High-Risk Pregnancy

Question about pre-e

In September my bp was high (140s/80) for 2 weeks, but I had no other symptoms so we just attributed it to the fact that I was rushed into the office/running late often.  The nurses were supposed to recheck it before I left, but they would forget and I thought nothing of it.  My usual pregnancy level is 120/80.

Beginning in October it went back down.  But then I started having pretty severe swelling in my feet, ankles and belly.  It's all the way up to my knees now, no matter how much I elevate them or push fluids.  And above my eyelids has been puffy for about a week, which I mentioned to them.  I was having dull headaches and seeing floaters so they did a 24 hour urine collection and it came back fine.  I also have GD and for a few days my blood was flowing really fast so they checked my liver and platelet counts and it was fine. They checked them again last friday when I was in L&D. 

I have NSTs two times a week and it's usually very hard for them to find his heartbeat due to the swelling.  He hadn't been moving as much for about 2 weeks, which I was told was normal.  But last Friday they were all freaking out and I was almost sent to the hospital because of it.  I was literally told "We'll give him 10 more minutes but if he doesn't start really moving we're going to send you to the hospital for some ultrasounds."  Then 20 minutes later he moved some so they sent me home and the doctor said "A close call but everything seems fine."  Combined with the swelling and my headaches I didn't like that answer.  My BP was above 140 on the appointment earlier in the week.  This was the first day that my eyes were puffy and I almost asked for them to check my bp but since I was just there for a NST I decided not to.  Later in the day I was convinced by my mom and other bumpies to call and try to get an explanation for the other symptoms since they weren't really offering me any.  The nurse just told me to do everything I already had been to try to reduce the swelling and said that I should check my bp to make sure that was ok.  I wasn't even going to do that.  I totally trusted the lab work that I didn't have pre-e, I just wanted to know what was going on then.  My headache had gotten worse so I decided to get my bp checked.  It was 168/87 and an hour later 156/92.  So I called and they told me to go to L&D.

While there they retested my liver and platelet count, protein dipstick for my urine.  My bp was 150 when I got there and lowered to the low 140s by the time I left.  They ruled it a migraine, which I agree with.  But I still have it!  It hasn't gone away and it's been over a week.  Again, they know this.  I see them two times a week now, no more NST test only day, they want to see me every time I'm there.  I pushed for more answers this week but they don't want to say anything since there's no proteinuria.  They just keep saying that they'll keep an eye on it.  This week my bp has been 140 or 150/100 in the office, and then after about an hour laying on my left side it will go down to 130/87 or so.  My grandmother had pre-eclampsia and has been all over me that the headaches are caused from the high bp, not the other way around (which would be the case with a migraine not related to pre-e).  So I decided to check it this morning as soon as I got up and it was 155/97 and then 148/98 5 minutes later.  I still have the awful headache. 

I have an appointment tomorrow.  But I guess my question is, is there anyway to have pre-e without proteinuria?  I have so many other symtpoms and I'm so worried about LO.  I wouldn't push to be induced if they don't want to call it pre-e, but shouldn't I be on bed rest?  I rest often, but without being told it's needed I can't justify laying in bed all day especially when nesting is kicking in pretty badly!  Another question would be:  how quickly did your pre-e present itself?  Could I be fine one day and totally not the next?  I'm just so worried about LO!  If he's really truly fine despite the other symptoms then ok, but my OBs aren't saying that and I just have a feeling that I should push harder on this.

BTW:  since last Friday LO has been moving a lot more, so I'm less worried about that issue now.

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Re: Question about pre-e

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    I want to know the same because I have all of the other symptoms of pre-e without the protine in my urine, or so I was told it looked fine. Then they told me to call back if the bottom number went of 95 as the top is always over 145 so I took my bp off and on on Friday and it was always either too low after taking my meds or too high 189/100. I called they told me strict bed rest. Today I am so sick with a severe headache which is the same one I've had for over 3 weeks it just wont go away but today it feels like I have a someone beeting around in there. I have also been real itchy, and so sick to my stomach that it is not funny. I am like you I do not know exactly what to do but I feel like Screaming!!
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    I ended up w/ pre-e w/ ds.  I had gd w/ him too.  Like you my bp slowly went up over the preg and I had some good edema going on.  At my 37 week apt I had higher bp and swelling and had occassional floaters.  I went into labor before my 38 week apt a few days later and when I got to the hospital I had the protein and got the pre-e diagnosis.

    I've got all the same stuff as you going on again (no headaches though) but no protein.  I figure one day they'll just say i have pre-e again.

    so I guess the long answer to your question is it can present VERY fast.  You're fine one day and the next day you get the protein.  I don't think they diagnose w/out the protein.

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    Yes pre-e can come on very suddenly. That is how it happened w/ my first. I had no symptoms at all. Every time I went to the dr. my bp was fine. Then at 34 weeks my bp shot up to 215/110. I had to have an emergency c-section. I don't know why at 37 weeks you dr. is messing around w/ this. Check you bp often thought out the day and rest on your left side as much as you can. But if your symptoms have gotten worse I would be pushing for more aggressive treatment.
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    I wanted to add that I have been on the phone with my OB and L&D all day. I was told I can come in but if I still didn't have protine in my urine I would just be sent home again after they treat my headache. I have an apointment tomorow so Im just going to suffer through the night and hope that she will listen tomorow. I am tired of feeling like this as well, I feel like my BP should not still be climbing since I have been on BP meds since 22 weeks. At first I did not have to take it she just perscribed the meds just in case. Since I had pancreatitis at 28 weeks though and have been suffering from severe (I mean double me over abdominal pain and not being able to eat or drink anything for days at a time) I have slowly had to go from 1xs a day to 2x's a day the meds would drop my BP so low I could not get out of bed to care for my children they still do. I have voiced my concern since low BP causes the same problems with the placental as high BP but now have to take the meds 3x's a day and am suppose to be on bed rest. I guess all I can suggest is to just hang in there but I swear some OB just don't give a crap about all of the other symptoms as a whole.
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    Pre-E can come on very quickly. I was at an appointment on a Monday (no prior high BPs etc), and then by Friday of that week I was on hospital bed rest with severe Pre-E.

     I also had minimal protien at the first 24 hour collection. But it increased steadily.

    I do think there is some merit to just getting things checked out, if you are stressed all the symptoms you are experiencing are going to be magnified for sure.

    ~Kati~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I was about to post on this board and ask about some of the symptoms I've been having. Saturday, when I woke up my face and ears were really red and my face looked a little swollen. All day that day my legs and feet were super swollen to where I could push in on my leg and the indention would remain there for a little while. At a family get together, one of my cousins acted very alarmed by this. She asked me if I  had any problems with my eyes recently and I said yes, that there had been a couple of times where my eyesight became so fuzzy I could barely read the words on my computer screen, and It actually happened again this morning while I was getting ready for work. However, everytime I go to the doctor, my blood pressure is normal and my urine is normal. I go again tomorrow, so I'll discuss it with him. I just don't want to let my cousin get in my head and the fact that a good friend of mine (who was due the same day as me) got pre-e and had her baby today, worry me. I just know this can be a very dangerous condition, so I want to make sure I don't just overlook it if I have reason not to. I know most women swell and I know that I swelled with my first pregnancy some, but I just don't know if I should be alarmed by this or not?
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    I'm sorry you're going through all of this.  I had severe early onset pre-e with my DS at 29 weeks.  It came out of the blue, no previous symptoms.  My BP on the way to the hospital was 165/120.   I delivered him at exactly 30 weeks.  I felt that something "wasn't right" because swelling got out of control over 24 hours and next day I was in the hospital getting magnesium and had him 2 days later.  I never had GD, though, so I don't know how that relates to the pre-e, if at all.  Good luck.
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    I delivered 4 weeks ago with pre-e and it also came on quite suddenly.  I had a perfect pregnancy with just a bit of swelling up until 36 weeks, then I gained 10 pounds of water in a week.  Dr. ignored it because bp fine and no proteinuria.  The next appt.  I had bp 142/90...but this time I had the proteinuria.  I kept explaining I was stressed because I was late for work, this was the deciding factor so she sent me straight to L&D.  After more monitoring of bp and urine, my platlets dropped to 50 and I was informed I had to deliver asap.  They induced me with pitocin for vaginal delivery, but because of low platelets I couldn't have epidurial.  Being on the Mags was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!  12 hours later after failure to progress I was rushed into an emergency c-section, no epidural.  Also had to have a blood transfusion right before, to bring the platelets up.

     My condition came on suddenly in one week (between 36 and 37), they doctor did nothing until there was proteinuria.  The only thing to stop the pre-e is delivery, so most dr. won't risk an early delivery unless they are absolutely sure of the pre-e.  A delivery on Mags is bad for baby and emergency c-section is bad for baby. (my baby was in the NICU for 9 days because of all this) They won't risk it, unless they know for sure.

    I am 5 weeks postpatum and I still gt stressed about pre-e.  I freak out if I have a headache or my contacts are dirty or if my heart beats fast.  I totally understand the fear.  It also sucks when you feel like your dr won't listen to you. Just remember progressing to eclampsia is very rare and the best thing is to try to keep your baby in as long as possible.  Wishing you the best!

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