Parenting after a Loss

s/o Christmas Trees... Gifts under the tree?

If you have a mobile LO, are you putting gifts out as they arrive at your house or are you waiting until Christmas Eve to put them out?

DD is pretty good with the tree, but I think that a bunch of shiny gifts under the tree might be too much temptation for her.

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Re: s/o Christmas Trees... Gifts under the tree?

  • I think if we had our tree where the kids could get to it we would wait til christmas eve.

    You could always put one under there and see how she does, since you say she does well with the tree.

  • Eek, haven't even thought about this!  I don't think DS would be able to resist the temptation, especially since it will be hard enough to keep him away from the tree as it is.  We will probably either put them behind the tree where he can't get them or just wait and put them all out on Christmas Eve.
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  • I'd try one or two and she how she does. DD has no interest in the Christmas tree at all.
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  • Not a problem this year but when Jake was 14 months old we left the gifts out & just redirected his attention to other things. He was more interested in ornaments
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