1st Trimester

Disappearing pregnancy symptoms?

So, the reason I knew I was pregnant in the first place was mostly because of my symptoms.  SORE breasts, some motion sickness, slight cramping and no period. 

Well, still no signs of morning sickness whatsoever, my breasts are slightly sore but nothing like they were last week and zero motion sickness.  Should I be worried?  Does this mean I am losing the baby?  I would think your symptoms would only intensify but that doesn't seem to be the case for me.


Re: Disappearing pregnancy symptoms?

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    Symptoms come and go.  Don't over analyze, you will drive yourself crazy. Most woman (myself included) do not get m/s until week 6 or later.  At 5 weeks the only symptoms I had were from my IVF drugs.
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    I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Morning sickness doesn't kick in for most until after 6 weeks and some don't get it at all.  I'd say take advantage of feeling good and get the stuff done now you may not be able to do later if you do start feeling crappy!

    The only time I would worry is if you have cramping AND bleeding together.

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    Oh good to hear.

    I don't want to be one of those irritating pregnant ladies who constantly thinks something is wrong (ahem: my sister) but I know nothing about being pregnant.  Since I wasn't exactly planning this, I am way behind in research and have no clue what I am doing.

    On that note, I just finished reading what I can and cannot have for the next 9 months.  No cold lunch meats?  No brie?  I had no idea!  I'm already making a list of things Andrew has to buy me for the hospital. 

    I am also trying to determine if I can register for food instead of baby stuff because that would be awesome.  Kroger could make a lot of $$. 

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    COBB, cramping (slight) is normal early in the pregnancy correct?  Something I read earlier said it was your uterus expanding.
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    Yes, it is very normal and you  may cramp throughout your pregnancy.
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    Oh yeah, slight cramping is normal... I'm still cramping off and on.  That's why I said cramping AND bleeding is when it's time to worry/call the OB.  Don't get overwhelmed with all the don't of pregnancy... there's still lots of do's!!!
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    Butting in from 3rd tri here.  I only had mild nausea for about a 3 day stretch.  Never vomited.  Only had sore breasts for a few weeks.

    Other than that, I've been pretty much symptom-free, and my LO is perfectly healthy, and coming in a couple of weeks.

    Don't worry!  Smile

    Batman likes to watch cartoons on the weekends. Whatever.

    "I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
    "Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
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    Whew!  Great to hear PubStar.

    I think I watch too many movies and they make pregnancy look miserable.  So far, though I am SUPER early, things have been very easy so I didn't know what to think.  Thanks!

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    Whew!  Great to hear PubStar.

    I think I watch too many movies and they make pregnancy look miserable.  So far, though I am SUPER early, things have been very easy so I didn't know what to think.  Thanks!

    Enjoy it. I am at the super miserable phase and it is not fun.

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    Whew!  Great to hear PubStar.

    I think I watch too many movies and they make pregnancy look miserable.  So far, though I am SUPER early, things have been very easy so I didn't know what to think.  Thanks!

    Oh yeah. I worried about the same thing.  But every time I had an u/s, and the doctor said everything looks good, I just counted my blessings for having virtually no symptoms.

    Karma will probably come back around and kick my butt if I have another baby after this though! Stick out tongue

    Batman likes to watch cartoons on the weekends. Whatever.

    "I'll gladly take cold sores over eye herpes" -ElieFin
    "Unicorn glitter gives me UTIs." -Leila'sMommy
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    Don't be worried. My symproms come and go too. I still to this day have had zero morning sickness (some occasional yuckyness after eating) and some days my boobs feel sore others they don't.

    I have slowly learned to stop worrying about everything so much and just enjoy myself and being pregnant, you will too. Smile

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married 1/20/07
    DD Born: 2/18/11
    LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15
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    Yes, it is very normal and you  may cramp throughout your pregnancy.

    P.S. this too. I have been cramping off and on since I ovulated, I was certain AF was coming, and sometimes I still feel period like cramps, I was worried at first and even called my OB about it, she said it is 100% normal and only worry if I start to bleed. I am over the cramps now, I do my best to ignore them

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married 1/20/07
    DD Born: 2/18/11
    LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15
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    vflipovflipo member
    My morning sickness just started a few days ago. It's different for everyone
    I married a ginger.
    m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
    My boobies belong to cour10e
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    "Enjoy it. I am at the super miserable phase and it is not fun."


    Oh I am sorry to hear that.  I hope it looks up for you soon!  I was looking at your signature and I don't understand all the short hand but if I'm reading it right, it looks like you've had a rough time getting pregnant.  I am glad to see that you are well on your way.  Even if it's miserable!

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    Well my symptoms come and go also...this morning I woke up and felt great all day just a little tired but no nausea and my breast didn't hurt too bad today...I only had nausea from six weeks on with my other two kids also and it seemed to let up for me right around 12 weeks.  If you aren't feeling sick count yourself lucky!
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    I am only 4 weeks pregnant, I have not had any major symptoms yet but have noticed I am tired easier, slight cramps (mostly in evening), slight headache, slight breast tenderness.  But nothing major and all of those come and go.  It is hard to believe that I am pregnant because I basically feel normal.  So, I understand exactly how you feel!

    Oh and I have a loss of appetite most times....or am starving...LOL

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    Jumping in late here- I didn't have ANY of the more common symptoms. The only way I knew I was pregnant was because I was a bit more sleepy- not even fatigued. It freaked me out. It wasn't until I hit third trimester that I got heartburn and some mild constipation and sleep issues. Boobs never hurt, no morning sickness, nada. 

    Congrats on your pregnancy! I wouldn't worry too much.

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    I am exactly the same!  I actually got my BFP at 31/2 weeks bc I felt so sick!  Now I am 8 wks and Im slowly starting to not have all the symtoms anymore.  Im left with sore ta-tas,weird sinus/nasal isssues, and the beely button poke (SO weird!), but not much else.  I usually dont worry about it, and am very thankful Im not sick, but I can relate to the worry!  Praying for our sticky beans!!  Good luck!!Yes
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    I absolutely wouldn't worry. I was extremely lucky and never got morning sickness. And as I've gone through my pregnancy, some thing have gotten better with time, and some have come and gone.

    :) Don't worry, I'm sure there will be at least a handful of things to make you miserable from time to time. My best advice is to enjoy every minute of your pregnancy as much as possible. Some days you will be exhausted & some you will have more energy than you know what to do with. Same goes for aches and pains, but as you get closer to LO's arrival it will stop mattering altogether and you just want to see his/her face.

    I'm ready to climb the walls, too, buddy.

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