Hawaii Babies

Help re: shoe sizes

I'm kinda getting ahead of myself here but I can't resist because there are all these sales and I'm seeing some really cute shoes that I *really* wanna get for him...but I have no idea what size B will be wearing when he's ~1 (where there's more of a need for shoes). I know every kid is different, but I kinda want to gauge whether I'm totally out on left field or if there is a range that I should stay in for kids' shoes at ~age 1. So mamas of 1+ year old boys (I'm not sure if we have many on the boards), what shoe size does your LO wear? And for mamas in general, are shoe sizes usually proportional somewhat to either their height and/or weight for babies? All I know is that after my GTG with sanae, I realized that B has huge hands and feet =P haha...TIA!!

ETA: Not sure if the following info will "help" predict his shoe size per-se, but his size 3 shoes became too small at ~6 months (I bought them long ago because they were too cute to pass up =P and he barely wore it at all!).

Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies

Re: Help re: shoe sizes

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    I don't have a DS yet but with Bella I know it totally depends. She has BIG feet compared to some of my friends kids who are within 2 weeks of her same age, so I would hesitate on buying shoes too soon. That said, we do buy tennis shoes if they are on a great deal (found some nikes at a consignment for $5) because she can wear those all year long. Currently she's about a 4 1/2 but we bought 5's because her feet grow SO quickly and they don't sell 4 1/2's anywhere I've been. 
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    Can I ask a tangent question? When do you put your LO in shoes?

    We have one pair of shoes for each boy, and those hardly ever get used. When they're at home they're always barefoot or in socks, and they only wear them half the time when we go out since it's not like they're walking yet (and it's summer and just too damn hot to stuff their little feet in shoes).

    Is that weird? Are we kinda trashy for not putting them in shoes more often (serious question!)? Stick out tongue

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    Can I ask a tangent question? When do you put your LO in shoes?

    We have one pair of shoes for each boy, and those hardly ever get used. When they're at home they're always barefoot or in socks, and they only wear them half the time when we go out since it's not like they're walking yet (and it's summer and just too damn hot to stuff their little feet in shoes).

    Is that weird? Are we kinda trashy for not putting them in shoes more often (serious question!)? Stick out tongue

    Yep, you are trashy, end of discussion :) 

    I had shoes for Bella around 10 months that I put on each time we left the house. In the house, she's in socks in the winter or barefoot in the summer/warmer times.  Now she's in shoes every time we leave the house, we're trying VERY hard to get her to start walking so when we're in public and going short distances (like VERY short) then we hold her hands and she walks between us. She has very little interest it seems in walking on her own. I wish she would though! My pedi says it's not concerning though since she pushes and walks behind toys... she says "well that's walking"... I say it's not! I say "walking" is when she is independently walking. 

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    Yep, you are trashy, end of discussion :) 

    I had shoes for Bella around 10 months that I put on each time we left the house. In the house, she's in socks in the winter or barefoot in the summer/warmer times.  Now she's in shoes every time we leave the house, we're trying VERY hard to get her to start walking so when we're in public and going short distances (like VERY short) then we hold her hands and she walks between us. She has very little interest it seems in walking on her own. I wish she would though! My pedi says it's not concerning though since she pushes and walks behind toys... she says "well that's walking"... I say it's not! I say "walking" is when she is independently walking. 

    LOL good to know! *slinks off to huddle over baby shoes and weep* Stick out tongue 

    I wouldn't worry too much about Bella. I have a friend whose LO didn't walk at all - not even pushing toys - until she was 18 months old. Then one day she pulled herself up, started walking, and hasn't crawled a single time since (she's now 2 years old). She was capable, but just wasn't interested until that day. Kids do things at their own speed, even if we want them to do it faster lol.

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    I'm totally curious about this, too...I have various shoes in various sizes for K (all hand-me-downs) and I think his feet are way too chubby to fit into any of them! (especially the ones made by Robeez) haha

    I have a hard time putting the chubby stubbies in there and half the time the shoes end up falling off midway through our outing.  So, like Lisa, I just keep him barefoot or in socks.

    But man there are some CUTE shoes out there! :) 

    **a girl from Hawaii, living and driving in South India**

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    hmm.  I can't really help - I'm glad shoes come in month ranges.  right now J is in 12-18 in Robeez and Pedipeds.  (recently "grew out" of 6-12 robeez and see kai run smaller - he could still probably wear them but it was tough to get the skr and the robeez started to leave elastic marks).

    he wears shoes every day to school.  keeps him (and the other kids) from pulling off his socks, but I don't think anything is wrong with not wearing shoes!

    I bought a few different sizes in sandals (5-7) when I was at the nord. returns store (keens and a pair of salt water sandals) and hope they will fit his summer!  

    he doesn't seem to even notice the leather sole shoes but HATES any shoe with a sole (me too, but MIL has sent a few "cute-sy" shoes that I have to put on him every once in a while). 

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    Can I ask a tangent question? When do you put your LO in shoes?

    Hehe, so far, mainly for pictures and sometimes when it's cold outside. I bought one pair because it was too cute to resist and we received another pair as a gift, so two total.

    That's why I'm asking about ~1yr =) So that he can wear it for walking (esp outside). LO is starting to take his first steps on his own while holding on to our coffee table (which we use as a turtle tank stand), so I'm pretty sure he'll be walking by/around 1yr old, so I kinda wanted to take advantage of the post-Christmas/end-of-the-year sales and get him some shoes that he'll be able to wear by then =)

    Thanks for the responses ladies!

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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    hmm.  I can't really help - I'm glad shoes come in month ranges.  right now J is in 12-18 in Robeez and Pedipeds.  (recently "grew out" of 6-12 robeez and see kai run smaller - he could still probably wear them but it was tough to get the skr and the robeez started to leave elastic marks).

    he wears shoes every day to school.  keeps him (and the other kids) from pulling off his socks, but I don't think anything is wrong with not wearing shoes!

    I bought a few different sizes in sandals (5-7) when I was at the nord. returns store (keens and a pair of salt water sandals) and hope they will fit his summer!  

    This is really helpful actually! It's good to know that SKR runs smaller! Yeah, for the month ranges, I'm just wondering how accurate they are too. I was leaning towards just getting bigger ones just in case because if you get them bigger, you can always wear them later, whereas I really don't wanna get a bunch of shoes that will be too small for him when he's actually walking/getting real use out of them. Good to know that J is in 12-18 size even though he's 10mo cuz I suspected that might be the case, esp for boys possibly? Cuz do they make larger sizes for infant boys vs infant girls for the same size #s (like they do for men/women shoes) or do they end up being about the same? I just don't know these things!

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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    Alexa started wearing shoes when she started pulling up because I wanted more grip on her feet than her socks were providing... So around 6 months. Got her a pair of Robeez, which she wore to daycare every day. Here's a blog about the shoes! She started off in a size 3. 


    For summertime, I got a pair of soft white sandals because it just looked weird to have her in socks during a hot day... They were size 3 also.

    She then got 2 more shoes like the first pair -- Robeez running shoes with rubber bottoms -- in size 4. That was around 10 months. 

    We upgraded to REAL shoes when she was 13 months... I should have gotten her "first walkers" when she started walking at 11 months but didn't realized. By the time we went in, they were like, "Oh, she is a pro, she can have the 'off and running' shoes!" She measured 4, so they said to shoes in size 4.5, which is avail from Stride Rite. Blog post below:


    Anyway, we just had her measured and in only 2 months, she's already measuring 4.5, meaning she needs a size 5 shoe. Grrrr, these shoes are expensive! 

    Oh, and fwiw, apparently you are not supposed to use used or hand me down shoes because they are already broken in by another baby and make it hard for your baby to develop their own gait.  


    Malia & Dave & Alexa
    Happily married since 2-17-08! Three since 9-9-09!
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    i think it's hard to buy ahead of time but i typically buy from endless.com or zapposvip.com (free overnight shipping) so i get free shipping both ways...then once i know the size and style i want, i shop around for the best price

    not sure if boys vs girls sizes are different for the same size

    i know that robeez tend to run big... and i find that if i post on the FB page of babysteals, i can get a lot of feedback about whether a particular line runs big or small :) there are also sometimes reviews on endless.com about how a size runs too

    i'd imagine w/you being fairly tall and YH being super tall that B would have big feet! :)

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    Oh, and fwiw, apparently you are not supposed to use used or hand me down shoes because they are already broken in by another baby and make it hard for your baby to develop their own gait.  

    Oh, I didn't know that! Good to know =)

    Thanks for all the input, ladies! Yeah, it's hard to buy in advance, so maybe I should pace myself =P I think sometimes I see the cutest shoes and I just can't resist! And ditto on them being expensive--why are shoes that small so expensive?

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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    Oh, and fwiw, apparently you are not supposed to use used or hand me down shoes because they are already broken in by another baby and make it hard for your baby to develop their own gait.  

    Oh, I didn't know that! Good to know =)

    Thanks for all the input, ladies! Yeah, it's hard to buy in advance, so maybe I should pace myself =P I think sometimes I see the cutest shoes and I just can't resist! And ditto on them being expensive--why are shoes that small so expensive?

    oh yeah i did not see that comment but yes you should not use old shoes b/c the foot bed has conformed to another baby's foot and won't fit your baby's foot as well.

    what i have found is that there are always some fairly good sales going on so no need to stock up :)

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