'll likely be 10 by the end of this day.  


    Baby Boy Born 3.15.11. 8lb 9oz, 21.75in. 6 month stats: 20lb 11oz (92%tile), 30.12in.(100%tile - who knew it went over 99th? Which means 100% of other 6 month olds are shorter than mine!)
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    Same thing happened to me on Friday night. Contractions every 7minutes, kinda uncomfortable and then they just stopped and now nothing...Surprise Bummer
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    Yep, although they are stronger today again.  I refuse to time them until it reminds me of real labor with my DS though (just a mental thing for me), so I don't know how far apart or how long they are lasting at this point.  Definitely getting stronger, that's all I know! 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I could have written this exact post. Sat. night was awful, yesterday the same, and today only some cramping! It's so frustrating!!
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    Thank you ladies!  I'm glad I'm not the only one getting messed with by their LO! 

    BTW MrsFrates we have the same due date!  My stupid ticker is always behind.  Hopefully we'll both go before March 14th!

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    Yes, this was me last night...had cramps and backache and sharp pains in my vag every 10 minutes or so.  They stopped though and now I am just tired and grumpy.  I can feel my body changing and am hoping and praying he will be here soon.  Tomorrow is my 40 week checkup and I have a feeling if I am not progressing they are going to induce me.  I was measuring 40 weeks at 39 weeks so the doc was basically saying we will be having the induction talk.  Come on baby Jaxon!
    "When you pursue your fondest dream, and give this goal your best; The passion that has filled your heart becomes a lifelong test, though others may find fault with this, don't let your passion wane, when you staty true to your beliefs, you have the most to gain." -Encore Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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