Austin Babies

Birthday (mine) vent

DH is terrible with birthdays, even though we've been together over 10 years and I've made it clear what I want (it's simple- I don't cook or clean on my birthday, and I want some kind of special "thing" that we don't normally do. Dressing nice and going out to dinner makes me happy.). Knowing this, I started telling him I wanted something "big" for my 30th right after my 25th.

I turn 30 next week, and started reminding him to do something in September. Doesn't have to be huge, just SOMETHING that involves our friends and family. If it were summer it would be easy- we could have a backyard BBQ but that's not as fun in February, lol. What has he done? Jack sh*t. Well, he did start planning something but it fell apart and now there's absolutely NOTHING. Surprise parties aren't his thing, so I know he isn't planning anything on the sly.

I have like 5 close friends, so it shouldn't be that hard. I would even help plan it, as would Taytee if he asked. Hell, even planning a really nice fancy dinner where I have an excuse to get all dolled up would make me happy. 

I know this is going to be a huge fight next week and I am so not looking forward to it. 

How hard can it be to do something, ANYTHING for your wife's 30th birthday? I made it very clear that I wanted something so it's not like he's clueless.

Re: Birthday (mine) vent

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    Men suck sometimes, especially when you make it SO EASY for them to come through.

    I hope he surprises you and pulls off something great.

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    My H is the same way.  I have to tell him exactly what I want and when I want it.  Then - and only then - he'll make it happen.

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    OMG I could have written this exact post one year ago for my 30th.  My H didn't even plan my party until the day before.  :(  I just let it go, that's the way he is.  ;(  So sorry and hopefully you can get something figured out.
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    That's totally lame, I'd be upset too.:(  I agree with MrsRosie though, you should totally escape with the girls and go have your own good time!
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    My birthday is next week also...I'm wondering what DH is planning.  I can almost bet that it won't be anything special.  After 12 years of knowing me, you would think he'd have me pegged.  You're not alone.  I agree with Rosie's advice!  I may just take that road myself ;)   I hope he does come through and do something nice for your day. You only turn 30 once and you deserve something nice!
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    I'm a little worried about this myself.  I feel stupid whining about it, but the truth is that I could really use a pick-me-up and soon.  When DH turned 30 I started planning his surprise b-day trip to Vegas over a year in advance.  And it was awesome.  So he knows what the standard is, haha.  Truthfully, I'd be happy with a party or dinner with friends.  I might be traveling for work on my actual b-day (a Monday) and we talked about having DH be there in NY with me on that day but I think that'll just feel too much like work.  I'm hoping he'll have something awesome planned (b-day in April).

    Like I said, I feel stupid whining about this, but you guys have no idea how badly I need a vacation.

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    Tell M to call Taytee and me we can have a double birthday party ;-)
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    I'm sorry you are frustrated!

    Maybe just plan your own party. I know it's not as fun, but you'll still have a great night. 

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    i planned my own birthday (turning 30 next week). i'm too much of a control freak, and he knows that, so he knows it's better to just get out of the way. :)
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    I didn't realize there were that many birthdays next week. We should all have one big nestie February birthday party:)
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    Plan something without him with your girlfriends and leave him home. DevilCakeDrinks
    This for sure.
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    That's so irritating.  I know just how you feel.  DH was VERY near a big fat FAIL for my 29th birthday.  I told him I wanted him to do something special.  Didn't matter if it was a movie at the Alamo that *I* get to pick and a late night drink at my fave wine dive, or something planned with a handful of friends... I just wanted it to be something that HE planned and HE executed.  Instead of me having to plan it.  What did he do?  Waited till 2 days before my bday to plan a damn pizza party at our house, which I would have had to help cook and clean for.  I ripped him a new one.  Then he called up my friends and got his ass in gear about getting everyone out to Moonshine downtown for bday dinner.  Which turned out lovely.  But it's annoying that I had to b!tch him out for it to happen.
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    My husband is the same way, if you tell him you want something you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. I have learned to appreciate whatever he does for me, I'm sure your husband with do something. Maybe not the surprise party your are expecting but it's my advice to just take whatever he gets you and be happy with it because you cannot change a man and if you continue expect things you will just continue to be disappointed. I have found that I am a lot happier now! Just remember it's the thought that counts, not the actual gift. 
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