OMG- I think I'm the BLINDEST Person EVER! I totally didn't notice the first time- I thought we were all excited and happy b/c both kids were sitting and smiling at the same time!
At first I was like, wow her kids are looking so old! Then I started reading the congrats responses and was confused on why people were congratulating you on your kids on the couch lol.
I'm due January 27th. We were going to wait awhile to tell, but I got an u/s this morning after having some sharp pains and scant spotting over the weekend (doc was concerned about possibility of an ectopic). We saw the heartbeat and I'm way too excited not to share!
I think we may be just a tiny bit out of our minds, but we're thrilled and the timing is just right for multiple reasons. Of course DS2 quit sleeping about right when I got my BFP, so I'm even more exhausted, which seems to compound my all-day m/s and like "OMG! How am I going to do this?!" He'll be a fabulous sleeper by the time this one comes, though (right?)
1st- Congrats!!! 2nd- WOW!! Look how big your boys are getting! So adorable! 3rd- how the hell did you manage to wait and tell us and not post your "am I pg?" post? (LOL-don't take that the wrong way) How long have you know? How far along are you?
1st- Congrats!!! 2nd- WOW!! Look how big your boys are getting! So adorable! 3rd- how the hell did you manage to wait and tell us and not post your "am I pg?" post? (LOL-don't take that the wrong way) How long have you know? How far along are you?
LOL. No offense taken at all. I was a bit intense there for awhile.
I actually thought for sure I wasn't pregnant. I only took a test to rule it out before I took some muscle relaxers. (I'd taken a really hard fall and did nerve and tissue damage to my hip). I was shocked to see a line, but it was really faint so I took another test the next evening. The line was faint again, but the digital said "pregnant."
Re: My new favorite photo of my kids. PIP. :)
OMG- I think I'm the BLINDEST Person EVER! I totally didn't notice the first time- I thought we were all excited and happy b/c both kids were sitting and smiling at the same time!
YAY! Congratulations!
At first I was like, wow her kids are looking so old! Then I started reading the congrats responses and was confused on why people were congratulating you on your kids on the couch lol.
H&H 9 months to you
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Wow congrats!!!
Ummm, are there 2 little beans in that ultrasound????
And by the way... Do I see 2 sacs in that picture?
I'm due January 27th. We were going to wait awhile to tell, but I got an u/s this morning after having some sharp pains and scant spotting over the weekend (doc was concerned about possibility of an ectopic). We saw the heartbeat and I'm way too excited not to share!
I think we may be just a tiny bit out of our minds, but we're thrilled and the timing is just right for multiple reasons. Of course DS2 quit sleeping about right when I got my BFP, so I'm even more exhausted, which seems to compound my all-day m/s and like "OMG! How am I going to do this?!" He'll be a fabulous sleeper by the time this one comes, though (right?)
Thanks for all the congrats!
LOL. No offense taken at all. I was a bit intense there for awhile.
I actually thought for sure I wasn't pregnant. I only took a test to rule it out before I took some muscle relaxers. (I'd taken a really hard fall and did nerve and tissue damage to my hip). I was shocked to see a line, but it was really faint so I took another test the next evening. The line was faint again, but the digital said "pregnant."
I'm almost 7w. I've known for about 2.5w. L
Holyshit...I was SHOCKED when I saw the photo. Like Ami, I was expecting some kind of "am I, aren't I" week of posts!
CONGRATULATIONS! So excited for you! I'm totally sending pink vibes your way! Lots and lots of PINK!
I was thinking as I opened this post, "I wonder when she'll have #3?"
Well, there it is! Congrats! I am so happy and excited for you.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13