Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Late Loss/Stillbirth/Infant Loss Check-in

I am looking for someone to take over this check-in. If you are interested, please send me a PM.  Thanks!

If you would like to be added to this list or would like for it to be updated, please private message me with your information (see format in listings below).  Thanks.


1.  How long has it been since your loss? Have you passed any milestones and how did it go? (Please send me a PM if your info needs to be added or updated.)

2.  Any updates/how are you feeling? 

3.  Do you have an outlet or something that helps you deal with your grief?  Thanks, ravenorchid 

4.  Any suggestions for questions you'd like to ask the group? 

These are the groups that I've divided them into, in alphabetical order. Some losses are listed in more than one category: Cervix issues, Chromosomal disorders/trisomy, Cord issues, Downs Syndrome, Heart defects, HELLP, Infant loss, infection, Kidney issues/Potters sequence,  miscellaneous, Organ issues, placenta issues, pre-eclampsia, Spinal bifida/brain/neural tube defects, stillbirth, tripoidy, Turners Syndrome, twin loss, unknown reasons.


Cervix issues

Nest Name: Echloe
Real Name: Betsy
Angel Info: My baby girl Lydia Rose born sleeping at 21w2d due to incompetent cervix on April 26th 2009

Nest Name: SoHappy24
Angel Info: Baby boy born at 15w2d on April 18, 2009 due to an incompetent cervix.

Nest Name: reedejadestiny
Real Name: Sherica
Angel Info: Justice Damoni Lynch was born January 11, 2010 at 18 6/7 weeks, my baby girl survived 1 1/2 hours after delivery, she was 9.6 oz and 11inches long. I had her due to an incompetent cervix that I didn?t know I had because this was my first pregnancy. I was hospitalized and my bag was bulging it didn?t go back down instead it came out even more, and I was forced to be induced. My husband are dealing with it on a day by day basis, but the best thing is out of all this is that I'm somebody's mother :)

Nest Name: leneae10
Real Name: Trisha
Angel Info: Our twin boys, Jonah Harrison and Noah Daniel, were born at 17w4d and 18w2d due to IC in February 2010. An emergency cerclage was attempted to save Noah, but infection was present, so we lost both of our perfect boys.  They were each baptized at birth and we have the extra assurance that they are safe in heaven.  Our God-given faith in Christ has undoubtedly gotten us through this awful time.

SAL:  Currently pregnant


Nest Name: greenclown

Real Name: Megan

Angel Info: DD Jillian delivered at 24 weeks, 3 days on December 5, 2009 due to PPROM because of unknown incompetent cervix.  Jillian passed away 4 days later.


SAL:  Currently pregnant


Nest Name: jerriesgirl
Real Name: JoVonn
Angel Info: Jillian was born at 18 weeks on March 30, 2010 due to incompetent cervix (unknown until now since it was first pregnancy).  Since it was so early, she didn't survive, but her heartbeat was strong up until the moment she was delivered. 

SAL:  Currently pregnant, EDD 6/30/11


Nest Name:  Autumnmh1

Real name: Autumn

Angel Info:  On September 17, I went into labor and was quite dilated due to what doctors believe was an incompetent cervix. The best part of the day was that we met our baby girl Nola Sophia. She was beautiful and perfect but was only with us for a few moments as her lungs were not developed enough at 22 weeks. I still continued to hold her for 2 days until I was released, I will always treasure those hours that I had her in my arms. This was our first pregnancy and was a fairly easy pregnancy so this came as quite a surprise. I'm still in shock some days. She will always be our first born and we love and miss her more everyday. We will never forget her but hope to start trying to make her some siblings in about 6 months or so.  


Chromosome issues/Trisomy

Nest Name: JennyTom
Real Name: Jennifer
Angel info: BFP 2/13/08 - Terminated due to T21 4/24/08  Alia Jane
BFP 3/2/09  - Found out at 20 week appt there was no heartbeat.  Induced and delivered after 60 hours on 6/27/09.  Ella Patrice
BFP 9/8/09 - Chemical Pregnancy 9/14/09

Nest Name: rcote13
Real Name: Rebecca
Angel Info: our baby was lost to us on June 22, 2009.  He had holoprosencephaly due to trisomy 13.  We were 22 weeks pg and had a D&E.  We couldn't bring ourselves to name him.  Not that we didn't love him as a person, but it was too painful to remind us of all the potentials that were lost. 

Nest Name: AB&TB (formerly tinablatchford while pg with my first)
Real Name: Tina
Angel Info: Our son was confirmed missed M/C at 18w2d.  He passed due to a ringed 18th chromosome.  Chemical pregnancy 5/09.
SAL: Lincoln Christopher, born July 19, 2008. June Elizabeth, born March 17, 2010.  Currently pregnant, due April 2011.

Nest Name: matkinson08

Real Name: Michelle

Angel info:  John Matthew was born Feb 26, '09 with DiGeorge Syndrome (micro deletion of the 22 chromosome) that resulted in a severe heart defect, lung issues and immune deficiencies.  We knew about this from my big US but pushed forward and prayed for the best.  He was born healthy, but had many complications following his first heart surgery at 12 days old.  He lived a beautiful 7 months and 2 days before we made the ultimate sacrifice and turned off his life support.  He was everything I never I knew I needed.


Nest Name:  BeckyRed23

Real Name:  Becky

Angel Info:   Caroline Rebecca was born early at 29 weeks on November 16, 2009.  She was diagnosed after birth with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (Chromosome 22q13.3 deletion syndrome).  She also had 2 heart defects (suspected during US but not confirmed until after birth) which were a hole in the heart and coarctation of the aorta.  She became an angel in heaven on December 1, 2009 during a minor procedure.


Nest Name: LauraLovesJon

Real Name: Laura

Angel Info: Elijah Alexander was born on April 25, 2010 and lived for twelve hours. He had Trisomy 13 along with several physical and internal defects. He simply stopped breathing and passed away peacefully.

Nest Name: catngar77
Real Name: Catalina                                                                                                                                 

Angel Info: Interrupted pregnancy at 13 weeks after NT scan detected holoprosecephaly and cystic hygroma. CVS came back positive for Trisomy 18.  Our baby boy, RJ, was our first child.  We miss him so much.


Nest Name: jenniann87

Angel Info: Our baby was born sleeping on September 11th, 2010 at 29 weeks and 2 days old. At 20 weeks was diagnosed with having Trisomy 18. It was a shock because neither of us had any family history to throw a red flag up for that. Hopefully all the test results from the baby will come back and we will be able to have a healthy baby some day. It has been extremely hard on both me and my boyfriend but we are getting through. I am already dreading my EDD and the holidays coming up cause I am sure they will be difficult with out our baby here. We are hoping to try again as soon as possible.


Cord Issues

Nest Name: Chris'sgrl
Real Name: Michelle
Angel Info: We lost our beautiful girl Kaitlyn Rose on January 17, 2009 at 24 weeks.  The MW was unable to find a heartbeat at our appointment and 2 u/s confirmed that baby had passed away.  I was induced the following day and day after that, I gave birth to Kaitlyn.  At this point the OB believes that it was due to velamentous cord insertion.

Nest Name: sydney0928
Angel Info: Ava was born still on July 30, 2009. On July 26 we went to the hospital due to lack of movement. Her heart had already stopped beating. I was induced and labored for almost 4 days. She was born at 5 am, weighed 3 lbs 13 oz, and was 17 inches long. She was beautiful with lots of dark hair. We don't know the cause of her death, possibly a cord accident. Found out I have an Antithrombin deficiency, but doctors think it did not affect my pregnancy. 

Nest Name: Lewis514
Real Name: Mel
Angel Info: I was pregnant with twin girls. At our BPP on April 8th (36w5d), they noticed cord resistance with our Baby Chloe. We went in for an induction that night and lost baby Chloe about 8 hours into induction; her HR just disappeared off the monitor and never returned. Her body and cord did not have the reserves to tolerate labor, leading all to feel that there was an underlying issue that could not be detected.   We then had a c section and our Kira was born at 6 lbs 1 oz. Chloe was born 3 minutes later at 4 lbs 10 oz. Our true belief is that Chloe struggled and held on for as long as she could to get Kira to 37 weeks and give her the best chance possible and keep her out of the NICU.

Nest Name: shihtzumomma
Real Name: Alice
Angel Info: On February 4, 2009 we went for our 20 week u/s.  They found not heartbeat (we heard a perfect heartbeat 2 weeks before).  I was induced on February 6th and our son Dylan Thomas was born on February 7, 2009 at 10:20 pm.  I was exactly 21 weeks the day of delivery.  He passed away from a twisted umbilical cord.

Nest name:  lisamarie04

Real name:  Lisa

Angel info:  Daren born sleeping on 6/29/09 because of a cord accident at 36 weeks after a completely healthy/normal pregnancy.  I noticed that he hadn't been moving and we went to the hospital to learn that he no longer had a heartbeat.  The cord was wrapped tightly around his neck twice.

SAL:  Currently pregnant and due in Oct 2010.

Nest Name: Amjra

Real Name: Angela

Our sweet identical twin girls passed at 23w5d due to suspected cord compression - as a complication from being in the same amniotic sac - monoamniotic / monochrionic twin pregnancy.  No known cause, no cure.  Many survive, many more do not.   We where hopeful that they would be delivered at 32 weeks.


Nest Name: magdalina.h

Real Name: Maggie

Angel info:  We went to our regular appointment at 28 weeks 4 days on 2/1/10.  I was already scheduled to have an ultrasound because he was too wiggly at the big u/s. Aidan was measuring about 2 ? weeks behind. I was hooked up to a monitor after drinking the glucola. He wasn?t active enough and they weren?t impressed with his heart rate. I was wheeled to the maternity ward where a high risk ob did two more u/s. They found out that my cord had reverse flow. They gave me the first shot to help Aidan?s lungs and were going to have me stay on hospital bed rest. When they did the third u/s they saw the cord was wrapped around Aidan?s neck twice and he was showing signs of stress. I had an emergency c/s and Aidan Christopher was born at 4:44pm. The next day we found out that there was a severe bleed in his brain. Aidan fought for 8 days before the damage from the bleed caused his organs to shut down. We took him off the machines and he went to Heaven on his daddy?s birthday, 2/9/10.


SAL:  Currently pregnant


Nest Name: elbandas09

Real Name: Rachel

Angel Info: Lila Pearl was born still at 37wks. on April 29. They said that the cord was tight around her and that it was a cord accident and not preventable. It?s just a freak accident.


Nest Name: Tarheel522
Real Name: Lisa
Angel Info: On 5/22/2010, Jordan Christian was born still at 30 weeks.  There were blood clots in the placenta, the cord was attached to the side of the placenta, and the cord was also calcified.

Nest Name: tlcW0714
Real Name: Tashi
Angel Info: Keely Gale was born still at 40 weeks on 3/31/10. The pathology report showed two large blood clots and Velamentous Insertion of the Cord

Nest Name: Jertie

Real Name: Jeri

Angel Info:  Ace was born on 7/18/2010 at 11:21 AM.  He was 1 lb. 15 oz and 16 inches, had dark brown hair and was absolutely beautiful.  I was 30w 5d and went to the emergency room because I had not felt any movement since earlier that day.  The nurse couldn't find a heartbeat - which was very strange for Ace, he always had a nice strong heartbeat and loved kicking the monitors when they invaded his space.  The doctor did an ultrasound and confirmed that he had died.  After delivery the doctor examined the umbilical cord and suspected it had become twisted and cut off the blood supply.  The autopsy & a boatload of additional tests confirmed that Ace was a healthy baby and I was equally healthy - his death was called a cord accident.


Heart defects

Nest Name: twinkletoes815

Real Name: Angie

Angel Info: We lost our precious girl, Claire, after 79 days here on earth.  During pregnancy, it was discovered she had a multitude of congenital heart defects, including Double-Outlet Right Ventricle, Hypoplastic Left Ventricle, and VSD/ASD.  Later around 33wks, she was found to only have her left kidney.  She was born Sept 9, 2009 and passed Dec 8, 2009 in her mommy's arms.  She touched so many people that she never even met.  Claire will be forever missed and loved.


Nest Name: Buckets of Moonbeams
Real Name: Jennifer
Angel Info:  Max Thomas was found to have Tetralogy of Fallot in addition to Hypoplastic Ventricles caused by a complete Pulmonary Atresia on March 9, 2010.  He didn't have a chance for life outside the womb, so we terminated our beloved son at 22 weeks.  He was delivered sleeping on March 14, 2010. 


Nest Name: LittleSteph

Real Name: Angie
Angel Info: My 20 week ultrasound showed severe Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome with mitral and aortic stenosis.  I am a Pediatric Cardiac Nurse, so I know what this looks like.  Because he had such a severe case and I have a one year old at home with no family close by, I made the very difficult decision to terminate.  We called him Biscuit and his heart was stopped on July 9th, 2010 prior to a D+E.  I am struggling every day with the diagnosis and his ultimate demise.  His heart was developing normally at a 14 week growth scan. 


HELLP Syndrome

Nest Name: tryingforbabyL
Real Name: Jaclyn
Angel info:  Hope was born on July 1, 2009 at 22 weeks due to severe preeclampsia and HELLP.  By my LMP/charting I should have been about 24 weeks, but Hope measured small the entire pregnancy.  Hope survived almost 2 hours. 


Nest Name: Cruisebride1208
Real Name: Ashley
Angel Info: On 6.8.09 our little fighter Nolan Michael was born via emergency c-section at 26 weeks and 1 day due to Pre-E and HELLP. He was diagnosed with severe IUGR at 20 weeks. He was 13oz and 10.5inches. He fought for 3 days in the NICU and had to give up his fight to go to Heaven. My case has baffled Dr's and we are still waiting for answers. To read Nolan's story, visit


Infant loss

Nest Name: Babes12
Real Name: Melissa
Angel Info: Wyatt Alexander was born via emergency c/s (breech) on June 13th 2009 at 4:53am, weight 3lbs9oz and 15in.  Had abnormal blood work during the sequential screen (1/180 risk of down syndrome) no markers were found during level II u/s.  Went for level II growth u/s at 32wk and was admitted to hospital due to low amniotic fluid, only there 2 days when I went into labor.  Wyatt had many issues, a right lung that wouldn't inflate, a punctured left lung, trachia/esophogus not attached and many other little complications.  Sadly while nurses were adjusting his breathing tubes he coded and never came back.  he passed away on June 14 2009 @ 12:22am.  Cause of all his issues is still unknown, waiting for results of skin biopsy.


Nest Name: matkinson08

Real Name: Michelle

Angel info:  John Matthew was born Feb 26, '09 with DiGeorge Syndrome (micro deletion of the 22 chromosome) that resulted in a severe heart defect, lung issues and immune deficiencies.  We knew about this from my big US but pushed forward and prayed for the best.  He was born healthy, but had many complications following his first heart surgery at 12 days old.  He lived a beautiful 7 months and 2 days before we made the ultimate sacrifice and turned off his life support.  He was everything I never I knew I needed.


Nest Name: twinkletoes815

Real Name: Angie

Angel Info: We lost our precious girl, Claire, after 79 days here on earth.  During pregnancy, it was discovered she had a multitude of congenital heart defects, including Double-Outlet Right Ventricle, Hypoplastic Left Ventricle, and VSD/ASD.  Later around 33wks, she was found to only have her left kidney.  She was born Sept 9, 2009 and passed Dec 8, 2009 in her mommy's arms.  She touched so many people that she never even met.  Claire will be forever missed and loved.


Nest Name:  Liz415
Real Name:  Liz
Angel Info:  We lost our baby girl, Molly Marie, on December 29, 2009 while she was at daycare.  We are still awaiting the official autopsy results but SIDS is suspected.  She was 4 months and 24 days old.   Our wee lovebug. 

Nest name: lisa512
real name: Lisa
Angel Info: Our daughter, Cassidy was born, by induction, then C-section at about 35 weeks on May 12, 2009.  I had pre-eclampsia but only for about 1 week and no other pregnancy problems.  She stayed in the NICU for about 1 month, most significant problem was learning to suck, swallow and breathe while eating.  Drs. saw a heart murmur and we followed up with cardiologist 2 weeks later.  Cardiologist found ASD and VSD (holes in heart.)  We were preparing for her to have heart surgery when she was 6 months or a year and had the prospect of a long life.  At about 3 months of age, returned to hospital with suspected dehydration. Went into PICU, on ventilator as a precaution.  Kept having breathing trouble, pulse oxygen level would dramatically drop and then eventually get better.  Developed many infections while in the hospital. Had 4 code blue episodes.  Eventually put on another type of ventilator.  Taken off of life support and died August 26, 2009.  through autopsy it was found she had Complete Atypical DiGeorge syndrome.  Besides heart issues she was born without a thymus and could not fight any germs.  Had previously been tested for genetic disorders, but none were found.  The type of disorder she had has never shown up again in siblings or other relatives.

We are pregnant now and our C-section date is this Friday, June 4, 2010. 


Nest Name: walkerb4
Real Name: Brandi
Angel Info: Darryl III was delivered naturally at 39 weeks on August 12, 2010.  He was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Right Heart (Pulmonary Atresia w/IVS)  at 22 weeks gestation.  At his surgery (he was only 6 days old), they discovered that while the left side of his heart was fine structurally, it was overly muscular and had some calcification on it.  He passed away on September 5, 2010 from heart related complications.


Nest Name: Ragdoll72

Real Name: Jennifer

Angel info: Abigail Maeve was born December 18, 2008.  We knew she had AVSD (a heart defect) from my 20 w u/s. This was a heart defect that could be repaired and was frequently associated with Down Syndrome.  Abby did have DS.  She was healthy and doing very well.  She was getting closer to being scheduled for her heart repair (to happen around 3 months).  We had her 2 month vaccines and decided to give her a vaccine for Rotavirus.  Our goal was to keep her healthy until her surgery.  Within days she became very sick and was bleeding from her rectum.  A very long story -the ER did not respond or handle her case as it should have and she ended up in repsiratory distress before they figured out she was suffering from intussusception (telescoping of her intestines) and became septic.  We spent the next 4 months in the PICU, where Abby endured several surgeries and fought her hardest.  On July 5, 2009 we had to make the difficult decision to stop her life support and she fought as long as she could have.   In her short life (almost 7 months) we learned so much.  She touched everyone who met her and forever will be our special angel.  



Nest Name: CarrieLeigh84
Real name is Carrie
Angel Info: Our darling angel was born at 23w6d on Sept 22, 2008. I lost her due to an infection of the amniotic sac, or at least that's my Dr's best guess. Currently trying to have another, however I recently discovered that I'm not ovulating.

SAL:  Currently pregnant and due June 2010


Nest Name: goruncole
Real Name: Nicole
Angel Info: Cole, lost at 17 weeks on March 27, 2009 and Cate lost at 19 weeks, April 11, 2009 due to E. Coli infection. 

Nest Name: Cowgirl
Real Name: Lynn
Angel Info: Grace Amber born March 24, 2009 due to uterine infection, water broke at 18 wks and she was born after 10 hours of labor.  She lived for 4 1/2 short hours but will always be remembered in our hearts.
SAL: Hannah Faith born 7/26/10.

Nest Name: betizzle73:

Real name: Betsy

Angel Info: Olivia Margaret, 11/20/2009 - 11/23/2009. Went in for my 34 week appt. and my fundal measurement was the same as it had been at my 32 week appt, so my OB told me to go for a growth US. WIthin minutes, the ultrasound tech ran to get the perinatologist. She rushed me to L&D, and performed an emergency c-section. Olivia had fluid around her heart, her blood was not clotting and she had extensive bleeding in and around her brain. My OB, the neonatologist, and perinatologist are all in agreement that I/we somehow contracted a viral infection - they are not sure which kind or how it happened. They kept her alive for 3 days, and she made great progress in ALL other areas - she was almost breathing on her own! But a brain scan showed that the bleeding in her brain was becoming more severe and was to the point of EXTREME mental retardation. They told us that Livie would not have a quality of life at all, and IF she survived, she wouldn't ever know who we were and we probably wouldn't be able to care for her. We chose to remove her from her breathing tube that evening. https://www.betsykurtandolivia.blogspot.com


Nest Name: butterfly843
Real Name: Jennifer
Angel info: at 18 weeks 4days I began leaking amniotic fluid from twin a, went to the hospital where they monitored me the leaking stopped and I was going to be sent home on bed rest in a few days. At exactly 19 weeks (the day I was supposed to go home) I went into labor and they couldn't stop it. Zachary and Madison were born shortly after that on November 13th, 2009. They think my cervix opened from the weight of carrying 2 babies and I got an infection.

Nest name:  JaxMom1
Real name:  Rachel
Angel info:  Bodie James was born sleeping 12/26/07 at 27 weeks because of a CMV (cytomegalovirus) infection. In his honor we march with the March of Dimes March for Babies in May under Team Bodie. 

Nest name: Sunflower730
Real name: Amye
Angel info: I lost my twins at 23 weeks 1 & 2 days.  I believe the reason was due to infection, and caused my cervix to dilate 4cm. My daughter Avery was infected and due to the cervix opening I had to deliver the other twin Alex.

Nest Name: Nina&Matt
Real Name: Nina
Angel Info: Liliana (Lily) Born Still at 21w5d on March 27, 2010. Due to Infection and Preterm Labor
After 4 years of infertility (PCOS), we conceived our miracle baby using Gonal F injects and TI. The pregnancy had been picture perfect, with the exception of nasty respiratory issues since 14w. At 21w I felt pubic pain that came and went, the first pains were in 10 min intervals and then they were sporadic. The Ob dismissed them as severe RLP. The next night the pains were worse but not in a pattern, and let up after loose stools (TMI sorry). I called the OB in the morning, the nurse said "Drink lots of water, and relax". That night the pains were all around my stomach and pubic bone, and I called OB who said "He was sure I was ok, but if I wanted to go to L&D to make sure it would be ok with him". So I took off to the ER and when I got there I was dilated to 6, bulging membranes, and had infection. I delivered Liliana 3 days later, after trying to stop labor, and amnio to check for intrauterine infection. The placenta pathology reports showed chorioamnioitis, chorionic villitis, and villous edema. Ultimately the OB claims incompetent cervix. I disagreed, my RE and the MFM, who helped deliver my daughter, also agree that this was preterm labor. However, we can't be sure if infection was the cause of the ptl or if I developed an infection because I was in labor for 3 days. Either way the ultimate reason why my daughter could not be saved was because of the infection.

SAL:  Currently pregnant


Nest Name: ravenorchid
Real Name: Tracey
Angel Info: We lost our daughter on July 9, 2010 at 20 weeks. I had been spotting since 18 weeks, but had gone to the doctor multiple times. She had checked my cervix, the placenta, and how the baby was doing and everything was fine. Then at 20 weeks, my water broke. The doctors guess that the cause was some kind of infection, but we still don't know for sure. We were told there was a chance it would just reseal, but my vitals were taken and I had all the signs of having an infection (fever, fast pulse, the baby had a fast heartbeat). At that point, they told us there was no chance the baby would survive. We delivered her the next morning. 


Nest Name:   smileyjenn

Real Name:  Jennifer

Angel Info:  Amber Michelle wsa board on August 24, 2010.  She came at 24 weeks and 1 day. She lived for 11 days before passing due to Sepsis infection. We know I had an infection too but the doctor's aren't sure if it was from Incompetent Cervix or not. Per doctor's orders we won't be trying again for a year.


Kidney issues/Potters Sequence

Nest Name: MrsSummitCounty
Real Name: Meghan
Angel Info: At our anatomy scan, it was discovered that our baby had classic Potters sequence (also known as bilateral renal agenesis--no amniotic fluid, no kidneys, no bladder, etc). The condition isn't genetic, preventable, or treatable and totally fatal. We decided to let her go rather than die constricted in a uterus that could not expand. On Aug. 29, 2009 we had a beautiful, peaceful little girl that we named Jude.

Nest Name: CRS30
Real Name: Camie
Angel Info: My husband and I were told on Thursday 4/2/2009 that our baby most likely had autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease due to the fact that upon my 26 week appt I told the doctor I didn't have a lot of movement. She had me go for an ultrasound to be sure all was ok and I could barely see her on the screen which meant I had very little amniotic fluid. We went to see a High Risk OB in Boston the next morning and she confirmed everything. I delivered her to heaven a week later on 4/10/2009.

Nest Name: Mrs.Kristen

Real Name: Kristen
Angel Info: Was sent after my 19 week appointment for a high resolution U/S because the doctor couldn't see everything. Found out at the stage 2 U/S our baby had only 3cm of amniotic fluid and only one kidney and it was covered in cysts.  We made the decision to give birth to her at 22 weeks once we knew for sure that this was going to be fatal to her. Jo-Ann Sophia was born sleeping.



Nest Name: roxyttandme
Real Name: Elizabeth
Angel Info: We found out our daughter had amniotic band syndrome at 23w 5d and all four limbs were affected. The bands were so band - they were naturally amputating her leg(s). Instead of allowing our loved daughter to endure that suffering and pain, I had a KLC and terminated the pregnancy. I was induced the next day, had a placental abruption and bled out. The baby was born and I recovered. She passed away on Thursday, August 13th, 2009- and was born the next day.


Nest Name: krate24
Real Name: Jessica
Angel Info: Heather Ann was born January 26, 2009 at 27w2d.  She was stillborn.  Still waiting for the results of the placental pathology and autopsy.  Not sure what caused this, but I had severe IUGR, the placenta was full of blood clots, amniotic fluid was almost non-existent by the end, and there were anomalies with the blood flow in the cord/baby.  Discovered uterine septum that probably caused most, if not all, of the issues.

SAL:  Currently pregnant


Nest Name: jleedy
Angel Info: Delane was on March 10,2009.  We were able to spend 3 short hours with him before he went on to become and angel.  Doctors believe he had a rare disorder called Prune Belly Syndrome, which has no known cause and was what they called "a fluke."

Nest Name: mmcrocker
Real Name: Amanda
Angel Info: Discovered M/C of Baby Crocker at 18w1d due to Protein S Deficiency.
SAL: Taylor, April 2009.

Nest Name: ECUpirate04
Angel Info: Our daughter Megan Grace was born 6/29/2009 and lived 10 short minutes before going to take her spot as an angel in Heaven.  We are so very proud of her. Diagnosed with osteogenesis Type 2 (brittle bone disease) which is a form of skeletal dysplasia (which is a form of dwarfism.)

Nest name: mamg
Real name: MaryAnne
Angel Info: Grace, born still December 10, 2009 at 20 weeks. Her heart failed after fighting a sacrococcygeal teratoma (tumor on the tailbone). The tumor drew too much blood and her heart couldn't maintain her body. She was beautiful and much loved.
SAL: I have a daughter, Lily, born in June 2007.

Nest Name: rvandiver0905
Real Name: Rebecca
Angel Info:  Bryce Addison died less than a week before my anatomy scan on 9.17.10.  He died from the SCH getting in the way of nourishing him.  

Organ defects

Nest Name: 3ltlones
Real Name: Tracy
Angel Info:
- We lost one baby at 8 weeks July 16, 2006
- We lost our daughter, Zoe Eliana at 16 weeks 4 days.  I went in for a routine appt and found that there was no longer a heartbeat.  I had a D&E and we lost our little girl on May 19, 2009, the pathology report came back no chromosone abnormalaties, but it looked as though her organs were too small for her little body.
- BFP 8/12/09 pregnancy started out with two sacs, first u/s showed no heartbeats, second u/s showed one heartbeat and the other sac had no heartbeat, also showed a subchronic hemorrhage, 3rd u/s showed there was no longer a heartbeat in either sac, natural miscarriage at 7wks 4days 9/13/09.


Nest Name: jasonsgirl78
Real Name Amanda
I delivered my baby girl, Avery Lee Faith, at 23w4d due to lymphangioma that went from inside her mouth down to her chest, inside her chest, on top of her heart, and down and under her right lung, causing her lungs to fill with fluid and not develop adequately.


Placenta abruption/previa

Nest Name: MrsShrek1028
Angel Info: I was pg and McKenzie Lee was born still on 4/15/09 via emergency c-section at 32w6d due to uterine rupture and placental abruption. She weighed in at 4lbs9oz and was 18in long.


Nest Name: jetskreemr
Real Name: Joanna
Angel Info: Our sweet Bebe left us last Tuesday, Nov 24, at 22 weeks 5 days. She was born the next day, and we picked up her cremated remains yesterday. I had been fighting preterm labor with bedrest for the week prior, but then my water broke the night before, and she could not make it. It is still too early for a full diagnosis, but based on what happened, the doctors think it was placental abruption.


Nest Name: Emko0210

Real name: Molly

Angel Info: Lilah Eve was born still on December 2, 2009 at 8:01pm (28 weeks, 3 days). On December 1st we went to the hospital due to lack of movement. They could not find a heart beat.  I was induced and in labor for about 24 hrs.  Lilah weighed 2 lbs, 11oz and was 16 inches long.  We are still awaiting autopsy results, but they suspect there was an issue with the placenta.

Nest Name:  Allybaby85
Angel Info: My husband and I lost our first baby, Lillyan Grace.  As of now the doctors are saying it is from placenta abruption.  I was 33 weeks pregnant when I had severe abdominal pains but dismissed it to Braxton Hicks contractions because I have had bad ones in the past.  I called the doctor the next day and they sent me straight to labor and Delivery.  The couldn't find her heartbeat.  The cramps happened on thursday (6/4/2010) we went to the hospital the next day and she was delivered on Saturday (6-5-2010) at 1:07 pm. she was 17 1/2 inches and 4 pounds 8 1/2 ounces and beautiful! me and my husband miss her dearly and love her so much!. 

Nest Name: petitbelle
Real Name: Samantha
Angel Info: After a cerclage at 16 wks and 3 months of bedrest, we lost our identical twins, Noah David & Nathan Kyle at 28wks1day on September 5th 2010 due to a placental abruption. I had an emergency c-section but they didn't make it. They were absolutely perfect.


Pre-eclampsia (severe)

Nest Name: tryingforbabyL
Real Name: Jaclyn
Angel info:  Hope was born on July 1, 2009 at 22 weeks due to severe preeclampsia and HELLP.  By my LMP/charting I should have been about 24 weeks, but Hope measured amall the entire pregnancy.  Hope survived almost 2 hours. 


Nest Name: Cruisebride1208
Real Name: Ashley
Angel Info: On 6.8.09 our little fighter Nolan Michael was born via emergency c-section at 26 weeks and 1 day due to Pre-E and HELLP. He was diagnosed with severe IUGR at 20 weeks. He was 13oz and 10.5inches. He fought for 3 days in the NICU and had to give up his fight to go to Heaven. My case has baffled Dr's and we are still waiting for answers. To read Nolan's story, visit


Nest name: MommaRed83

Real Name: Amanda

Angel Info:*Nathan, Miscarriage August 23rd 1997, 18wks; *Madeline, Miscarriage July 23rd 2008, 10wks with D&C; *Alexis Louise and Izabella Lynne Still Born at 23 weeks from severe Pre-eclampcia  (sp) April 13th 2009 with D&C after; *My Little Chalupa Miscarriage August 19th 2009, guessing around 8wks. https://myangelbabies-mommared.blogspot.com/


Nest Name: a&b=him&me
Real Name: Amanda
Angel Info: Evelyn born 5/22/2010 passed away 5/25/2010. EDD 9/5/2010. After pregnancy complications, Evelyn was delivered via emergency c-section due to severe preeclampsia. She was born weighing 8.5oz at 24+6weeks. She passed away 3 days later.


Preterm Labor:

Nest Name: andrea z

Angel info: My water broke at 19.5 weeks.  After three weeks on bedrest, I went into labor at 23 weeks on September 13th 2009.  The doctors tried to stop it, but the boys were born 7 minutes apart 4 hours after my first contraction.  Jacob lived for 11 minutes before passing away.  Ethan went to the NICU and fought like crazy for 36 hours.  He passed away from a large airpocket that was putting pressure on his heart.  Here is our blog with the full story  https://zimmermannupdates.blogspot.com/2009/09/update.html


Nest Name: doranelly

Real Name: Dora 

Angel info: My water broke at 23 weeks. After four days on complete bed rest at the hospital, I went into labor at 23 weeks on September 3, 2009 and had my beautiful baby girl, Isadora. She lived an impactful 24 minutes....and has changed our worlds dramatically. I had gone in to the L&D with 1.5cm dilated and my bag was bulging; so the whole point was to keep the baby inside as long as possible. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.


Real name: Lara
Nest name: lrachelle80
Angel info: I pPROM'd at 18w5d, likely due to spotting during the entire pregnancy. They told us we had a 1-2% chance of a positive outcome. I clung to that like crazy for five days, until I went into labor and delivered our son Caleb Anthony at 19w2d. He lived for about 20 minutes and was perfect. Missing him insanely.

Spina Bifida/Neural Tube defects/Anencephaly/Brain issues

Nest Name: DebbieMC
Real Name: Debbie
Angel Info: On March 30, 2009, at my big US, we found out that our baby had many problems. The cause of the problems is Neural Tube Defect (Spina Bifida). Her spina bifida was so bad that it caused her brain to be pulled toward her spine. There would be no life for our baby girl.  Five days later we had a D&E. I was almost 21 weeks pregnant. I wish that I delivered her rather then had the D&E. I would have loved to had held her in my arms for just one minute. We did choose to have our baby girl cremated. We are still trying to decided exactly what we will do with her ashes. God Bless my baby girl Kira Elizabeth.


Nest Name: qsuziez
Real Name: Susan
Angel Info: W delivered our baby boy at 20w2d due to a neural tube defect called Anencephaly.  We found out that he wouldn't survive and were induced that weekend.  He is missed every day.
SAL: Currently PG and expecting in October 2009.


Nest Name: Candlcrazee
Real Name: Tammi
Angel Info: I lost my baby girl Lucianna on May 29, 2009 at 22weeks 6 days. We found out the week before that she had a gap in the center of the brain, that didn't connect the right and the left side. We were told she had no brain activity and wouldn't survive the pregnancy.

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We love and miss you Jillian (18w) and Peanut (6w). Welcome to our TAC miracle Jacob!

Re: Late Loss/Stillbirth/Infant Loss Check-in

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    Im Michelle.....I had a loss at 8 months gestation in January of 2005.  My little boy, Nathaniel weighed 1.5 lbs and was 19 in long. It was a cord accident and a sudden onset of pre-eclampsia and I was starting to have a stroke.  The drs told my parents that had I not gone in when I did, I was as good as dead. I was in the hospital for a week. Shortly after leaving the hospital, my first stop was the mortuary where I planned the cremation of my little one.  His ashes are on my dresser and soon to be buried. I have had wonderful support from my family.  The anniversaries are tough though. 

     I just recently miscarried at 7 weeks 2 weeks ago.  Now my husband and I are ready to try again.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers image Me - 41 DH - 28 **** Proud mom to Christopher, dob 7/15/92 **** Nathaniel dob 1/18/05 -1/18/05 (8 mos) in heaven **** bfp 8/26/10 m/c 10/14/10 at 7 wks. **** D&C 10/15/10 **** Cycles 1-4 BFN's **** Cycle #5 - 100 mg Clomid **** IUI #1 - 04/23/11 and 4/24/11 - 5/8/11 IUI #1 = BFFN BFP 10/14/11 - EDD 6/22/12** Stick little one Stick! Athena Jane 5/31/12 - 8/28/12
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