Babies: 6 - 9 Months

No, no - I have an awesome birthday cake.

I love sharing this picture!  My BIL bakes really yummy cakes, but he waited until the last minute on DS#1's 1st birthday.  My MIL pulled the cakes out of the pans, but it started to rip....instead of being gentle, she just ripped it out and smashed it together while I stood there horrified!  Then BIL frosted it right away, before it had cooled.  End result?  This:


Looked terrible, tasted AMAZING! 

Adrian 7.6.07 - ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Learning Disability-NOS
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder

Re: No, no - I have an awesome birthday cake.

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