D.C. Area Babies

night time puke? (TMI, grossness inside)

For the last 2 nights he has thrown up in his crib. On Tuesday morning when I got him up there was a dried up little patch of puke in one corner and somehow Warner had managed to not get any on him at all. So DH and I concluded that he must have thrown up pretty soon after we put him down for the night (which made us feel like parents of the year for not noticing...ugh).

Then this morning, I go in to wake him up and one entire end of his crib is covered in puke that is decidedly fresh. Ick! Oh, and Warner had been sound asleep with his head in it when I walked in.Nice.

Since he had thrown up the night before, we were really careful not to give him anything he'd had the day before. And at daycare he hadn't thrown up and his diapers were normal. The only out of the ordinary thing that happened at daycare yesterday was that he took a bad fall off of one of the little tricycles they have in the playground and scraped up it eyebrow and chin pretty badly. But I can't imagine that would make him throw up 12 hours+ later.

He ate a good breakfast this morning and except for when I was cleaning his tricycle accident wounds, he was very happy this morning. I put a call into our doctor's office and I'm waiting for a call back. But I just don't know what's going on...I guess I'm just venting because I'm confused and feel entirely ineffectual as a mom right now.

Has anyone dealt with anything like this?


Re: night time puke? (TMI, grossness inside)

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    No advice, but oddly the exact same thing happened to us last night.  DH put DD down to sleep and and 5 minutes later she puked all over her jammies and crib sheets.  She seemed fine, it definitely woke her up though and she did not want to go back to sleep. 

    I should have given her a bath instead of a wipe down since she still smells a little like sour milk this morning....

    One small piece of advice, I would put Warner down sleeping on his tummy or side (I know he will change positions) but don't start him on his back since that is the position he could choke in.

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    what a coincidence! what's with the puking toddlers?

    warner typically sleeps on his stomach--he starts off that way, but he moves around a LOT in his sleep. he's all over the place. and when I went in and his head was in the puke this morning it definitely gave me a start and the warnings from college about not letting a drunk friend fall asleep on his or her back were running through my head :-(

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    It is odd, isn't it.  I am chalking it up to raisins for the moment.  I gave her some for the car ride home from daycare and I think she ate too many followed by too much milk - it must have all swelled in her tummy.  I really hope it is not just something going around.  We are in for a perfect weather weekend and I want to enjoy every moment of it....  
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    I can't help with your problem, unfortunately, but there might be something going around. DD has thrown up twice in the last week (more than what I thought her little body could hold!), so we went to the doctor yesterday and were told she has a stomach bug. I asked if something is going around, and the doctor said "Something is always going around." The weird thing is that DH and I are fine, and the other little girl DD is with all day is fine.

    Anyway, I hope what's going on with Warner are isolated incidents and come to an end soon! And I know exactly what you mean about feeling ineffectual.

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    My son threw up about a week and a half ago.  He went down fine, as usual, then when I went up to bed, I heard him whimper every so slightly, so I went in and it was EVERYWHERE.  He puked one more time (just a little) while I was cleaning him up.  We were at a BBQ and he had hotdogs for the first time (cut up just fine), so I chalk it up to that.  I myself get sick when I eat pork, so I thought maybe he could just be intolerant to pork as well, but maybe it's something going around.

    I do feel terrible because I have no idea how long he was hanging out in his own vomit.  I wonder if it was fresh or if he had been in it for an hour or so.

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