I get emailed all the comments on our blog...I checked our email tonight.. these are the LOVELY comments left tonight....
Damn, that baby looks retarded! WTF is wrong with that thing?
Abort your baby today, and take us a little bit closer to that goal of no more unhealthy babies!
Everything happens for a reason right? I guess this time was your fucked up genes and the lack of foresight to get an abortion.
Just what I needed....ugh
Re: Mason's Blog..some comments...WOW
That is the most awful thing I've ever seen.
Is it all from the same person
Even still, wow !! You know none of that is true. Look down at your little boy and know that he's a miracle.
NOOOOOOOOO - People did not write that........... i am absolutely shocked and appauled!!!!
forget them........ you just focus on doing what you need to do to get through day by day and forget that some people just don't understand!!! as harsh as this sounds those people should never be blessed enough to have children!
good point...changing setting now!
Oh wow... I cannot believe the nerve of some people. How freaking rude, ignorant, insensitive, & downright mean of them! God forbid they ever have to go through what you and your family are dealing with.
Mrs. Hooper- I think you are an incredibly brave woman/mother and my thoughts & prayers are with you & Mason daily.
Keep up your positive, strong attitude. We all love you and support you.
I'm glad you changed it!!! I've had some nasty anonymous comments on my blog too so I changed my settings awhile back. I haven't had any problems since.
Those are horrible things to say. I'm so sorry you have to go through that.
what the hell is wrong with people?!
I am praying for Mason & your family
no one truely believes that and I believe there is a special place for sick people who say things like that. Their only intent is hurt. This is what they want.
I have been reading your blog and have prayed for your little man and even shared your story with my DH.
Please do not let ridiculous comments of un-human people get to you. So many people are routing for you guys.
The person who left that comment is the one who should have been aborted, not Mason.
Updates like your most recent one are reasons why I think people need to think less about termination, and more about educating themselves when a problem arises. No one can say what the future will bring.
One day you'll be sitting at Mason's high school graduation knowing that that person is probably working at McDonalds and hating their life.
And Then There Were Three...
Married: 08/14/10
Baby #1 Born: 06/18/11
June Moms Blog
People are disgusting. I am so sorry you had to read that
Ignore it, just some stupid troll who is so upset with how their life is that they have to put negative comments like that on your blog. You might be able to contact the blog site and get them to block that ip from writing on your page.
I'm sorry they said these things to you, heartless idiots.
That was awful. I don't post often but I have been following your blog and know that you will have a very loved little boy.
I'm glad you can change the settings. Those people aren't worth your time.
OH my gosh! What HORRIBLE people!!! Nobody thinks that, Mrs. Hooper!!! Those people... who attacks people? Who attacks innocent babies facing life-or-death health problems?! Freaking sick people!!! I am disgusted by this.
BTW, I run a very busy blog that gets around 6000 hits per day. I often get nasty comments on it and it and when I get a lot of comments like this, they are usually from the same person - a singular person. I found that by making it so that NOBODY can comment anonymously and by making people type in a security code, it has drastically slowed. IMO the above comments have the same grammar and it's likely the same nasty, lonely, stupid person.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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That's exactly my point. People can be so brave as long as they can have their name be Anonymous. Once their name is behind their nasty comments, they feel they can say anything and hurt anybody.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
<a href="http://s21.photobucket.com/albums/b268/gussiebutt/?action=view
Oh my gosh...I am in total shock. There are some real low life people in this world. I hate that you had to read that. What pieces of $hit!!!
That seriously made me want to cry. I'm so sorry you got those comments, I hope you call them out on your blog and give their usernames and what they said so everyone can see what kind of a sicko they are.
There are some bitter, spiteful, people out there, I feel sorry for their children, if they have any.
Wedding/Honeymoon Pictures </a>
That is one of the most heartless and cruel things I have ever read. It sounds like a childish high schooler with nothing better to do. However, this persons tune will change if they ever experience anything like what you guys are going through!
Mason's life is just as precious as anyone else's and a blessing no matter what.
I hope these people realize soon that karma will get them!
I don't even know what to say about those comments.
I just read through your blog for the first time, and want you to know I am praying for Mason, you, Cory, and Colby.
wow. I honestly do NOT know how to even respond to that. People are so f-----ng ignorant, disgusting, and harsh. Their comments are clearly reflections of pure ignorance. No educated and level headed person would EVER make a comment like that.
I know it's a blog...an open forum. Even here we can all say what we feel...freedom of speech. However, making negative comments that do not have any evidence to back them up or negative comments that do not lead to the greater good are IGNORANT
For what it is worth I think you are a strong & amazing woman!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG. My heart goes out to you!
That's an awful, awful thing to say to anyone.
I only got one bad comment on Hope's blog and I just hoped Karma came to bite them someday and hoped they'd end up in a word eating situation.
Hang in there. And ignore the idiots.
Like it or not, this is how people raise their children to behave, and the society we live in.
I personally will never be a blogger. Putting my business out there like that just isn't my style.
Granted, that's not how all people feel, but when you put yourself out there, you are allowing for people to make nasty remarks and judge you.
The world is a better place when people think differently and have differing opinions, but it's not better when people are cruel about the way they present them.
This person clearly was just out to rattle your cage, and they succeeded or you wouldn't have drawn more attention to it by posting it here.
Oh My God! It makes me sick. How dare someone be sooo evil.
Karma is a bivatch
Big hugs to you.
My blog: Midwest Chaos
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Way to be helpful
I blog to express my feelings... Not to be attacked by harsh comments.
In the old days we called that a diary and we kept them private.
Like I said, if you do it in a public forum, expect this to happen.
Helpful or not, It's the reality of the world.
Or maybe you were just looking for a pity party so everyone could tell you how horrible it was?