3rd Trimester

This baby is a result of...

A summer street dance in June in my hubbys hometown =] We had a little to much to drink, and we were in the middle of planning a wedding! So she was unplanned =] But we are so excited!

Lets hear your stories! 

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Re: This baby is a result of...

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    A Dave Matthews Band concert!

    If it's a boy - Ethan Matthew ;)

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    Me being out of bc pills and dh and I getting it on before work one morning. Before he walked out the door he said, "You better not get pregnant." So.... here we are now and both thrilled about it since the shock has finally worn off. I never wanted kids and he is in his 50s with a 20 year old. (I'm guessing I might have the oldest DH of all you ladies!) Smile

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Careful planning.
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    Our honeymoon. We had just gotten married and had been using protection before we got married. Our wedding night was the first time we didnt. I didnt think it would happen so soon but it happened on our honeymoon and two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. We were very happy.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Planned.  My father is 81 and I wanted him to get a chance to know my children, so right after I got married I got pregnant!  
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    Months and months of charting and supplements to help me ovulate. 
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    We tried for a year and a half. We decided to take a break (from charting, etc.) before seeing a specialist and got our BFP.
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    Long Island Iced Teas and red wine on a trip to my cousin's wedding. My BIL was mad that I took my husband away from him because he wanted to drink down at the hotel lounge. I had other plans for him. :) Thank goodness I did!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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    ...us both sneaking home on lunch one Friday for a little afternoon delight.  Ahhh...good times.
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    Almost a year of charting and 2 miscarriages.  We got our BFP a month after my grandfather passed away, and I just know he had a hand in it.
    waiting on our little monster

    <a href="http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a103/mrsoh/?action=view
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    Gonal-F injections, follie monitoring, a trigger shot of Ovidrel, timed intercourse that had to be planned around a family funeral, Lovenox injections, Endometrin suppositories and (all said and done over the last two years) many thousands of dollars OOP.

    She's worth every, single penny.

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    Careful planning and the first try using an ovulation kit.
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    Sex with my husband - sorry I am unable to pinpoint which sexual encounter it was. 
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    mexican margaritas and beer... found out I passed the last section of my CPA exams and we wound up celebrating a little too much lol

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    Either the Wakarusa Music Festival or Rocklahoma Music Fest.  

    I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant...so I never paid attention to my cycles.  However, since those were the only two times I saw my husband during the relative time period of conception -it had to be at one of the shows.  (I'm personally hoping it was at Waka since I enjoyed the music quite a bit more than Rocklahoma's selection)

    It will be cool to one day tell my daughter she was conceived on the back of a tour bus during a music festival.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Knowing that I was likely ovulating soon and telling DH we needed to have the sex.

    He happily obliged.

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    Sex with my husband - sorry I am unable to pinpoint which sexual encounter it was. 

    hahaha!  This really brightened my day.  A Tuesday right after work.  Or Wednesday right after work, maybe Thursday?  It was some time this summer right after work.  Used to be my favorite stress relief.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Ocean water making my birth control patch come off during our honeymoon. We just decided to not try to stop it anymore. It worked really fast.
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    Was planned :)  I came off BC in January, had no periods(due to marathon training I think), but had a BFP mid June. We wanted to start having children after our 1 yr anniversary which was in May 2010. God is good! We are so ready to meet her!!
    Baby number 2 is on the way!! 1st - Kyla Faulk born 2/23/2011 My Wedding Bio BabyFruit Ticker
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    Lots of Mama Juana and Dirty Bananas at a pool bar in the Dominican Republic.  Completely unplanned, but we are still as excited as can be!  We thought about doing a play on the name and for a boy Dominic and a girl Dominique, but we have a VERY Irish last name and neither sounded right.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Months and months of charting, planning, and OPK's. Then I finally said fvck it and decided to throw it all out, if it happened than so be it, but I was done stressing about it.

    A couple of weeks later I took a test just for the hell of it and I saw two lines. 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker


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    Months of charting, one loss, going back on BCPs for 2 months, and lots of testing.
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    sex while ovulating
    Dear Bump: You suck.
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    we are not totally sure because we had sex all the time around that time but we think it was the time in the living room where DH had me bent over the couch pounding on me really hard.  it was one of those things where we were dirty with eachother, nothing romantic about it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    sex while ovulating


    Braydon 1.23.09
    Weston 3.24.11
    EDD 5.26.14
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    Well it's kinda funny. I fell down the stairs coming out of our house while we were on our way to go to his dads. It was raining like crazy and the little grippy things on the stairs had fallen off. So I seriously thought I broke my elbow and ribs (it was a really hard fall!) so we go to the ER. by the time we got back into town the pharmacy was closed so I couldn't refill my BC. I kept forgetting and figured it would be OK. Welp, what do you know, that one time we did it that week was enough lol. But we couldn't be happier! (and I luckily didn't break anything, just severely bruised my ribs and elbow..)
    image April 2, 2011 Exclusive Pumping Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/groups/113592028761826/ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Nothing exciting here. LO was planned and it worked the first time. A couple weeks later (before we got the BFP) I started crying and freaking out and telling DH I didn't want a baby. I was so worried I was actually pregnant. Good ole hormones at work. 
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Trying to conceive with wacky post breastfeeding cycles! Planned :) but faster than expected.
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    Thanks to those lovely antibiotics that, according to my doctor, cancelled out my BC!  Totally unplanned but couldn't be happier! 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
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    Lots of Mama Juana and Dirty Bananas at a pool bar in the Dominican Republic.  Completely unplanned, but we are still as excited as can be!  We thought about doing a play on the name and for a boy Dominic and a girl Dominique, but we have a VERY Irish last name and neither sounded right.

    Ours was also made in DR :) on our honeymoon and very planned. Charted for 5 months and that cycle I happen to O 3 days after our wedding, used some preseed and here we are! I have a nephew named Dominic so we couldn't use it :(

    Logan Alexander born May 9th 2011. He has stolen my heart forever. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP #2 05/24/12 EDD 01/31/13 D&C 06/26/12 Missing you. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Diagnosed with Ashermans 11/06/12 Surgery 01/18/13, Cleared for TTC 03/01/13 BFP 03/26/13 IT'S A BOY! Please Be Our Rainbow! BabyFruit Ticker
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    We were married in March but didn't go on our honeymoon until late July.  We were planning on trying for a baby but didn't expect it to happen the first time.  I hadn't been on birth control in almost two years.  We had just been careful before.

    So...she was conceived in Costa Rica on one of the most beautiful and exciting trips we had taken together.  I can't wait to take her back there someday Big Smile

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    my husband seducing me after a friend's wedding. We joked that I would probably get pregnant (just finished breastfeeding 6 weeks prior and hadn't gotten my period yet.) SURPRISE. We are happy though, our first took 1.5 years to conceive!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    ... my BIL's wedding rehearsal dinner.  Too much wine, falling in love my husband and here we are with DD#2 on the way!
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    Months of trying, planned sex, charting, and an OPK.
    BFP # 1- DS ~ TTC #2 since Jan. 2012 - BFP # 2 - "Baby Elsie" - Blighted Ovum - D&C August 22, 2012 at 7w3d, BFP # 3 - CP - December 30, 2012, BFP # 4 - CP - March 19, 2013 ~ First RE Appt. 4/24/13 Med cycle #1: 50mg Clomid and Trigger shot = BFN. Med. Cycle #2: 6 cysts found. No meds/rest cycle. Trying on our own = BFP # 5! Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 129 Beta #3 = 94 - CP - July 2, 2013. BFP # 6! Beta#1 = 21, Beta#2 =58 Beta#3 = 134. U/S shows heartbeat of 142 at 7w2d!
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    10 cycles of planning/charting and 4 cycles on prometrium for a LPD.

    What's funny is that the cycle I did finally get pregnant, we had the worst "timing" of all 10 cycles. Then, we went on vacation and I drank like a fish for a week. 3 days after getting home from vacation, I got my BFP.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    we are not totally sure because we had sex all the time around that time but we think it was the time in the living room where DH had me bent over the couch pounding on me really hard.  it was one of those things where we were dirty with eachother, nothing romantic about it.


    If I could find a sharp metal object to retract that mental image from my brain I would. I'm going to go with borderline TMI. 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker


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    careful planning with both but DS1 was conceived in disney :-) well at the hotel haha
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    11 months after we started TTC.  

    I happened to get pregnant naturally without charting. I got a highly physical job and couldn't become pregnant. I stopped charting and since I had tests showing I wasn't O'ing, i wasn't worried about BCP or condoms.

    I was on clomid for 3 months prior with no luck. Stopped clomid, charting, temping, etc. then got pg by "accident" the next month. 

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    wedding night.  And believing my dr when she said that after going off the pill it would take at least 6 months.  It took less than 2 weeks.  Liar!
    Nathaniel David 3/22/11 #2 due 12/16/12
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    After 2 years actively trying and two m/c's, we decided to stop trying, let things happen as they would, and start looking into adoption. I had several fertility related problems as a teen, so we knew getting pregnant would be difficult/ might not happen.

    This baby was either the result of a pub crawl at the Trevi fountain in Rome or an AC/DC concert in Donington.

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