Northern California Babies

Diaper frustrations/help needed

So O is a little man- weighing 6 pounds even right now.  He's got long, skinny legs, too.  DH and I plan on cloth diapering, but the prefolds and covers we have are for babies 8-13 pounds.  He's got a way to go to fit into them, so in the meantime we were using disposables that a friend gave us.  The Huggies newborns leak, badly.  And the Pampers we bought break apart inside, exposing and speading little gel "pebbles"ALL over him when he pees a lot, which he does often.  Any suggestions?  And recommendations?  We are at a loss here, dealing with either massive leaks or creepy Pampers.  TIA!
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Re: Diaper frustrations/help needed

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    Buy pro-wrap Classic covers in the newborn size and fold the prefolds down.  the pro-wrap has a umbilical notch so you can use them from the beginning and they're not expensive.
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    Which Pampers are you using? My LO is almost 3.weeks old and the hospital used huggies and he leaked through constantly. We have been using the Pampers swaddlers sensitive in the newborn size and have only had 2 leaks. One was after he slept for almost 4 hrs and the other was when he had some bad tummy problems and someone (SO) didn't put it on tight enough.
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    I found that the 7th Generation newborn size diapers ran small- too small for my lil guy but maybe they'd work for you?
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    I found that the 7th Generation newborn size diapers ran small- too small for my lil guy but maybe they'd work for you?

    We had/have a small baby, also six pounds, skinny legs and the 7th gen are great. I love them, they don't leak, they hold a lot of liquid and they don't have any of those little beady things in them.  

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