Toddlers: 24 Months+

DD won't leave her diaper on...

I came over a little early (DD will be 2 in March), hope no one minds :)

We introduced the potty at about 18 months, when she was acting interested after watching DD1 go. We have never pushed it, just had it there. She likes to be naked and sit on it for 2 seconds then play in the bathroom. A few days ago she started taking her pants and diaper off as soon as she pees in it, this morning after 4 diapers coming off I let her just be naked for a while and put her potty on the floor near her, well she pooped on the floor. We're having another baby in 13 weeks or less, moms who have this age gap, would you suggest putting the potty up until after the baby comes? Are we wasting our time? TIA 

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Re: DD won't leave her diaper on...

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    We started introducing the potty since Stasa can identify when she's going and was really interested in it, but she's never started #2 on the potty - it's always in her diaper or on the floor. Gross, I know (even more yuck to clean sticky poop out of a training potty).

    We've decided not to push the potty and just keep them in the open and offer her potty time. I'm planning on cranking up the PTing once I'm on mat leave since I'll have more time (in theory) to dedicate to it. 

    Stasa 01.15.09 * Lexi 03.24.11 * Tommy 04.27.13 * Merklet #4 due 10.10.15



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    Jump on that opportunity.  Not every kid regresses on the potty when the new sibling comes along.

    Imagine: you might only have one kid in diapers when the new one arrives!  How great would that be?

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
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