Pre-School and Daycare

Poll: things you have learned from the bump

I just had asparagus and thought about the time we discussed "asparagus pee" and I learned that it was genetic and not all people have stinky asparagus pee. Man, this place is making us smart. What have you learned on tb?

Re: Poll: things you have learned from the bump

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    LOL I remember that!

    I should put a disclaimer on all posts that could be perceived negatively in any way, shape or form LOLLLLLLLL


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    Asparagus pee smell is not universal????  WHA???

     ***off to google***

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    Seriously I have learned that internet friends can be great friends! :)
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    Oh and Pioneer Woman you guys introduced me to her and the wonderful recipes. 
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    Honestly, I have learned SOOOO much from here.  Isn't that kinda the point?  Mostly, I have learned that all kids grow, learn, develope at their own levels and to NOT compare.  It use to drive me crazy.  I learned a lot from newborn stage to preschool.  There are always tons of great ideas/blogs/recipes floating around here.

    Annnd I, too, learned that internet friends are sometimes better than "real" friends. : )

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    Oh and Pioneer Woman you guys introduced me to her and the wonderful recipes. 

    yes!  PW! thank you!

    and you've kept me sane when on the brink of insanity. ; )  

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    The bump introduced me to PW and etsy, taught me the importance of extended rear facing, and i have learned that whatever parenting challenge you are going through, someone else-somewhere-is going through it too.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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    I remember the asparagus pee discussion, as well!

    And PW. And lots of etiquette things. And to ease up on myself a bit. And friendship. :)

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    I forgot charting!!! I learned all about charting from the bump, back in the day when botb was the only baby board!!! TCOYF was all the rage in '05!!!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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    I learned about PW, Spark People, and how to post a siggy.  (Still don't know how to post a link that's "clicky", though. :/ )
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    I forgot charting!!! I learned all about charting from the bump, back in the day when botb was the only baby board!!! TCOYF was all the rage in '05!!!
    Yes! I knew very little about that before the nest.
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    Dude, where do I even begin? What have I learned... like EVERYTHING. My kids probably wouldn't have survived had I not had my bump addiction;) Really though, I can't list it all. You guys are a wealth of knowledge to me!
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    Mostly I've gotten recommendations on stuff to buy, but also parenting advice. Off the top of my head:


    -making my own baby food and

    -CIO is not the norm (everybody in my real life does it, thought it was just what everyone did)


    -Sophie the Giraffe

    -Homedics Soundspa (baby crack machine)



    -nursery wall decals

    -picky sticky month stickers for onesies



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    how awesome internet friends can be ;)

    car seat knowledge - huge imo!

    sleep phases

    how to figure out good baby shoes when Carson started walking

    killer receipes

    birthday ideas

    you guys helped me with Carson's first stomach/puke experience.

    cleaning ideas

    seriously.......the list could go on forever!

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    agree there is so much!  Extended rear facing car seats is a biggie.  I like being able to see different perspectives on issues, but also go to my niche groups for philosophies that might not be the norm (AP, Natural Birth, EFF). 

    I restored a dresser from seeing it done on the D&R board
    I use a bucket in my shower to catch the water because of the Green Living board (and a lot of other info)

    I bought the baby crack machine, and I use it - didn't work for DD
    I bought Sophie for DD2 Embarrassed

    I've met a lot of sweet ladies and love seeing everyone's "babies" growing up!

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