Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

16/17 mo. old eating...

Anyone else having issues with what to feed your 16/17 month old?  She seems only to want to eat the same things over and over and doesn't like to try different things...or she tries them and they end up on the floor.
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Re: 16/17 mo. old eating...

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    Lately DS has been a little picky around supper and also prefers his carbs over everything else . I'm just going with it. It's probably just a phase.
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    Honestly I think that's a never ending phase for some toddlers once they hit that age.  DD is going to be 22 months next week and she still goes through phases where she won't eat or all she wants to eat is fruit or she throws things she normally loves on the floor etc..  It's just one of the joys of toddlerhood i think.  Unless your DD is underweight or something I wouldn't worry.
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    Oh and also you might try introducing pediasure to her diet.  On days when DD won't eat I give her a sippy full of pediasure so that she at least gets something other than water and milk. 
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    DD is a pretty picky eater... some days she'll eat ok and some days everything ends up on the floor. I try and give her 1 thing I know she'll eat (yogurt, turkey, oatmeal, bananas, cheese, bread, peaches, pasta) at each meal and add in new things or things she doesn't typically like. Sometimes she surprises us and eats a ton and sometimes everything ends up on the floor.

    I have found that sometimes giving her smaller amounts at a time works (as in 2-3 pieces of food), sometimes giving her utensils help, sometimes a bowl to bang on, and sometimes feeding her ourselves works. But it just varies... sometimes she eats 2 bites and nothing gets her to eat. Our pedi isn't worried at all, and her weight seems to be ok so I'm not concerned yet.

    I have heard that you shouldn't focus on what a toddler eats in a day but rather over a week, or even 2 weeks. And one of my friends pointed out that toddlers often eat what their body needs, and it could be that she's doing that (DD went through a huge carb phase when she was gaining more motor skills, so she may have just needed the extra energy)

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    I gave her sweet pots the other night (w/ some other stuff) and she loved them. I tried them last night and she ate a few then I mixed rice in with them and she didn't care for it. It hink it was the mixing. If I kept them seperated maybe she would of eaten it all. I always substitute dinner with yogurt & applesause if she is is not "happy" w/ my selection. Oh one thing she does love is soup minus the liquid part!! Noodles, carrots etc!!
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