
Looking for support...especially need some advice from EPers

I have been EBF since day 1.  It's been very difficult due to LO's reflux, but I have stayed with it b/c I know that's what's best for my baby. His nursing sessions (when good) are 40 min. average.  When he isn't having a good day, it's a battle to get him to nurse, and often times I'm in the chair for over an hour just trying to get him to calm down to eat.  While I am at home, this isn't an issue.  However, when I have places to go, etc. I can't give him all that time, so I usually end up pumping and just giving him a bottle of BM.  I feel that things are going to continue this way with him, and I will be going back to school FT and working PT.  I plan to continue to BF as long as possible up to a year, but I'm wondering how my supply will be affected if I am soley pumping during the day and only nursing LO in the evening...or if he doesn't nurse well in the evenings and I give him a bottle is it going to drastically affect my supply?  I am feeling very conflicted b/c I don't want to give up BFing, yet I also am emotionally drained from having to wonder every day if it's going to go well and when it doesn't, feeling like a failure.  I know it's not my fault, but it's hard to remind yourself of that when LO refuses to eat at the breast but then takes a bottle just fine or seems happy when you stop trying to nurse him.  I know eventually I will stop BFing, but I was trying to avoid having to give LO formula if at all possible.  Is it possible to do what I am thinking of, or will it be too difficult?  I'm looking for some experienced opinions...thanks ladies!!!

Re: Looking for support...especially need some advice from EPers

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    i'm not an ep-er, but i did ebf for 18 months and am still nursing my 22-month dd a few times a day.  the 40-minute nursing sessions were typically for her as well during the first few months, but i didn't have all of the other complications that you are facing.  it sounds like you are committed to doing the right thing for your ds, and that you are doing a great job!

    as for pumping during the day and bfing at night, i do have experience there since i returned to work when dd was 3 months old and pumped 3x a day.  while i did notice that my supply was a little higher on mondays after dd had been nursing all weekend and that it was slightly diminished on fridays, it wasn't all that significant.  i really don't expect that you will have a problem with supply as long as you pump frequently enough.

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    I am EPing and I suppose I would be considered to have an "oversupply".  I am able to pump 8oz+ 8x per day and DS eats 3-4oz 8x per day.  I like the fact that my supply is above his needs because it allows me to build a freezer supply for when I return to work.

    I would not think that pumping during the day would affect your supply as long as you keep up your pumping and not miss any sessions.  I had a similar experience trying to BF.  I finally told myself that this is very stressfull for me and DS and it just isn't worth it.  I feel like I am able to bond better with him during feeding time giving him BM in a bottle because it eliminates all the stress and frustration on both sides.  It was just important to me that he get BM and not so much BF.

    Sorry you are having a difficult time.  I do not have any experience with baby reflux.  Is there anything that his pedi can give him to help the situation? 

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    He is on meds right now, which have helped significantly, but I suspect he is also teething right now, and I know that can be part of the issue when babies refuse the breast.  I am committed to doing the best I can.  Thanks so much for the input... I have a decent freezer stash as well...probably enough to last a couple of weeks or more.  Hopefully things continue to get better and this will be successful.
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    I am soooo sorry for you and really feel your pain.  I tried BF for about 6 weeks and even though I had been pumping the whole time, ended up becoming and EP.  Now there are pros and cons to this but I was determined to give my baby BM.  I made enough milk to keep up and had to make extra because I was going to be out of town without her for a week.  But beyond that I didn't make a lot of extra... at first.  I started with an Ameda and for numerous reasons ended up using a Hygeia.  That pump saved my life.  I went from pumping 45-50oz a day and when I quit pumping 120oz a day.  Now it was a pain in my booty.  I felt like I was always attached to a pump.  I had oversupply issues and was in constant pain.  I think this is just my case and not typical to most.  I mean I went from a DD to an I while pregnant then nursing.  So anyways I am off topic.  I was able to get a schedule down that worked perfect.  I pumped 5xs a day and stored any extra.  I was able to quit pumping at 6mths because I thought I had enough to take me to a year.  We are now 10 1/2 months old and almost out of milk :o(  and now that I actually have done the cost of formula I wish I could go back.

    Pumping is alot of work and a huge committment.  But you can do it.  I mean I would be pumping and driving.  I know that isn't the safest but sometimes you have to do stuff :o)  I would say try it.  THe parts that sucks is spending so much time pumping, then still giving a bottle, and then washing pumping parts and bottles.  But I can say 10 1/2 months in the worst she has ever had is an eye infection, never so much as a cold, cough, or any sickness.  I truly believe in BM and would do it all over again.

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    Thank you for your input....I take it day by day....starting this morning, I am adding a pumping session after he nurses in a.m., as he usually doesn't eat much anyway.  I hope to keep up my supply and with the decent freezer stash I have, I should be able to make it at least to 8 months, hopefully a year.  Kudos to you for doing the best you can for your LO! :)
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