
Did your DC have issues with neosure?

I am not sure if this is the issue but i am curious to hear from other moms.  The boys have been on BM and neosure from the NICU, but it was mostly BM...well since being home my supply tanked and it was too stressful to find time to pump enough...anyway i stopped pumping this week and i am slowly going from half and half to all neosure bottles.  Well J's reflux, screaming, burping, feeding issues have occured.  Actually reflux issues seem to worsen for all the boys.  I have heard on her before that someone thought neosure was causing issues.  So what was your expereience,

when did you swtich (DC age)?
What did you switch to?
What were symptoms on neosure, how differnt after?

the boys are already on reflux meds but the night time is getting horrible and J is susposted tgo lay on his left side for most of his awake time for head repositioning and we can not even do it due to the sever reflux/gas issues this week.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: Did your DC have issues with neosure?

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    DD was on Neosure since NICU, reflux Meds at 1mth. Our worse issue was constipation. We started putting apple juice in her bottles and that helped with that. We just switched at 15mths. Also to help with reflux DD still sleeps on a crib wedge and have blocks under the head of the crib.
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    Evan puked on pretty much everything we added to BM, and that includes neocate and elecare. I think the most likely suggetions your pedi would make to try next would be alimentum or nutramagen.

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    I suspected the milk base in NeoSure was (at the very least) contributing to DD's reflux (milk aggrivates my own reflux).  She was on Zantac that didn't seem to help much.  My concerns were brushed aside in the NICU, so as soon as she came home (3wks adjusted, 3 1/2mos actual) we switched to Nutramigen.  The formula switch, a bottle change and feeding her smaller bottles more often cut down on her reflux symptoms DRAMATICALLY.  We added a Nap Nanny to her bed and her sleep also improved (we never had luck with the infant sleep positioners or simply raising one end of her mattress).
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    My DD had only BM during the NICU after about 3 days (took my milk a little while to come in) and did really well.  Unfortunately, after we got home my supply practically disappeared after about a week.  We went on the NeoSure and she's done wonderful with it.  We did try to switch to the NeoSure powder and that really upset her stomach so we had to go back to the premade NeoSure and she's still doing fine with it. 
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    jlh123jlh123 member

    when did you swtich (DC age)? After about 2 weeks of being home, they were miserable on neosure with the symptoms you just mentioned.

    What did you switch to?  Goodstart Gentle Plus

    What were symptoms on neosure, how differnt after? Exactly what you described.  I'm just so upset we didn't figure out their misery in the NICU.  Nurses and dr's kept saying it's normal behavior for preemies.  It wasn't normal at all per my pedi, the symtoms immediately went away once off that stuff.  As long as they were growing well my pedi didn't have a problem switching.

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