South Florida Babies

Question about contractions

I feel like such a newbie asking this but I am really clueless. I didn't go into labor on my own with Quinn. I was induced a week late with Cervadil and Pitocin because I didn't even dialate, efface, or "soften" on my own. Never really had BH or cramping either during my pregnancy with him. The only contractions I remember where after the Pitocin kicked in and my entire body would shake. Needless to say, I got an epi so quickly that I didn't have many of them.
Fast forward to this pregnancy. As of my 37 week appt last week, I was 50% effaced and very soft (next appt is tomorrow). I've been having what I think are "real" contractions on and off but then again, I'm not sure if they are. They feel like period cramps, but worse and I have to stop whatever I am doing and wait until they finish. I feel them in my back and throughout my stomach and all of my muscles get tense. However, they are not the awful contractions that I remember from the Pitocin though and truthfully, they are more uncomfortable than painful. They were 3-5 min apart this morning for about 30 min, but then they stopped and just left me feeling nauseous and wanting to lay down. Now, I'm getting one here and there, but nothing timeable. I am praying that these are real because I don't want to be induced again this time around (long story for another post but the dr wants to induce me by Aug. 6 if baby doesn't come on his own).

Does this sound like what you all experienced with your labor? I know to go to L&D if they are 5-6 min apart for an hour but I just want to make sure what I am feeling is "the real deal" rather than just stronger BH.

Sorry this was so long! Thanks for any advice you have.


Re: Question about contractions

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    AlbahAlbah member
    Hi! I was also induced with my 1st but I did end up having some contractions for 2 days prior. What you are describing sounds like real contractions...the way you describe them coming from the back as well as the front and the fact that they are timeable is key! Unfortunately, even with this there is no way to know when delivery is near, but it sure is reassuring! The 2nd time is much quicker than the first, so if you do get those contractions for longer, I would head way to L&D - you may be dilating and don't even know it! But yay to progress, sounds like you have much more going on than I do! Good luck and keep us posted on your doctor visit! :)
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    BFP #4: 05/23/12, EDD: 01/31/12, Early MC at 5 wks

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    Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
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    Yeah, I would call your OB and head to l&d.  worse case, they send you home.  best case, you have a baby!!  I didn't know what to expect with Sarah since i was induced with Abby.  i started timing my contraction and they were 6  min apart for 45 min... off and on for about 2 hours... they didn't seem timeable.  I finally decided just to go to l&d to ease my mind and halfway there, they jumped to 3 min apart!!  2nd deliveries go MUCH quicker, so I wouldn't chance it!!  Just go!  Better to be safe and head to the hospital than have to chance it at home :-D
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    I had period like cramps for almost the whole week before I went into labor. Mine weren't timeable though so I didn't go in to L&D. I asked around and everyone told me "When you are in labor you will know" and for me that was true. The contractions were very strong and were completely timeable. It does sound like what you are feeling are real contractioins though and not BH so you might want to go in and have it checked out just in case since it is your second.
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    Yes, that sounds like real contractions, but if they are not timeable I guess you are not in labor yet.  Sounds like it is close though. How exciting!!!
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    Thanks everyone! The contractions totally stopped around mid-day but have been picking up again since about 2:30 this afternoon. Still not super consistent and ranging anywhere from 6-25 minutes apart but they are getting a little more intense than the cramps I felt this morning. Yikes! I'm not going to lie -- I'm freaking out a little. The dr told me to keep timing and to go to L&D if they get more consistent and closer together. If not, I have an appointment in the morning so we'll see what happens then.

    Thanks again for the advice :-)

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    ohhh good luck!!! i had them 3-5 minutes apart for 6 days, seriously! so def stay home until they are timeable. sucks to be in and out of the hospital with false alarms!

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    Eek! Sounds like the little guy is practicing for the real deal!  I'm sure that is right around the corner!
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    I just wanted to say good luck.  When I went in for my 39 week appointment, what I thought were bad cramps turned out to be that I was in labor. They were manageable, so I didn't even think twice about it.  Hang in there, it will be your turn soon!

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