Success after IF

Sorry, guys, it's been a rough holiday season for me

First, I am so sorry for being MIA. I really do prefer being a more active member of this board!

DH and I had a wonderful trip to Beaches Turks & Caicos. I would recommend it to anyone and it really was good for my sanity and our marriage for SURE.

Since then, it's been tough. We got home like the 20th or something and I was like, whoa, Christmas is like HERE already. I had bought most of my gifts but I actually MADE some of them so I had a little to do and ALL of my wrapping. So that was a bit stressful. Thank goodness for the inlaws, I hung out over there and they helped me, I helped them, etc. It was good. 

But DH has not been around. He has literally been working 100+ hours per week. It's been a tough month. He was working on Christmas eve, on call on Christmas day, and had to sleep all day the day after Christmas and then back to work again on the 27th. It was extremely difficult not having him around. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't particularly lonely, since my family came to town and we were with the in laws but it wasn't the same without DH and the kids' daddy, ya know? 

For those of you that remember my post about anxiety issues, I did see a psychiatrist a few days ago. They dropped a bombshell - I have bipolar disorder. I am really upset and freaked out by this, but logically, I know it's true. They want me to start a medication that is not recommended for breastfeeding so in the span of 5 minutes, I was told this diagnosis and asked to stop breastfeeding. As upset as I was about the diagnosis I was more about about not breastfeeding anymore, but upon further investigation, I found out that the american academy of pediatrics has approved it for use during breastfeeding. So I started taking it, and we'll see how it goes. 

Also, both of my kiddos are sick. I took Grayson in the other day because I was so worried about him and we had a scare - two pulse oximiter machines measured his oxygen level at 73 and they were about to intubate him but later discovered that the machines were wrong thank GOODNESS. 

Oh yeah, one  more thing - I went to the hospital myself a few days ago because of pain that I thought was an ectopic pregnancy. Turned out that for some reason my right ovary is HUGE and they don't know why. But I did have a chemical pregnancy. Joy. They think that my IUD is also causing me pain so I am probably going to remove it.

Anyway, thanks for listening. Nothing on FB please, I really haven't told anyone about my diagnosis, or the pregnancy, or my ovary, this is very personal. But I love you guys and thought you would understand :)

Hugs to all. Promise I'll be on more now! Now that I am not drowning! :)

Re: Sorry, guys, it's been a rough holiday season for me

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    Oh my goodness, that is a TON to deal with!  I'm so sorry to hear about your chemical, on top of everything else.  Hope the kids feel better soon, and that the meds work well for you. 
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
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    I am so sorry you have had such a rough holiday.  I hope the new year brings many blessings your way and some relief from the anxiety!!!  (((HUGS)))
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    WOW.  Im so so sorry sweetie.  I don't really know what to say but just give a good ol internet (((hug))). You are a strong woman and having a dx for you is such a blessing as bad as is it is hear it REALLY is.  I pray that the new meds work quickly for you and your bf isn't messed up by any of this.  Hang in there, you will be in my prayers!

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

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    I'm sorry to hear the last few weeks have been so rough. Try to take a few deep breaths, and I hope that the new year brings you peace.
    TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer. 3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book. IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    So sorry that things have been so difficult for you! You definitely deserve a happy, healthy, and stress-free 2011!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Wow, you have been dealing with so so much.  But, I think it's wonderful that you are taking actions to be healthier and happier!  I wish you that and so much more in the coming year!
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    wow. that's a lot to deal with. i'm so sorry about your c/p.

    i have some friends with bipolar disorder and i know that once you get on medications that work for you (which can take some trial and error) it is VERY well controlled by medication. i am sure once you find the right medicines for you you will feel a million times better. good for you for seeking help and figuring out what the problem is.

    many hugs. let us know what we can do to support you. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I am so very, very sorry that you have had such a rough holiday :(   I am really sorry about the chemical (((HUGS)))   I hope and pray that you and your family begin to feel better.  Please let us know if you need anything!!
    It took over four years to be diagnosed with PCOS. We TTC #1 for 18 months, did 5 rounds of Clomid and finally moved onto IVF...which worked! Throughout our IF journey, we suffered 3 miscarriages. We conceived both DD and DS without treatment.
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    Oh my...I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this.  Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.  Hoping things turn around quickly.  (((HUGS)))
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Oh my gosh, that's so much to deal with all at once. I'm so sorry. I hope that 2011 is a much much better year for you.


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    I'm sorry to hear that you have had a rough couple of weeks.  Glad your vacation was good, though.  I hope the New Year brings you more peace and things get better.  Glad you are back!   (Hugs)
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    I've been wondering how you were. I'm sorry to hear that Dh wasn't able to spend much time over the holidays. Glad you were still able to make the best of it. Sending hugs your way and hoping you continue to do well and feel better. Scary about DS, though. That makes me nervous that a malfunctioning machine almost caused an intubation! Glad they caught the problem in time. I'm sorry about your loss, too--it's hard even when it happens early. ((hugs))
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    (((hugs))) You are dealing with so much - oh my goodness! I am so glad things sound like they are improving! Can't wait to hear more from you!
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    Aw honey - I hope things are bright and sunny in 2011.  Hang in there mama!! 

    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

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    I'm sorry you're dealing with so much.  I hope things turn around for you in the new year.   ((HUGS))

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    oh sweetie, I'm sorry for all the tough stuff!!! I hope that things start to feel better for you real soon, and I'm glad you can still bf.
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    I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I will say one thing however re. your bipolar diagnosis. The term used for what you "have" is not nearly as important as how you are treated, and that you get appropriate treatment. Get the help you need and as soon as you can.

    Anxiety is not something to mess with. Make sure you have a strong support system around you, and keep DH up to speed. This sucks for you, but you will get through it. Do not get hung up on that word: Bipolar. It is just a word. What you do to help is what matters. 

    Hang in there! There are more of us suffering with anxiety ect than you know!

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    whoa, that's a lot for anyone to take in... my thoughts are with you. I might even squeeze in a lil' hug or two, as well ;-)
    Join us - Commit Random Acts of Kindness, and say "I did it for Cricket" Cricket's Cadence
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    Hugs - I hope 2011 is all uphill.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Oh sweetie!! That's a crazy tough month!! Huge hugs to you! I'm so sorry for everything! I hope that everything is heading in the right direction!!
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    Oh honey...that sounds rough.

    Take care of yourself...we're here when you get ready. 



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    Oh wow... that does sound rough.

    Take care of yourself, and I hope things turn around in the new year!



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    Oh my goodness - that is a TON to deal with!!  I am glad you are getting new meds and remember -a diagnosis is a label, not a person.  A diagnosis will just help determine the right meds so you can feel like yourself again.

    I'm so sorry about the CP too.  Ugh, insult to injury.  

    Here is hoping to a MUCH improved 2011!!

    ETA: For what it's worth, bipolar seems to be the diagnosis du jour. I feel like a LOT of people have the diagnosis but are not manic/depressive in the same way that we typically have viewed BPD.  Once you start talking about it, I guarantee a ton of folks will come out of the woodwork with the same diagnosis. You're not crazy - your biochemistry is off and this is how to fix it. (((hugs)))

    I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
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    I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time.  I hope you get some relief soon.  You'll be in my thoughts.  Hugs to you.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    TTC since March '06
    MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
    3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
    IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
    IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
    My IF Blog: Between the Lines
    My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama
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    Wow, that is so much to deal with in a short amount of time.  I am so sorry you have been having such a rough time, I hope your new meds start helping soon and your anxiety becomes better controlled.  I hope your 2011 runs much smoother than the last few months have gone for you!

    Daycare is SO exhausting!
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    Urgh, that is a ton to deal with.  I hope 2011 is better for you.
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    Wow...that's a lot for anyone to take in.  And to have it all happen right around the holidays has to make it more difficult.  I'm glad you went to the doctors and have a diagnosis, even if it means you do have to stop b/f.  Hopefully the meds will help and 2011 will be a better year.

    ((HUGS)) to you, and know that we're all here for you for anything you need. 

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    I am so sorry everything has been so rough for you lately.  I hope the new year brings some relief for you. 

    Huge (((HUGS)))

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    oh my gosh Kelly, I am so sorry! I don't even know where to begin, I am sorry for all of it!

    Being a residents wife SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!!  There is no way around it. It SUCKS and then some. And having 2 kids while doing it AND being away from family, even worse (I know I am and have been in the same boat).

    I am so sorry about your dx but hopefully getting on the right medication will help you feel more rounded in life.  

    I wish we lived close! We could hang out while our husbands are gone a million hours a week. 

    Thanks for opening up and sharing with us.  Praying your life can settle down some.

    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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