February 2011 Moms

update to my chicken pox..

i mentioned yesterday that my NP told me i have no immunity to chicken pox. i was so confused because i've had it before.  i remembered that at work they did tieters to check my immunity levels when i first started to things like hepititis, chicken pox etc.. i double checked with them and they told me that they were fine back when i was tested. 

then the nurse looks at me and says.. are you pregnant or just delivered? because guess what you can loose some of your immunity to things like chicken pox when pregnant due to increased blood and blood flow.  but i should be back to normal once the baby is born. 

and to think i laughed when H said last night maybe the baby took my immunity...

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Re: update to my chicken pox..

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    Hm...I never knew that. That you lose your immunity sometimes when you get pregnant.

    I got told a few weeks ago that I have no immunity to the measles. But, I do not thing I ever got the shot when I was a kid. 

    You H is funny! 

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