Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

6 month pics :)

I can't believe my baby is 6 months old next week! eek!

you would never know it from these sneak peak images, but we spent 1.5 hrs w/her on Sunday and all she did was cry!! so we rescheduled for Tues and spent another 2 hrs w/her...the first 15 min or so she was good but the rest of the time she was fussy and crying!! i felt like the first session was a complete failure and the second one was only slightly better...but i can say i am pretty happy w/these and I'm anxious to see the rest :)

this is us trying to get her to smile but she refused LOL



this is the 2nd session and we finally got a half smile from her :)



and this is her looking at me like "mommy, can we just go home now? I don't like taking pictures." look at those big brown eyes!



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