Birth Stories

Birth Story...1st time mama!

On May 26th at 5:13 pm, baby Catherine was born.  She is such a love!  I am going to tell the birthstory in bullet format, because who knows when she will wake up!

On Monday, we went to LD because I thought my water had broke, but it hadn't.  So they sent us home.  I was scheduled for an induction on Thursday.

The next day, I was having contractions about 20 minutes apart from abour 12pm through the afternoon.  They were on and off.  I also had 4 bowel movements in the morning. 

After dinner the contractions started getting closer together. anywhere from 6-9 minutes and they stronger too.  But about twice they stopped for a half an hour, so I didn't think too much about them.

As the night wore on, they got more intense and closer together, but were not all that painful.  I went to bed, and didn't sleep too much.

Then, around 12:30 in the morning.... G U S H!!!!  I was lying down and without a doubt, my water HAD broke.  It was like a bucket of water coming out.

L&D told us to wait until I soaked 2 pads (I already had soaked 1). We left the house at 2:00, because the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and they were getting intense. 

The car ride was miserable.  DH ran a red light too!  The car ride was just like the movies.

Admitted immediately to L&D.  They verified that my water had broke and pretty much all my "birth preferences" went out the window.  And I didn't even care!

The first check I was at a 4, 100% effaced.  Then 2 hours later at a 7! It was so quick. 

I turned down an epidural twice and was able to breathe through the contractions.

Then, the contractions started peaking and staying there.  They lasted anywhere from 2-4 minutes.  NO JOKE.  It was awful.  I had wanted to go without and epidural, but there came a time when it just wasn't going to be possible.

I had stayed at 7 cm for 2 hours with no progress.

I had the epidural, which was not as scary or as big a deal as I thought it would be.  It was sooo awesome, and I will never have another baby without one.  I don't know how my mother did it twice.  I have a new found respect for her, like I never had before.

I told the anethesiologist that I LOVED him.

I went from a 7 to a 9 in 20 minutes.

We waited until the baby moved down more and then I felt the urge to push. 

I pushed for a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes.  Around the hour an a half mark, I thought I wasn't going to make it.  (the epidural was turned off) 

But then, my body, took over and I couldn't even control the pushing.  I started pushing more productively.

The doctor came in and started stretching me out and within 7 minutes and 3 contractions later, she was born.

The feeling of her coming out of my was absolutely INCREDIBLE!  It was the most amazing experience.  Words are useless. 

She weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz.  20.25 in long.  BIG hands and feet!  She had a cone head, but it is gone now.  Absolutely perfect!

I needed about 3 or 4 stiches (doctor said it was just over a 1st degree tear.).  I can't even tell you where they are.  They don't hurt, and it doesn't hurt to pee or other things.

I can't believe how quickly your body bounces back!  It is truly a miracle and I feel really blessed.

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