January 2011 Moms

I am a terrible pregnant lady

I don't drink enough water.  I don't get enough exercise.  I eat like crap, just like I did before I got pregnant.  And I forget to take my vitamins, a lot. 

I feel awful for saying this, but I really, really dislike being pregnant.  Don't get me wrong, I am SO excited about my baby and want the best for him/her.  I just suck at actually providing said "best."  I'm trying my best to be better, I swear. 

I feel guilty for not making my body "better" for the baby, and at the same time, angry that I feel guilty about wanting my own body back.

/sigh.  Pointless vent over.

~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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Re: I am a terrible pregnant lady

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    If it makes you feel better, I'm on the same boat. I feel partially dehydrated most of the time, and eat out more than I should My dad complains that my mom only ate fruits and vegetables when she was pregnant... SO says I should ignore him because I try my best and there are women who eat/do worse. You don't drink, you don't smoke, you are not a drug addict.  You are doing the best you can. Healthy babies have been born in worse gestational conditions.
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    i feel the same way. im like i cant even eat healthy for my baby... how can i be a good mom *sob*...
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    Me too, I never ate all that great pre-pg, I have an aversion to most fruits and veggies, and I always thought that when I was preggers I would just naturally want the things that are healthy that I need to be eating. You know like nature would kick in. But so far nothing. But I always remember that there are women out there who are far worse during pregnancy than I am.
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    Just try to relax and focus on only one of your concerns at a time.  You wouldn't be able to fix all of these things at once even if you weren't pregnant.  

     I'd pick increasing your intake of prenatal vitamins and try to think about things that may help you achieve that goal.  Do you have an Iphone or a smartphone?  Can it be programmed to beep every day at the time you usually take your vitamins?  Can your husband or a reliable coworker, family member or friend be asked to remind you at X time each day to take your vitamins?

    Once you get into a routine of taking your vitamins that works for you, then you can try to tackle one of your other concerns.  I didn't eat very healthily before pregnancy, and the best thing for me was to try to find healthy food that I like (mostly fruits and things like applesauce) and then integrate them slowly into my diet.   But honestly, if you can just solve the prenatal vitamin issue I think you will feel much better and it is probably the most important. 







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    You're not terrible, and you're not the only one. I apparently still don't drink enough water even though I drink more than the 64 ounces they say... that was annoying to hear. I haven't exercised since (bum bum bum) February 2007. And yes, I remember that, because I had surgery Feb 7 of that year, and it was before my surgery that I went to the gym. I figure, if I haven't exercised before, what's the point in starting now? I'm a waitress and I walk around campus, there we go. And the eat like crap thing: all I ate today was ramen noodles and taco bell. and left over rice. sometimes I do well, sometimes I suck at eating. haha. (I don't forget my vitamins because I've been taking meds every night for like 6 years... I just changed some out for the prenatals).

    And the whole disliking being pregnant... sometimes I love it, and other times I hate it. And I hate people telling me what to do, so when people are like "oh, you should eat that" or "don't do that" or "why are you here?" ugh I'm an adult! haha.

    you're not the only one. I'm positive we'll have healthy babies and be great moms. just take those prenatals :) haha.

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    I think though that even though many of us aren't perfect, we aren't really doing anything to harm our babies

    . Sure maybe more water, exercise and a better diet are ideal, but I think that is true for anyone, pregnant or not.  

    Think of it this way; what about the ladies that have horrible m/s throughout their pregnancy? They sure aren't drinking tons of water, are eating whatever they can keep down, usually NO prenatals b/c I've heard they can make you more sick, and I guarantee they aren't hitting the gym in between getting sick.

    These women deliver perfectly healthy babies every day!  Having said that, I'm guilty of not doing several of these things and I get the guilt. Some days I want my body back too and I feel like a terrible person for thinking it.

    I agree with PP though if you are worried. Pick one thing you aren't doing and make it a goal for yourself.

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    Well, at least you just made a lot of us feel better about ourselves! :-) I'm bad about all those things too...especially exercising. I just have no motivation. 
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    thanks ladies.  I know I need to get back on track.  The eating well/exercising thing is tough for me, because I have never been able to do it while maintaining my weight (never mind gaining weight...).  I was AWESOME at weight watchers - I lost 20lbs and felt fantastic.  But when they told me I had to stop losing weight and start maintaining - I was a complete failure at that part.

    Doesn't help that EVERYONE I KNOW keeps telling me "oh, you're pregnant, you can eat whatever you want!" or "you're going to breastfeed, the weight totally MELTS right off" - not exactly motivational.

    I have body image issues and think that now that my body is really growing, I kind of hate myself and am losing the will to be healthy even though I'm gaining weight/getting bigger.

    I am literally the biggest I have ever in my life been right now.

    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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    You are not terrible, but I know the feeling. I have never been a healthy eater and that hasn't changed.  My problem is I just don't like the stuff! 

    For the prenatals, try keeping them somewhere you remember.  I was forgetting to take mine, but then I started keeping them right by my fridge.  When I wake up, I grab a glass of juice and a prenatal.

    I also understand your feelings about being pregnant. Very shortly after BFP, I told DH "I don't want to be pregnant." He looked baffled and I told him, "I want a baby, I just don't want to be pregnant."  I think for me I was mostly nervous about being healthy while pregnant. I ate terrible, barely drank water and was a smoker.  Now when someone says you shouldn't be eating this or that, my response is always, "I quit smoking!"

    I am trying though to try to do some other healthier things because I don't know how I'll get kids to eat their veggies if I don't!

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    Eh, as long as you're not getting drunk and smoking crack, you're baby is getting what it needs.  FWIW, I think the eating well and exercising is more so you'll feel your best while pregnant.  The baby will take what it needs first and leave you what's left.  If what's left is mostly Doritoes, you probably aren't going to be feeling well.  
    I give up trying to get a ticker.  I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome.  Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself.  Hmmm.  How about...

    "It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
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    I also have a natural aversion to lots of fruits and veggies. My mom says that's all she ever ate when she was pregnant with me. So now I say it turned me on fruits and veggies for life. Lol. To make you feel better, I still drink Mt. Dew, although not nearly as much as I used to. I actually hate the tastes of a lot of water b/c I grew up on wonderful-tasting spring water with no chemicals or additives in it. Now I can taste the clorine in our water at home, and also in a lot of bottled waters. So, maybe 1 bottle of water a day for me. I also forget to take my vitamins a lot too. But, it could be worse. On my first appt at my OB's office, where I got asked all the questions, one was: "Have you ever taken illegal drugs, and if so, have you stopped since becoming pregnant?" When I honestly said that I've never done drugs, the nurse said, "Well you know if you lie to us we can tell from your urine test." It ticked me off. I might be 23, but I AM married, we own a house, etc. I'm not totally irresponsible. I told the nurse that, and she said they recently had a girl go to the hospital to give birth. They gave her a drug test at the hospital and she FAILED. Then she told them she only did the drugs b/c she didnt think they were going to test her before her delivery. Now this is a good example of a bad pregnant lady.
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    I don't have any advice.

    But I can say that I feel exactly the same way. I just really am not enjoying being pregnant.

    To be honest, I'm achy, sick to my stomach, and all I want is a gallon of sweet tea and a pack of cigarettes. (Admittedly not a healthy habit, but right now I don't care... I've been really good and stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks... but now a lot of my "cravings" are for the little death sticks.)

    I forget my vitamins a lot (I mean, I couldn't remember birth control pills... which is how I got into all this WAY earlier than planned... so how can I expect to be any different now?)  Minor advice here: I started doing 2 Flinstone vitamins instead of my prenatal... since they don't make me sick like the prenatals did, I'm much better at taking them.

    BUT, I'm sure there are women out there being much more irresponsible than forgetting vitamins and not wanting to eat veggies. Like a lot of pp said, at least we're not druggies.   

    I'm sure we'll all still be awesome mothers, though, even if we're not loving every minute of being pregnant.  


    (I'm not sure if any of that even made sense... I just woke up.) 

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    Don't worry, C.  I think the ladies who follow the healthy diet religiously and exercise daily are few and far between :)
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    When I want to eat horribly bad, I remind myself "Double the nutrition, not double the calories" that way I'll have less weight to lose after the baby comes. For now, I think you should be proud of your growing body, I'm still waiting for my baby bump.
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    This was nice to read :)
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    Dont feel bad, you're not the only one! I'm awful at drinking water (I seriously maybe get 40-50oz a day lately!!) and forget my vitamins all the time. I maybe take them twice a week. Embarrassed I also never exercise, since its too hot and I cant find time. I do get some constantly running after DS and walking him up/down the stairs, but that's about it. 

    I was the complete opposite with my son-I drank 90oz of water, exercised, and always took my vitamins. I just suck at this pregnancy. I'm sure your baby will come out healthy and happy. I also think pregnancy becomes much more enjoyable when you have this baby that kicks you constantly that DH can feel and bond with. The beginning of pregnancy sucks. Heck, it all does, but I think the suckiness sucks less when you feel regular kicks and others can too. Smile 

    Eating healthier is probably the easiest thing on your list to overcome-just keep healthy food options in your house and get rid of the unhealthy stuff. Let yourself splurge to eat whatever the heck you want one day a week. If you have a sweet tooth, make stuff like chocolate pudding and snack on that during the week which is much better for you than candy or ice cream. I figure that even though I suck at remembering my vitamins, as long as I'm keeping a healthy diet it all balances out.

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    Your body takes care of the baby.  You're not really hurting the baby by doing/not doing these things.   They just make things easier on you in the long wrong.  Now if you were smoking, getting drunk, or doing drugs, yes, you would be a horrible pregnant lady.   You sound like a typical pregnant lady. 

    Being pregnant is not easy.  People who shame women who say that are people who are not currently pregnant.  They either don't know or don't remember what it's like to be pregnant.  So they can be igonred.   This goes for people who write pregnancy books.  Heidi Murkoff especially. 

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    I am literally the biggest I have ever in my life been right now.

    you and me both. granted, I'm still an "average" weight because I started off underweight, but people telling me I'm "soooo tiny!" really grates my nerves. no, I'm not, I don't fit into any of my clothes. it just makes me want to eat more and more and gain a billion pounds.

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    If it makes you feel any better, after this post I really want some doritos. Yummmm..... doritos....

    I'm the biggest I've ever been, too, and it's hard to focus on eating right and exercising when you know you aren't going to be getting any hotter any time soon! Stick out tongue

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    Ok with DS I never exercised and I ate fast food every day for lunch and huge dinners at home for dinner. I didn't take my prenatal for awhile because it made me sick and then I also forgot a lot. Don't feel bad. I really enjoyed my pregnancy because I wasn't so into what I'm eating and exercising.

    This time I'm eating healthy and at home (because of budget reason too) and the gym is just "me" time from DS and DH lol Things are different with each baby. Enjoy it and don't worry.

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    One way that I try to get more fruits and veggies is the V8 fusion drinks. An 8 ounce glass has one serving of fruit and one serving of veggies, and it tastes good so I have no problem having a glass with dinner.
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