Nurseries and Baby Gear

Can you use more than 1 coupon at BRU?

Like at Buy Buy Baby?  I have a 20% off 1 item at BRU and have BB&B and I think a Buy Buy Baby coupon and need 2 things from there...can I use 2 coupons?

Re: Can you use more than 1 coupon at BRU?

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    I doubt they will let you use 2 coupons on the same item, but they should let you use 1 coupon on each item.  If they give you a hard time, then just have them ring them up as separate transactions.






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    One coupon per item.  Unfortunately, our BRUs do one coupon per transaction so we have to ring up separately for each coupon.

    BBB is much better about this, which makes me dislike BRU even more.

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    ok I meant 1 coupon per item, I wanted to buy 2 itmes with 2 coupons
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    Yep, you should be fine for 2 items with 2 coupons.  You also should be able to use a 20% off with a completion code discount if that is an option.  
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