April 2011 Moms

epidural vs. other pain medication

This is mainly for 2nd time mom's but 1st timers feel free to give your thoughts and plans!

So initially, I was all about getting an epidural for the birth and it's wasn't even an option not to get it. however... lately, I've been thinking about possibly trying to do without the epidural and using other pain management such as the hospital administering Demerol. has anyone chose this option? If so how much pain relief did the demerol give you? (yes, I understand we all have different pain tolerances) and was the baby more sluggish upon arrival? I have my Dr. appt in 2 weeks so I'll be asking her about this and I'll be asking the hospital staff during our classes which start the beginning of March as well but just wanted to get your thoughts ahead of time. thx

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Re: epidural vs. other pain medication

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    I think you should read up on all of your options (check out "The Big Book of Birth"). Narcotics don't stop or block pain, they change your perception of pain. The epidural actually stops it. From what I've read, narcotics have to be administered early b/c they basically need time to wear off in time for baby to make his way into the world. An epi can basically be administered at anytime b/c it isn't getting to the the baby, but they won't give you narcotics if you're too far along in the labor b/c they don't want the baby to be influenced by the drug.

    I plan on going med-free, but I've tried to do my homework on all of my options and I think if I was going to get something for the pain I'd choose the epi to avoid giving drugs to the the baby. 

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    I had the epi last time and this time around I'm avoiding all meds. I think that I would actually feel worse with any sort of narcotic - I would imagine that it's sort of that out of control you don't know what's really going on sort of feeling.

    I don't want any of that. If for whatever reason I can't handle the pain I'll opt for the epi again, I won't be happy about but at least I'll feel like I'm more controlled. If that makes sense. 

    The more and more I read and study up on med free birthing the more confidence I have in myself. You might find the same for yourself - there are TONS of resources available.

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    I've had these exact same questions, so tomorrow I'm actually going to a "Pain Management" info class at the hospital tomorrow.  I'll take good notes and let you know what they say!

    Stephanie Hsu
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    I'm not 100% sure of anything yet, but I'm thinking I'll go with the epi. We have our birth class this weekend, so I'll learn more then. I'm not taking Bradley courses or anything and I'm not committed to going med-free so I think I will definitely end up with some sort of medication. I need to do more research on all the options, but I would lean toward the epi. I've not had good experiences with narcotics in the past during other surgeries, and I think that it would make me tired and knock me out, so I'm more inclined to say that I'll be getting the epi.
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    I think it's a great idea to ask your doctors and/or the folks leading your class.  They'll give you lots of good info on all the pros/cons or your options and then you can decide what's right for you.

    FWIW, my hospital uses the narcotic Stadol (sp) and, at my request, I was administered one dose of it while laboring with Drew.  It had absolutely no effect on me - didn't dull pain, didn't take the edge off, didn't change my perception, nothing.  At that point I asked for the epi instead, which they gave me.  Immediately after they finished inserting it, they checked me and realized I was 10 cm and ready to push.  So they basically turned the epi right back off.

    If I need any pain relief with this kiddo, I'm going to opt for the epi.

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    I would never pick a narcotic like Fentanyl or Demerol or the like over an epidural.  But that's my own opinion based on doing my research and then deciding what I'm comfortable with.  You need to do the same (and don't just rely on your doc for the info).

    I wound up with an epi for #1 (after attempting to go med-free and then having complications pop up requiring the epi) and had a fantastic experience with it.  I opted for the epi for #2 as well for a handful of reasons.  This time around I'm just going with the flow.  If I go med-free, yay.  If I want it, I'll take the epi.

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    I had IV pain meds to get me through the first half of my induction (cervical softening with cytotec). It did wear off fairly quickly. I was all about not getting an epidural, but when the pain got so bad after they started Pit, I didn't even think to ask for regular pain meds, I just went straight for the epi. I think if I had thought of the IV meds and just asked for those instead, they would have only given temporary relief.

    I was very very tense from all the pain (took 14 hours to get to 3cm, and then stopped dilating for 3 hours) and my body couldn't relax enough to dilate. I did get the epi, and totally relaxed, and was at a 10 only 4 hours later! 

    I'm not telling you which way is better, only my experience.  

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    I had both last time.  I wanted to go 100% med free, but back labor changed that.  Whatever they gave my via IV made me loopy.  I was sleeping, but waking up at the height of the contractions screaming (back labor really, really sucks).  Eventually, I asked for the epi because I just couldn't take it anymore.  It was perfect.  It took about 15 mintues to completely work and I was able to really sleep.  Being able to relax helped me dialate much faster than I had been as well.  I did feel some pain while pushing though.  I broke my hip in a car accident years ago and if my leg was in just the wrong place, it felt like my hip was going to explode. 

    I will not be getting narcotics this time.  The epi for sure, since it helped me to relax and pushing brought back my enormous roids.  I was able to get a few hours of rest before that pain kicked in.  I fully expect them to come back this time as well, so the epi is 100% certain for this labor.

    I plan to discuss the epi, the roids and the hip issue in detail with my OB (to remind him) and all my L&D nurses so that we are all on the same page about what I am going to need during and after the pushing.

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    I plan on going med-free, but I've tried to do my homework on all of my options and I think if I was going to get something for the pain I'd choose the epi to avoid giving drugs to the the baby. 
    This - my midwife agrees that the epi is better for the baby, and more effective for mom.
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    I have never used any meds on any of my other delivers.  I have heard a lot of bad thing with the epi and family members that have gotten it have had really bad back pain afterwards and have lasted for years... I rather just tolerate the pain right then and there then have to worry about any side affects from meds later...
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    I would rather do an epidural than narcotics because the epidural does not get into the baby's bloodstream. I'd rather not have a drugged out baby when she shows up, though they don't tend to give narcotics toward the end of labor, I think. I'd also rather be clearheaded during labor. I've had morphine and it makes me hallucinate; in our lab we call fentanyl IV margaritas. No thank you. That said, I'm going med free this time because I hated my experience with my epidural last time. The bad parts of it far outweigh the few hours of pain relief I got.
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