D.C. Area Babies


How is the prevacid working?  I hope you are noticing a difference - it seems to really be helping Ben.

Sending you good thoughts!

Re: Artslvr

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    I'm feeling really discouraged today.  Sad

    This is day five of the Prevacid and DS actually seems worse.  I don't know if it's the Prevacid not working or the fact that we're back on my breast milk.  I took DD #1 in today for a follow up ear infection ear check, had DS with me... I ask the pedi during her appt. if it takes a while for the Prevacid to "kick in" and he said that usually if it's going to help, it helps within a day or two.  Crap.  On the other hand, I posted on the 0-3 month board on the Bump and a girl over there said it took 10 days of Prevacid for her to see a difference in her LO... so maybe there is still hope? 

    I'll talk to the pedi we saw on Christmas Eve tomorrow (he was not in today) and ask him what the next move is.  Maybe we go back to Alimentum and that plus the Prevacid will work?  Or do we give the Prevacid/Breastmilk combo more time?  In the meantime, the pedi I saw today for DD #1 suggested if I thought there was even a small chance we may see a GI to make the appointment ASAP since it's likely there will be a long wait.  I called, and sure enough, they gave me a Feb. 4 appt.  I asked to get on their cancellation list, and they actually called back within the hour to give me an appt. for next Thursday. 

    So I'll talk to the pedi tomorrow, confirm that seeing a GI is the next step, ask about the Prevacid taking a while to kick in (of course I'm still hoping it will start to help at some point).  I totally lost it today.  DH came home from work early to find me crying my eyes out holding DS while he was screaming - he had been crying for an hour after his last bottle.

    I just want this to end!!!!!

    Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.
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    I'm so sorry.  I hope the pediatrician or the gastro find a solution.  Many times DH came home to find Ben and I crying - I know how hard that is.  Could your mom watch him for a bit to give you a break? 


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    I'm so sorry things are not going well. Have you tried eliminating dairy, that did help with DD but it can take upto 2 weeks to take effect.

    I hope things get better.

    I know I'm looking forward to 1/1/11!


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    Ugh that sucks. We tried Alimentum but it didn't work, we went to Enfamil A/R. We also introduced rice cereal, then oatmeal early (almost 3 months) which helped a little.

    I totally get the frustration. {HUGS}

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