Success after IF

AW: Donated 115 oz of BM to a friend

An ex-coworker of mine just adopted a baby boy and told me that she was buying breastmilk from the bank at 4.50 an oz.  She was doing some formula too, so it didn't get TOO expensive.  I knew it cost that much because a friend of mine told me that before as she used to buy for her twins (she could afford it though).  This friend of mine, we aren't close but used to work together -and she doesn't make much as I think she is working part time.  I am so happy to be able to do this for her.

I still have some left but that was most of my freezer stash.  LO is 9wks old.  If you don't remember my story...I had low supply with LO #1.  I am going to post on my blog what I did differently this time (let me know if you want that link when I post it)  I never thought I would over produce.  I could easily go from not making enough if baby has a growth spurt. 

Sorry to AW my good deed!  I am so happy to do this!

Re: AW: Donated 115 oz of BM to a friend

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