Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I don't want to

take little one to daycare today. I have been taking him a little bit this week to get use to it before he is there all day on Thursday which is when I start back to work.  Today it hit me like a ton of bricks and I can't stop crying.  I tried on all my scrubs and most of them still don't fit, we have no money for me to go buy new ones to feel comfortable in and I don't want to take him to daycare.  I am perfectly happy staying here and holding him today but then I know that tomorrow will be hard on him so, I have to go put on fresh make up and take him to daycare and pray that the next three hours till my husband brings him home go by fast Sad

Re: I don't want to

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    Aww...sorry to hear that it has been hard for you. I totally get it though, I don't think I would handle it well either. Take it will get better each day.


    Come move to Ontario....where we have 1 yr of maternity leave!! 

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    Hugs!! I am dreading this too! I hope it goes by quickly for you!
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