
Toddler disipline??

My babes are making me insane, I need to find an effective way to get them to behave without yelling. Im freaking out and dont know how to get them to calm down. I was hoping someone may have a suggestion for a book about positive toddler disipline. Or maybe some techniques or suggestion you may have.


Re: Toddler disipline??

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    they are 15ish mos?  Redirect and keep telling them, "please don't touch" "Please don't sit there" "please leave the dog alone".  

    IMO, you only scare them by yelling, and time out isn't understood until 2 or older.  They are very curious about things, so don't set them up for failure.  Play in a room without breakables, full of toys, plenty of safe play spaces (carpet or rug/minimal furniture), and really interact with them (get on the floor to their level. 


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    Thanks, thats usually how I do it most days. Today has been a rough one and they are really testing me. Our house is mostly baby proofed, but we're staying with my mother in law so I dont really want to totally turn her house upside down. They have recently learned to climb up on the couch and are grabbing at the phone and magazines and lamps. I know they undertsand no and what to stay away from, they just want to do it anyway.

    I guess i just need to keep doing what Im doing and be patient, Im not usually a yeller, today I've just reached the brink.

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    Get a superyard to contain them, maybe.

    They will sense your frustration and feed off it. Hope it gets easier! 

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    I found 1 2 3 magic to be very helpful for dealing with my toddler.  In the meantime baby proofing your MIL's house or the play yard might be your best option
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    loved the book Parenting with Love and Logic for under 5 years old

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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